Light on Conspiracies - Don't Fall For The Hoaxes and False Flags with Ole Dammegard

in #conspiracy8 years ago

We live in a world with so much misinformation, lies and propaganda that it has most people in a state of confusion about nearly everything. And it is all on purpose so that humanity does not wake up to see its own chains and to stop fighting with each other and go after the people who have them enslaved.

We live in an interesting time in that a lot of people still watch television programming... and it is called programming for a reason. It is literally mind control. Brainwashing. And many people still believe what they see on CNN, Fox, NBC and other mainstream programs is real.

Meanwhile, those who have turned off their television are no longer receiving the programming. And, thanks to the internet, they can actually get information that you will never see on Tell-Lie-Vision.

And both of these groups of people are alive today and constantly fighting online. The TV watchers call the non-TV watchers insane conspiracy theorists. And the non-TV watchers call the TV watchers brainwashed slaves.

The problem is that TV watchers don't know they are brainwashed. They actually think they are getting real information from their governments and mainstream media.

And the CIA even came up with the term "conspiracy theory" after many Americans realized what they were told about JFK's murder couldn't possibly be true. And they try to make the term, "conspiracy theorist" a completely derogatory term for this reason. They even have managed to convince brainwashed people that by calling someone a "truther" you have just insulted them.

That's why the work of someone like Ole Dammegard, of "Light on Conspiracies" is so important. He tracks and digs into factual information exposing all the lies.

In this interview I talk with Ole about false flags, hoaxes like the most recent one in Charlottesville.

If you are TV watcher this will either seem completely insane or you won't even be able to compute the information. But, hopefully, for at least a few, it can snap them out of their hypnotic trance and awaken to what is really going on in the world around them.

You can see it here:

We get into exposing many false flags and hoaxes... and also get into WHY they are doing them. The motive... the most important part of any crime.

Please share this video so we can wake up more people so they are not so easily led into supporting the very people who are orchestrating these massive crimes against humanity.

There are 3 pages

We will never know for certain: what is the real truth and what is the real propaganda: unfortunately...

I so agree...Propaganda from all sides is rampant...Too often it's for sake of sensationalism and entertainment...People would not be able to handle much of what is truth...What good would it do them to know anyway?
Keeping focus on what God puts in your court to do something about creates the change you want in your life. At the end of the day, people have very little power over anything more. All of the street fighting, etc. is all moot when it's said and done.

Always do your own due diligence before you invest. Most of these people wants to make money too. They will give you all the promises but no assurances anyway.

Thank you.Follow me @Yehey

@yehey What does this video on conspiracy theories have to do with investing? Looks like a cookie cutter comment to me?

This title implies nothing about investing. "Light on Conspiracies - Don't Fall For The Hoaxes and False Flags with Ole Dammegard". There is a possibility you might have read it wrong or it was put in a wrong search category.

You are quite right. I was responding to a comment above by yehey not to your article. Edited my previous comment apologies for the confusion!

Since I have stopped watching/reading news things become clearer.

Aint that the truth! News is purely manipulative. I don't own a tv haha.

Me too. It is actually really easy to see who watches the news. They just seem a little off to me. Lol

There is a remedy: Start watching interviews like the above one on this page here!

One thing is certain I will never trust in government in this era. Governments are now almost if not all infiltrated and are serving the same people for the same agenda. The fact that we have made it this far means there may be many people trying to stop events that would have us in WW3 since 2016 impeding the agenda but it may not hold for much longer. The solution to knowing what is real is removing the incentives to lie and deceive. Eliminate the profits in deceiving people and tell me who will waste their time advertising something they don't care if others will buy or not. You can apply this to any crime and watch the probabilities of them happening fall to virtually nothing. We will never achieve a true civilization until we have eliminated the need for money and government. What matters is what we do and the example we lead

The propaganda tends to be much weaker though. Purely he said she said stuff and everyone just believes it.

ISIS are "proven" to exist by a video of some dudes in the back of a pickup truck in a desert lol. That's pretty weak as far as proof goes.

