The truth will set you free.

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Really? What does that mean?

I don't think I have found the truth yet, just some unsettling facts, but in my experience all I got from looking for the truth is anger and grief.

Is this what is supposed to "set me free"? Toothless rage???

Knowing what the fuck is going on and knowing that there is nothing I can do about it other than ranting on a meaningless little platform in a tiny corner of the internet?

Unless of course, the truth - which I have not found yet- is that

Our government is well meaning does not lie intentionally

Democracy is real and works

9/11 was done by Osama and his 40 goat herders

Chemtrails are Contrails

Fluoride is good for the teeth

Our education system works

Vaccinations are good for you

The chemicals in our food are harmless

5G and microwaves are harmless

Wars are fought to bring democracy and justice to foreign lands

I am afraid that the line "The Truth will set you free" is nothing but a sinister joke.

I think the correct term should be:

The truth will leave you pretty angry and helpless...

Or as Jack Nicholson said: "You can't handle the truth"

Unless, of course, the truth is that either Q Anon or Jesus or both are coming to save us soon and everything we experience now is nothing but a test and all we need to do is to wait and pray. Right.


Nods in understanding. In my thirties I had a need to know everything. Who this God was everyone claimed to have a personal relationship with. Who was really in control of money, oil, passage of laws detrimental to the nation. I spent the better part of a decade researching, reading well more than 1000 pages a week.

The end result: a sickness in my heart that gave birth to a cynicism that will be with me to my dying breathe. I commented on another thread posted today about truth. I am through trying to convince others of the truth, unless they are open to listening. Most are not, insisting their program is the truth, sometimes violently. Fuck them, they can rot in the hell their program leads them through, my life is to short to waste on those who could give a shit.

And many truths will never be known. This I have made peace with. There is no one riding in to save the day, so people better stop wasting time like immortals and learn to appreciate every damn day they have the appearance they are free. Because my intuition says those days of illusion are drawing to a close.

I hear you, brother, loud and clear. Exactly my perspective. I have made it my mission to just enjoy every moment as much as I can. But as you said, it looks like these days are drawing to a close. At the same rate as my health and mental abilities are declining the source of pleasures disappear and the madness around me increases. The only "good" I can take from this is that is is easier to finish a life you hate than one that you enjoy. Guess I am lucky. Had a good life, a lot of fun, no regrets and it looks like I am not going to miss out on too much when I finally kick the bucket :)

There is humor in this. Love it. And Q is a distraction in my mind. Its funny I say its the vatican controlling the world. Q daid to follow the Cardinals and follow the money. Ive been following the money for 5 years and the bank is the Rothschild and Adolfo Nicolas is their leader.

Thanks buddy! I'm afraid we will never know what the hell is really going on :)

Only in Death right

The more I find out, the more I wish I had stayed ignorant!

Yes. The deeper you dig, the more filth is to be found. And at the bottom seems to be pedophilia, cannibalism and satanism. It keeps getting worse and worse. You can't unlearn this shit or ignore it once you are aware of it. I sometimes envy the oblivious folks who still live a happy life. They will never see it coming...

I remind myself that it's getting worse and worse the more I know, but it's actually been really bad for a long, long time, longer than my entire life. I think the public is getting a soft disclosure now while those of us who dig a difficult one. I read just a description of the Hillary video and thought I would vomit, still sickened.

Absolutely agree. But regarding the tape...I believe it when I see it. I cannot imagine, that even if it actually exists, it will ever be seen publicly. This would go too deep and be too dangerous for the cabal. They sacrifice stooges like Weinstein, Killary is too high up the ladder and knows too much. They might kill her or convict her of something small and meaningless, but never expose things like that. So, don't burden yourself with that. Just considering that any of this is true is absolute horror. The stuff we know is already more than enough...

They will never release it to the public, that I'm sure of. They have many other things to get her on anyway, and it will be in a military tribunal because the courts can't be trusted at this time.

Was there ever a time courts could be trusted? So sorry, my upvotes are absolutely worthless right now and only cost me power with no benefit to you. Please CONSIDER YOURSELF UPVOTED :)

Yeah, but when it finally hits them (and I believe it will) their safe little worlds will be destroyed. I once wrote a post about why I write- to exorcise my own demons and protect myself from theirs. The more I can expose the stronger it makes me.

even the morons of society should have figured out by now that q is a larp.. a really successful larp, but a larp just the same...

as for jesus.. according to biblical prophecy damascus has to fall and world war three has to be in high gear before jesus makes an appearance....

as for the truth...

the human race doesn't have truth - they have the lie.

I might be wrong, but I rather think that Q AND Damascus are a Mossad operation.
But I agree with you on the lie...

q is a larp only ... a real op would use comms properly to give the illusion of something real of which q doesn't.. also the information being broadcast is laughable and almost child like.

as for the syria thing... yah.. mossad is in there too but america was first... remember they started isis.

Some say QAnon is US Military Intelligence some say it's CIA or Mossad in the end I don't care as long as it awakens more people and helps to fight the deep state and his satanic freaks.


Pretty good summary of the biggest lies being spewed - and unfortunately believed by so many. Good job on the article.

Here's the post I mentioned I'd share with ya:

Thanks! Good post and useful for people who want to survive...

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