Which Conspiracy Theories Do You Believe In?

in #conspiracy7 years ago

There's a billion nowadays, and so many are unfortunately worth considering, because we know there's no line these fuckers seem unable to cross. I don't watch conspiracy theory videos anymore, and instead observe the world and invent my own ones - which seem far crazier than any I ever read about elsewhere or watched on the tube.

I'm curious though. I know there is a ton of conspiracy theorists on here, but I don't know who believes what. I'm hoping that this post can help us find out what conspiracy theories are most popular, and perhaps worth a second look.

To help us accomplish this, just write any conspiracy theories that you genuinely believe to be true in the comments. If someone else has already wrote one that you believe in, simply upvote that instead to save the comments section from getting disorderly.

If you have a lot of conspiracy theorist followers then consider resteeming this to provide more data to the experiment.

I am going to start off by leaving one of mine in the comments; one that I don't think too many will agree with; but the point of this is to find out who believes in what, so hopefully I am proven wrong.


I’ve always believed the is a bit of truth behind most of them, cheers mike

Why do they call many scientific theories "laws" when the deeper you look into them the more you find they do not explain reality?

And why do they call observable facts "conspiracy theories" when the deeper you look into them the more you are certain it was a conspiracy?

Have you ever wondered if there is a conspiracy by dictionary writers to switch words on everyone without their knowing?

I have indeed wondered that very same thing, but I prefer to believe that we go out of our way to use the words other than we were told to because the rebellious part of all of us knows on a subconscious level that modern language is hurting us, and our connection to one another.

I found out something rather interesting recently. You may have heard this before, but if not I suspect you will find it interesting also. Ancient languages such as sankskrit tended not to have any nouns. There was no word for objects, people, or animals. But only words to describe how a noun would act. For example; a human might be denoted using a symbol that means "one who perseveres" or "one who thinks," while a tree might be depicted using a symbol that means "one which grows when watered" or "one with hidden feet."

I am paraphrasing, but the point is that in such a language, things - and people - are labelled based on what they do, or what qualities they have. Whereas in all modern languages, the labels are just labels, and the actions of the person tend to emanate from the label, rather than the other way around.

This had me wondering whether narcissism is in fact merely a side-effect of using language that places nouns above the properties of nouns, and people above what people do. I wish I had the patience to create my own language from scratch, for I most certainly would just to see in what ways I find myself liberated.

Languages really effect how we see the world.

Here in the west Qi is a superstitious belief in some airy-fairy force that no one can see.
In the east, Qi is the basis of life. And many practice its ways i.e. Qi Gong.

And this is mostly because we do not have a word for Qi in our language.

earth is not a ball, God exists, the bible is all true, evolution is a total lie, everything is backwards and everything you see on the telescreen is to manipulate and control you.
just off the top of my head.

I would agree with all but the first; but you're still having an upvote for the video. Where was it shot? Seems like I've been there.

outside the bbc in manchester/ salford quays.

thanks bro.

I haven't been there after all.

Let me ask you something as if we have been friends for twenty years;

Do you think it really matters? If you were to find out tomorrow that the Earth is in fact a spherical shape, would you stop believing in God? Would you feel that society is still an acceptable model to force onto millions of developing infants? Would you all of a sudden decide that the point of life is to eat, buy and die after all?

I wanted to believe the Earth is flat. I truly did. To be a flat Earther would have been a pretty harmonious addition to my character. But, I realised it's fucked up to adopt beliefs as an accessory, and it doesn't really matter either way. The flat Earth has made it to the BBC now, and other news channels. It is tagged in graffiti all over Glasgow on cash points and road signs. So much energy is going into it, energy that could be spent elsewhere to greater effect.

When I saw you singing in that video I felt very good. Your desire to help, getting out there and singing in the street; taking a risk for what you believe; it is fucking inspiring. I am trying to do my part too, as I am witnessing so many others finding the courage to do so also. But, we all need to be together.

We can't keep continuing to sing on our own corners and argue with one another about which ways they are or aren't fucking us. We already share the agreement that we're getting fucked. So instead of you and your small community standing at one side of the road talking about flat Earth, me standing at another end talking about how blockchain is going to be the last bar in our cell, and others standing at their own separate portions telling of what they believe and we do not;

Why don't we all just agree upon one thing that we know they are doing to us, and then band together and fix it? This we can accomplish as long as we just look for that one thing we all agree on; which will definitely be there. And after we get the first bit of positive change in a fucking century, because we were together; we will know our fucking power and the rest will come naturally.