They attempt to strengthen such weak proof with a staged bombing or two and next thing you know, people pull some serious mental gymnastics attributing said bombings to the pickup truck actors. :P

"The first casualty of war is truth".

If someone can plug me into crisis acting, I'll know.

Srsly, hook me up.

I hear George Soros has some openings. $15 per hour, free banners provided ;-)

Hi ,
Thanks for the great content

which is funny in anti-conspiracy theory, example :
the government laughs at saying that the conspiracy theory does not exist but
a scandal breaks out in the government, it is a conspiracy,it is a conspiracy,

Jeff, if we upvote this post, do you share some of the rewards with your interviewed guests? Because that would be nice, thanks!

Thank God for the internet which is an alternate source of informatiob

UN agenda 21, stack'um and pack'um. "Re-wilding," herding the populations into cities with cheep, multi family dwellings, and micro apartments that you see popping up in every city.

How to tell if your city council is on the take with UN money and agenda 21.

  1. You will see parking spaces at shopping centers removed, for no economic, or practical reason.

  2. A sudden beautification project in your downtown that replaces parking with benches, flower planters, cement curbs blocking previous parking. Sure it will look very pretty, but now people coming from outside the city have no place to park.

  3. Bike paths and bike lanes are always the first signs that your city is about to have all this implemented.

  4. Rotary / roundabouts / scissor interchanges and scissor road patterns under bridges. Concrete barricades for no other reason than to create a choke point, with cameras on every angle. These impede traffic flow creating choke-points and deterring the trucking of supplies into cities.

  5. Guard cable or wire rope safety barrier (WRSB). These are not meant to prevent accidents, they are meant to steer traffic, leaving no exit. Just look at the many cable barrier fail videos. Also, ask any motorcyclist what they think about these human cheese slicers.

  6. As our fellow steemian, @skypilot has shown us, in his amazing aerial videos and awareness blog. He states that, 47% of the US is unpopulated and 90% of Canada.

One should ask themselves, are they creating more space for wildlife? Or are they creating a human zoo?

Agenda 21 is all around. People who have removed the wool over their eyes can see it. Darkness can't hide in the light!!

My city has been doing all these things. I've seen the video with David Icle talking about this. These early warnings signs are super useful. Do you know where I can read up on the signs.

Yes, the book I mentioned by Rosa Koire, "Behind the green mask UN Agenda 21."

This will sound very speculative for most people and is too objective. Except for number 4 which makes a little more sense but even if this were all true the question doesn't do much at all, most people wouldn't know what to do even if they are "trying to create a human zoo" and probably they will just enter fear or paranoia or something. Without a provided solution this will only disempower most people or do nothing for them

First, one must know what the problem is, and how to identify it, before they can formulate a solution. Pulling the covers over our heads has never worked.

We must start with holding our city council accountable. Education on this issue is key, have you entered any of the key words into a search? It's very easy to find.

Here are a few keywords and names you can search, if you are so inclined.
Agenda 21
Rosa Koire
Smart Cities
Public/Private partnerships
federal money/sustainable grants
International Council For Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)
Common Core Curriculum
Local Governments for Sustainability
Traffic calming
Vehicle Mileage Traveled Tax
"Behind the green mask UN Agenda 21" This is a book title written by Rosa Koire

Very well said @jeffberwick. Thanks to the internet you will not misinform on what happen in the world. Watching only on the TV news you will be watch only what they want. Thanks for sharing

@jeffberwick why you no speak of lightcoin

Yep its all mental when I was a child I was taught

Henry the eighth had nine wives so was my other half ...and found many other people saying the same thing.

I was also taught that we went to the moon ... we know they faked it and still continue to lol

I was also taught that the earth was round ... from what ive found and logic it cant be round ... can it??? Thats a whole new debate.

Apparently they flew planes into the twin towers .. even that was a lie.

Plus all these I would say new but its been going on for years false flags and fake terror attacks .

Ive taken the stance of

Dont watch tv except solar movies lol
Stay away from all main stream news
Live for myself and my family and if the world is gona end then theres sod all I can do about it .

Peace lol

Good inf. thanks for sharing

We live in a world with so much misinformation, lies and propaganda that it has most people in a state of confusion about nearly everything.

