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RE: Light on Conspiracies - Don't Fall For The Hoaxes and False Flags with Ole Dammegard

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Hello @jeffberwick,

It is with great interest that I read your article and listened to the video you posted of your interview with Ole Dammegard. And while I appreciate the way in which you have sought to ventillate the issues, my problem is, (like many others who try to disseminate this sort of information) how do we reach the unconverted and the cynical? For me it is draining and somewhat off putting trying to convince people about what is going on. I know you have done it before, but my question is, how do we tell people really what is going on.


They have to want to know it themselves. You can try to interest them with some info, but they have to look into it themselves. At least the people who's opinion is worth anything. Some buy into everything or only into things of a certain kind of religion. They might believe what someone says but they'll believe something else they're told tomorrow.

I don't think it is up to us to convince people: just share the truth with as many people as possible. it's like sowing seeds, some will take, others will wither. It is only draining if you are emotionally involved in the people changing. Many years ago I shared with a friend about fiat currency being worthless and explained about gold and silver, she didn't believe me at the time but recently told me I had been right. Plant the seeds, my friend, then let it go. Truth has a way of coming out in the end. Your contribution in holding the light of truth is very valuable in these dark times.

This is the conundrum! most folks are just not ready to hear the truth. It is much easier to remain blissfully ignorant. The deeper your understanding and the further down the rabbit hole you venture changes our own perspective and makes it even harder to expose a new person to the truths of the world. What you or I would consider common knowledge is still an extreme revelation to those who have not been exposed to these truths. New folks need to be given "baby food" first, and slowly brought up to speed. You simply can not tell someone new that 911 was orchestrated by and for the combined oligarchs as a pretext for regime change in the middle east. They will instantly think, (as the have been programmed to react) with, uh oh, we have a tin foil hat person here. But on the bright side, once a person has been shared information they can wrap their heads around and feel as though the wool has been pulled over their eyes, it has been my past experience, that they become more receptive to the information and a desire for a deeper understanding. Once exposed and believed it becomes quite difficult to unlearn this information.
Best wishes and never pass up an opportunity to disseminate

I agree with you ...throwing out little bread crumbs a little at a time helps ... however some will never look a thing facts and do their own research no matter how gently you present it to them

You know something well, and saved info, on a device for quick share, blurt it out to strangers in front of them as a fact, and if they respond knowingly or natively you open up with the facts of the case and let the stranger agree or look like a fool and your friend will see them as weak foolish and your knowledge sound and maybe open their eyes to types of programing going on.

Like have you heard of the new plasma spark systems for drag racing? Their based on the inventor of the traffic light. In 1934 he came up with a way for a brand new Cadillac to run on water not gas. He had a bunch of reporters in gas cars full of gas cans follow him a round the lake outside of Dallas TX. His kid would run down to the lake with a bucket when he needed fuel twice as often as the gas cars did. Printed in the paper the next day was their witness testimony. That night Prescott Bush got family to buy the paper, and put in a retraction the next day calling it a hoax, that he put a green pill in each time he fill up his tank and each pill was 10,000 gallons of gas dehydrated. The bigger the lie the more fools spew it.

My approach is to empower people to improve their health. Then they are less susceptible to lies and more interested in truth, naturally. I like to start at the foundations. This is the healing program I recommend