I was really just trying to ask, does it truly matter what shape the Earth is? Or should we be worrying more about what shape we're all in?

i hear you - but flat earth led me to the truth of the bible, God and salvation through being reborn in Jesus, when He returns. so on one level it matters a great deal to the many thousands who might have been 'awake' to 9-11, vaccines, chemtrails, gmo, fracking, banking fraud etc. etc. but were new age in their spiritual beliefs and therefore following the religion of the rulers even while opposing their political and economic machinations until they came across one of the biggest lies of all and started trusting their senses instead of the model programmed in their heads.

but on another level it IS very divisive, because it's such a huge mind-hurdle to get over, given the amount of ball/ outer space/ nasa/ scientism programming that goes into all of our early 'education' and belief systems.

for me, the 'official' model pushed by every major channel, the flat circle pizza with surrounding ice wall is one of the biggest problems - it's utter non sense, easily researched as unobserved impossibility, but
the response i get within the community to pointing out its flaws generally gets me laughingly labelled as some kind of shill, showing the cult-like behaviour and belief systems engendered into the flat earth, a point i will be making next weekend at the uk flat earth convention where i will be speaking.

is the pursuit of truth important? of course. should it be at the expense of our personal relationships and well-being? no, though how many in the truth movement would accept that?
can any thing be done? hard to say. perhaps the maxim 'to change the world, first change yourself' holds more true here than ever. we are all hypocrites, we can all do better, and we can make a tiny change in the world we personally inhabit, making the lives of those around us better, rather than trying to effect grand social changes when for most of us our own lives need some degree of attention and repair.

hope this didn't waffle too much. peace.

conspiracy theorist.jpg

This is one I believe too. The conspiracy on the word conspiracy. Lol.

the term conspiracy theorist predates the cia by about 30 years.

propaganda and thought control has been going on a long time.

nowadays people even use the term 'conspiracy' to mean 'fake news.'

On 31st of October (Halloween; a significant day for occult rituals) 2008, something was introduced to the world.

That something was blockchain technology, which was smuggled in through a peer-to-peer digital currency that was purportedly a safegaurd against banks and governments.

I believe that this technology, blockchain technology, or a soon to come derivative of it, is intended to be used to create a new version of the internet where each user will be as verifiable as a block. In other words, the most powerful surveillance and data-harvesting application ever implemented on Earth. Such a system has but one purpose; to oppress.

But I believe we're all too intelligent to fall for it and will find another way to evolve. Because I have to, and I hope you will start believing that to.

I wonder this too especially since I do records retention as a living.

There are very few conspiracy theories I don't believe in. I think we have been lied to about so many things. History, as it's written, leaves so much unexplained and if there is nothing hidden, why the need to indoctrinate, control and medicate us from cradle to grave?

Long time no read. I agree with what you say. Also; why do you not write a full length story? You are an excellent writer, so I'm curious why it seems you don't do much writing beyond freestyles. But of course, you may already be at it and I'm just unaware.

No, sadly I'm not at it at all. As for the pitiful length of my scribblings, many start off longer but are ruthlessly slashed in the name of brevity, a throwback to my years writing business letters I suppose.
Armed with your kind vote of confidence, I will perhaps attempt to pen something of more substance.

You shouldn't put yourself down so much. We become who we think we are; so let's think we're better. Fake it until it's real is the surprisingly insightful phrase that would sum that philosophy up, I realise.

If it is not something you desire to do.. then don't. I just wondered because you seem to be experienced at writing, and I thought it a minor possibility that you may simply be lacking in ideas, in which case I would have given you some if you had wanted. But, there's nothing wrong with short if that's your thing.

I'm trying to understand where your going with this. You say "I don't watch conspiracy theory videos anymore, and instead observe the world and invent my own ones". Do you get your info from MSM then?
And are well investigated reports that are not in line with the MSM automatically conspiracy theories..?
"If you have a lot of conspiracy theorist followers then consider resteeming this to provide more data to the experiment". Are you trying to get people to massively share this and thus earn a lot of credit?

Again, where are you going with this and why this article in combination with that picture?

Lol. Your mind is really distrustful. I might be offended if I was the type to get offended, or if my mind wasn't also very much akin to your own.

It is my lack of interest in watching alternative media's conspiracy theories over the last year that has left me wondering what the fuck do people even believe anymore. That's why I wanted to do this, but, the resteem is as much about uncovering the people I want to talk to as it is about garnering more comments- for it is within those comments I expect to find the people I want to meet.

Also- it's pretty much an impossibility for me to earn a massive amount of credit as you put it. I've pissed off too many of the people who have the power to reward my posts.

Not sure what your issue with the picture is though so I can't comment on that. I find it funny.

Don't get offended, just asking :)

OK, here's a (conspiracy) theory for you: The holocaust, shifting the blame:



Let me know what you think, i found them to be very interesting.

I was thinking more along the lines of a few words. I don't have time to watch videos right now. But, I am already familiar with the conspiracy theory revolving the holocaust, and I have written about it myself here as long as a year ago. Personally, I don't know. There's so much information on both sides. I stopped looking into it because I realised it doesn't matter at all. It's in the past, and there's plenty more important things going on right now that require our attention.

Important like Israel?

Important like me, and like you. Not a made up land enclosed within imagined lines.

I believe that 9/11 was an inside job. If we are going to be conspiracy theorists, we are just going to have to make better hats. I don't think that we are crazy but the government controlled MSM wants to make us out to be.

Thank you very much for what you say. No one is saying this way.