I wrote this post with you in mind.

I like the changes I have seen since learning of you in reference to the gulch.
No longer do you blow cigarette smoke in the faces of obvious non-smokers.
If you can quit smoking on the streets you are a will power god and deserve kudos.

However you persist in your ignorance of 'Anarchism'.
I hope you read that post and take it's facts to heart, though ignoring it will judge your character just as reliably.

I'm looking forward to what you do in light of you new data.

Hello @jeffberwick,

It is with great interest that I read your article and listened to the video you posted of your interview with Ole Dammegard. And while I appreciate the way in which you have sought to ventillate the issues, my problem is, (like many others who try to disseminate this sort of information) how do we reach the unconverted and the cynical? For me it is draining and somewhat off putting trying to convince people about what is going on. I know you have done it before, but my question is, how do we tell people really what is going on.

They have to want to know it themselves. You can try to interest them with some info, but they have to look into it themselves. At least the people who's opinion is worth anything. Some buy into everything or only into things of a certain kind of religion. They might believe what someone says but they'll believe something else they're told tomorrow.

I don't think it is up to us to convince people: just share the truth with as many people as possible. it's like sowing seeds, some will take, others will wither. It is only draining if you are emotionally involved in the people changing. Many years ago I shared with a friend about fiat currency being worthless and explained about gold and silver, she didn't believe me at the time but recently told me I had been right. Plant the seeds, my friend, then let it go. Truth has a way of coming out in the end. Your contribution in holding the light of truth is very valuable in these dark times.

This is the conundrum! most folks are just not ready to hear the truth. It is much easier to remain blissfully ignorant. The deeper your understanding and the further down the rabbit hole you venture changes our own perspective and makes it even harder to expose a new person to the truths of the world. What you or I would consider common knowledge is still an extreme revelation to those who have not been exposed to these truths. New folks need to be given "baby food" first, and slowly brought up to speed. You simply can not tell someone new that 911 was orchestrated by and for the combined oligarchs as a pretext for regime change in the middle east. They will instantly think, (as the have been programmed to react) with, uh oh, we have a tin foil hat person here. But on the bright side, once a person has been shared information they can wrap their heads around and feel as though the wool has been pulled over their eyes, it has been my past experience, that they become more receptive to the information and a desire for a deeper understanding. Once exposed and believed it becomes quite difficult to unlearn this information.
Best wishes and never pass up an opportunity to disseminate

I agree with you ...throwing out little bread crumbs a little at a time helps ... however some will never look a thing facts and do their own research no matter how gently you present it to them

You know something well, and saved info, on a device for quick share, blurt it out to strangers in front of them as a fact, and if they respond knowingly or natively you open up with the facts of the case and let the stranger agree or look like a fool and your friend will see them as weak foolish and your knowledge sound and maybe open their eyes to types of programing going on.

Like have you heard of the new plasma spark systems for drag racing? Their based on the inventor of the traffic light. In 1934 he came up with a way for a brand new Cadillac to run on water not gas. He had a bunch of reporters in gas cars full of gas cans follow him a round the lake outside of Dallas TX. His kid would run down to the lake with a bucket when he needed fuel twice as often as the gas cars did. Printed in the paper the next day was their witness testimony. That night Prescott Bush got family to buy the paper, and put in a retraction the next day calling it a hoax, that he put a green pill in each time he fill up his tank and each pill was 10,000 gallons of gas dehydrated. The bigger the lie the more fools spew it.

My approach is to empower people to improve their health. Then they are less susceptible to lies and more interested in truth, naturally. I like to start at the foundations. This is the healing program I recommend

Saw this on YouTube. Wonderful.

also watch Dtube

I'm glad that you promote Ole's work. He's the best researcher on this topic out there. Thanks.

Have you ever heard of Tavistock Institute? Conspiracy says that they created a formula for governments to brainwash their citizens, using entertainment and TV as a big factor... Learn a little more about how this might play into all of our lives, many things are scripted in this World.

I have heard of them in connection with other groups such as Esalen and other new age communities, they are dangerous people.

