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RE: Light on Conspiracies - Don't Fall For The Hoaxes and False Flags with Ole Dammegard

in #conspiracy8 years ago

Always do your own due diligence before you invest. Most of these people wants to make money too. They will give you all the promises but no assurances anyway.

Thank you.Follow me @Yehey


@yehey What does this video on conspiracy theories have to do with investing? Looks like a cookie cutter comment to me?

This title implies nothing about investing. "Light on Conspiracies - Don't Fall For The Hoaxes and False Flags with Ole Dammegard". There is a possibility you might have read it wrong or it was put in a wrong search category.

You are quite right. I was responding to a comment above by yehey not to your article. Edited my previous comment apologies for the confusion!