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RE: Syria? Anybody? Crickets? Really???

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Yup. Looks like we are on the same page with our perception of reality :)
I am currently looking a bit into history itself, megalithic structures, out of place artifacts and evidence which does not fit the official narrative. More and more I have the impression, that the same game we observe right now has been played for centuries. Nothing adds up, nothing makes sense. Too many lies and too much effort to cover them up. This cannot be a chain of coincidences anymore.
The main problem I think is that we overlook the fact that we have deliberately been indoctrinated and kept dumb and in the dark for centuries. We think we are clever and educated, but we are not. As a matter of fact, we already can observe how much our intelligence has declined in the last 100 years, just by looking at textbooks from the 1900's. Now add the fluoridation, all the toxins in our food, the disinformation, indoctrination and informational overload to the mix and it becomes obvious to me that we are not so smart as we would like to believe.
And if you look at things like a "Peace" Nobel price we are well advised to take the opposite as more likely to be the truth. Still, what counts is that the vast majority of people gobbles all this crap up and it does not look like this will change any time soon. We live in a warped, insane, post fact reality...


I have the impression, that the same game we observe right now has been played for centuries.

Exactly! I have also looked into some of the megalithic structures. Everything points to civilization being much older than we have been led to believe. Why is this hidden? However, we are at the point where this information can't be contained any longer. (We must be due for a war!)

You might think I'm an optimist but things have been improving for awhile, and they certainly aren't all happening at once. I used to discuss this with a friend and I remember saying, in August 2013, it was clear that change for the better had begun.

Now most people would dispute this, and certainly if you believe the MSM, it's crazy talk!

Maybe I'm just an old negative fart, but I do not see any reason for optimism. Observing what is happening to the MAJORITY of the people, not the handful conspiracy theorists (who also disagree about everything) it certainly does not look as if society as a whole is getting any smarter. The opposite is the case. Plus we are getting poisoned and dumbed down even more at an incredible speed. it's a race to the bottom.
One theory I am considering right now comes from Brendon O'Connell. He is a bit hard to watch, but he makes the point that ALL governments are in it together and will keep us distracted and off balance through constant fear mongering and sable rattling until the real threat - AI- is ready to take over. He certainly has a point. Looking at technology already available (not the one they might have and we just don't know) and what official plans reveal everything actually points into this direction. They might fight a few wars for profit and to cull the flock to a more manageable size, but the majority they will kill through the toxins they expose us to every day. A slow and unnoticeable decrease in useless eaters.
Once 5G is in place, there will be no escape. All jobs will be done by robots, decisions being made by computers. We are going to be gender-less drones connected to the hive mind living in Smart cities like pets. All the social engineering right now regarding "gender" points in this direction as well as Agenda 2030 and so many other "weird" shit going on right now. Dr. Richard Day also points into this direction. A Brave New World seems to be closer than we think...

Yes, the globalist NWO countries are in on it together. Yes, there is still sabre rattling but did you notice it's not working like it used to? You need to see how the world is improving outside of your own country. Overall, it is the safest it has ever been, believe it or not. I said, "overall." AI will take on the characteristics of the people that program it.

Well, my point is that maybe it IS working like it is supposed to. Look at Nikki Haley. There is no way in hell that she is really that stupid to believe any of the shit she is saying. It is amateur theater at the dumbest level. Problem is, that they are not so dumb as they would make us think. They just need to keep us distracted long enough and they get away with all this crap because the majority falls for it anyway.
Israel has backdoors to EVERY computer worldwide, there is so much evidence available for mind-bending technology already rolling out. If you look into this subject just a bit it becomes a nightmare. All this IS happening. Pre-crime, Social Credit System etc. already rolling out. Also I just came across an article where Israel now starts the legalization of crypto. IMHO this was the plan all along. AI learns and improves and gets way smarter than any human. Lots of evidence for that as well. And meanwhile we are creating the foundation and training and feeding AI on platforms like steemit as well. Even stooges like Elon Musk warn about the dangers. Actually, all of them do. Probably just to mess with us a bit, because there is no way to stop it. If you disagree, just look how hard it already is for some people to disallow their children a "gender transition" or to not have them vaccinated. We are being sprayed for a decade already and it does not look like humanity will be able to do something about it any time soon. So if we are powerless against obvious threats and injustices, how can we possibly defend ourselves from a threat we are oblivious about?

Bombard's body language would say that Haley is in "portrayal." Yes, I am aware of the backdoors, and do you know what that means? Before we can fix something, first we must be aware of it. Surely you have noticed that there is a group of white hats fighting back? And regarding AI, Quinn Michaels might be hard for you to follow but he's an AI expert also fighting back.

Well, truth is that all I have is speculations. I don't know. I know that I don't know. I know I have been fluoridated, indoctrinated and misinformed for the biggest part of my life. You would not believe how much crap I firmly believed just a few years ago. 2 years ago I would have laughed you out the door if you had mentioned chemtrails. Now I see things differently. But I am also aware that I might say the same thing in two years from now again. Maybe I am completely wrong about everything. Just because I have a pretty negative and hopeless perspective does not mean that I am on a mission to convince anyone else. Maybe you are right. If you are right, we will have certainly a better future than if I was right. So, I'd rather live in your projected reality than in mine. Only time will tell :)

So the bright side is that you're inquisitive and continuing to grow. And you recognize when Nikki Haley is lying! Those are three great attributes to help you figure things out, and there are many others doing the same and communicating with each other. They're putting the puzzle pieces together. I think we have come a long way in a short time. Imagine when the MSM starts telling the truth - and they have to because they can't compete with the independent press. They have been so biased that everyone is tuning them out. I think we are going to see big changes in politics first.