I beleive that the zeitgeist and anonymous are actually the government giving us this information about how they enslave us. They know that there will always be people who do and dont believe this information and ultimately it doesnt matter because they deal the cards. They're giving us this information because they want civil unrest and an economic collapse, leading to a global economic collapse through the petrodollar so that people will accept their one world goverment. And you never know, bitcoin might just be the one world currency. So HOLD!

I have to tell you, Jeff, that it's not the name calling and derision from the purveyors of propaganda that bothers me; it's the insult to my intelligence that these people expect me to believe everything they say without any critical examination. Getting marginalized from pleasant society because one wants to think for themselves is the first sign of a collapsing society. Thanks for the post!

During time, i developed a ''conspiracy instinct''

Thanks for sharing Jeff. Always good content.

I totally agree,
A few years ago our TV broke down and my father didn't by one, instead he bought a laptop.
After that we started exploring things and some were questionable for us.
You know we were going from the TV vision to Internet vision. it felt like going to a place that was covered by walls.

Good move on your father's part.

Good post my bro, i like it, because lol wkwkkwk, and i funny, thank you

Now that was interesting! I think I'll take my shoes off and wave my feet in the air...

Good post
I would say that just as 'TV watchers' are brainwashed and don't even know it, the same applies to people who just can't do without their smartphone's with in their reach at, all times - ouch!

Leave it at home, it can be done.

No, they aren't brainwashed, they are sort of addicted. They are either addicted to the constant stream of entertainment/information or social stuff. I get easily hooked on the entertainment and information, so much so I think it would be better for me to live without any computers or smart phones.

I don't have a smart phone anymore - I have my laptop - I use it, I shut it down - and guess what, - life ! doesn't stop, it gets better! - honestly. It is like breaking an addiction.

In a world of lies, you're trying to warn people and thats pretty amazing
Keep it up!!@jeffberwick absolutely amazing stuff, a real great perspective

Great post! There's a lot of history that has been eaten by the record keepers that Americans in particular would do well to understand... the propaganda here is far from new. We get told about dirty reporting and"mudslingers" in school (at least I was) but the history is largely glossed over. I feel the story of Andrew Jackson's Kitchen Cabinet is one they are trying to erase due to clear parallels to the media of today. Only by looking up each member would one realize they were not only outspoken and powerful racists but also the chief editors of the major papers of the day....Couple that with his "gag rules" and burning of abolitionist newsletters and this fact would seem important enough for the history books, yet...

Oh and.....

I believed two phases we need. In TV, there also Journalism that is pure and genuine. In our country Philippines report today, we have ABS-CBN TV stations which exposes all corruptions of present government example the P6.40B shabo which was passed as green light in Bureau of Customs but later on Chinese Government called the Authority of our country and catch the container loaded by high grade shabu. Now, It is investigated by the Senate which in question why the Shabu in Container was not catch while in Bureau of Customs. It's said that Bureau of Customs and brokers were influenced by the present President's son who paid millions thru President's Son Emissary. So on this report this is genuine. But right now in our country we have seen in Social Media almost reports are fakes example only Social Media Report that Ex President of our Country was involved in Car Crush Accident but the truth is not. So this is the viased and false report which our legislative body right now are formulating the law to capture those who published false report. But in my opinion we are in the world of decentralized crypto currencies both televisions and internet are needed and we need to upscale the market of this decentralized or blockchain technology where P2P control not the government. The beauty of blockchain or crypto currencies especially advertise by Anarchast was not control by the government or single corporation but everybody participated controlled it and win or profited it because crypto now is popular and trading is hitting $170B capital in coinmarketcap and trading exchange is around $6B to $7B daily transactions which are excited and everbody are participating without restrictions and this is the beauty of our age of dispensation on businesses and investments. I believed 5 years from now millions of people on this planet earth becomes Multi-Millionaires and I believed and pray I'm the one too hahaha.

LOVE the work and research both Of you do's to keep WAKING em up!

Feed the government! Or was I looking for a different f word?
Spread the word, save the world!Truth revealed decades ago on popular tv show:!/v/ragetester/6xicf9st

indeed we are indirectly a person who is just like a doll. they simply set us up like we are just one of the characters in the game of the game vidio.
we can not do anything, because we are only poor and weak when compared with those who are very powerful in some aspects of life on this earth

My humble opinion,
Ok @jeffberwick, I have one big problem here. I am very sure lots of things are orchestrated and are false flags. But the problem is here, what is and what is not... It would be foolish to classify anything we see that we don't like under a CIA psyop or a Mossad move... There are higher powers at work, and I think we all here now that they can do very nasty things. The best way to do things according to me, is do "social investigation", as seen on @corbettreport. When we all join forces and put our intel together it is my understanding that very fast the truth can come out. The worst thing we can do is starting to speculate without investigation... @pele23

Ole Dammegard thoroughly investigates this stuff. Pattern recognition and the non existence of CCTV recordings....

Great guest, now I found a new rabbit hole to get lost in. (hopefully not too long) I think most people are too scared, tried, exhausted, preoccupied, and are too lost in learned helplessness to investigate or even look into this stuff. They may have even completely lost their emotions or instincts to make up their own opinions. The fact is the emperor has no clothes on and they will have to wake up soon or else it's going to be a bumby road for them. Thank you Jeff for all the work you have done and continue to do. There's a lot of ambiguity when you get down to the details of this stuff but once you see one of these you have seen them all. It doesn't take much to see how full of shit the mainstream news is. The mainstream news will always lie, so will the government, so trust in yourself not the government.

There are good reasons not to belive that the term "conspiracy theory" was coined by the CIA. So, that whas that credibility out the window.

The term was originally neutral, but considering the bat shit crazy things some people belive, it's no wonder it has come to mean "crazy theory by weird folks".

Nice work and research both of you!

Maybe this the wrong crowd for this observation but whatever - all this talk about the news 'making' us think this or that implies we are all just passive recipients. Rather than taking a stance of - its the news, I mean the government wouldn't LIE to us....right??! - or - all news is BS avoid it all. Why not try taking responsibility? Seek a broad variety of views - especially those you find uncomfortable or even repellent - and then do your own research and make up your own mind based on the available information THEN continue to bear in mind that your conclusions may still not be synonymous with Truth (whatever that means).

I guess that does take more effort than 'all news is lies mmkay' though

Good work with an good content.

It was really unfair media that indirectly dominated our minds

Thank you author of the topic

your post is very nice, full pack of knowledge and very attractive :-)

I just found out that everyone that has a ssn has a secret bank account with the federal researve banks! This is just more proof that they are up to no good and always have been.

Good post.I resteem this post.I hope your post will be in hot list.Best of luck.

Thanks for sharing. Really great mind blowing info in this interview!!

It's not so hard to understand the motives, because the psyche of all people is the same. Nobody is guilty - this is something that I often write about in my posts. We started trouble together, and only together can we fix it.

Herzlichen Dank für diesen sehr informativen Beitrag

it goes back a long time. take Woodrow Wilson who turned over our sovereignty to the Federal Reserve, which most people do not realize is a private corporation who prints money and loans it out for huge profits! take the medical/pharma cartel who outlawed marijuana, rife, many cures for cancer and forced polio vaccines on people polluted with a cancer virus. they are evil personified trying to get satanic power by robbing innocents of their purity. I can go on and on about this worldwide corruption. some say the aliens are running the world, some say there are good aliens and bad aliens. I don't get TV up here in the mountains because the leaves block the satellite transmission. I don't think I need it. one more thing about the is difficult to buy the alt coins and why is this so?

Always thought we'd be in a better place with an unbiased news network. Now I'm very doubtful something like that could exist. Sad fact is, unless you know great indie journalists the MSM has the best access to reporters at the time being.


Mind Conditioning, use in old age wars too

Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following categories:Congratulations @jeffberwick!

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Got a big ole TV in my living room, hasn't been on in months. When I first saw your post I thought you were trashing someone I respected. Glad I read on, and thank you for these words. It may be tiring, but they can't be said enough.

thanks for making this

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