Constrained Writing Contest #15 + Winners of Constrained Writing Contest #14

in #constrainedwriting7 years ago (edited)

constrained writing contest.jpg

Most writing contests give you a writing prompt or at least a couple of words to work your idea around, which is why I decided to host a slightly different contest.

A constrained writing contest

Instead of being given an idea or a writing prompt, you are allowed to choose the topic completely by yourself. But, varying from week to week, You will face different challenges that limit your writing.

You will be required to omit certain words, use a specific word in every second sentence, use a given sentence unchanged, write a story with a certain amount of words... or a combination of all.

Winners of constrained writing contest #14

This week I myself was the sole judge of the contest!

There were a total of 5 amazing entries this week and picking the top 3 was a real struggle.
But, what had to be done, had to be done.
And so here they are, the winners of this week’s Constrained Writing Contest:

Judge’s note: I loved how well you developed the characters in your story and especially how real Donkey felt. Despite being a criminal, he was very easy to relate to, and he depicted the values of criminals very well. Great job! :D

Judge’s note: What can I say... I've been in love with your writing since I've joined Steem, and even after - checks calendar - 3 to 4 months you never fail to amaze me. This time with a story that uses me as a character, and some of our other friends. Don't get me wrong, this is not the reason I picked you, but is definitely something that put a smile to my face. Anyways, splendid writing, as always!

Judge’s note: I'll admit the ending fell a bit short for me, and that I think it could have been... different.
But the story as a whole was a very pleasant one to read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Especially loved the "thoughts" the person was having. And the idea itself is amazing!

Congratulations to the winners!

Honorable mentions in no particular order:

Although I very much enjoyed your story and liked where it was going, I can't help but feel it ended abruptly. I was left wanting more and without any closure whatsoever. What you wrote is an excellent intro, but hardly a story on its own.

I enjoyed the plot of your story, it highlights some problems that are very much present also in our every day lives.
But, for some reason I felt like your story needed more punctuation, or that it wasn't structured into paragpraphs properly. As one of the commenters also said; it doesn't quite read like a story, more like a poem.

Proof of payment:

With that out of the way, onto constrained writing contest #15!


This week it’s all me, again.
And here are the rules I’ve come up with for this week;

  • Write a story from the perspective of an inanimate object, but never tell us explicitly what it is

*Example: You can choose to write from the perspective of a street lamp, but never tell us explicitly it's a street lamp. Make us figure it out from what it sees, feels, ... You can describe what it looks/feels like, but don't straight out tell us. At least not in the story itself.

  • The story must be at least 250 words long
  • Upvote this post
  • Post a link to your entry in the comments below
  • Include tag #constrainedwriting among your other tags
  • Should you wish to help raise awareness of the contest, please consider resteeming this post (it is by no means compulsory)


I will pay out this post's payout in full, both SBD and STEEM!

  • 1st place: 45% of post's payout
  • 2nd place: 27% of post's payout
  • 3rd place 18 % of post's payout
  • Judge takes 5 % for his/her efforts
  • I will take 5 % for hosting, writing and editing the contest

*Note: In case I receive any donations for the contest, the payout percentages apply to the donation itself as well.


This week I am the judge of the Constrained Writing Contest and will be picking the winners based on my own preference, but try and be as objective as possible.

What's that I hear? You wish to be a judge too? Well look no further!
To apply for a judge and make up your own rules, simply send @svashta a hearty hello on

*Disclaimer: I will only allow fellow writers as judges to keep the competition high quality.


  • Entries are accepted until this post's payout
  • Your entry post must be newer than this post

Good luck!



This is my entry

Awesome writing constraint!!!! ha ha This might be interesting!!! Thanks for the prize! My trophy case is filling up fast. I am glad you liked the story. It was fun to include you into our madness. :D

Might be interesting

No, no, no, @simgirl... this WILL be interesting! :D

And rightfully so ^^ You're really putting yourself into it :D and it shows ^^

Haha :D And I thank you for it! ;D

Just found this. Very excited to join! Here's my entry

OK. I have another one. And I'm giving SBD to whoever can guess what I am! Here is my post

Congrats @simgirl!

After I finish up my online work, I'll have to read your post for this week's entry!

I'm sorry but I don't speak your language :|
Nor did you include the #constrainedwriting tag among your tags.

As I writing contest organizer I'm impressed with your rules - simple & sweet. Would give it at try. I'd like to thank @simgirl for being the reason for me to discover your series.

I'm very happy to hear you like them! :D And really looking forward to your entry, if you decide to participate! :D
Ah, yes, @simgirl.. :D She's an amazing individual :D

The contest is in my list already!

Awesome! :D :D :D Smiles from ear to ear until it hurts to hold the smile any longer

Nice phrase! What I definitely should do for my next contest is definitely make it easier and simpler, just like yours.

Checked out the Shipwreck contest you're hosting... I like it. But I feel it's too hard for a contest that's the first of its kind with no regular participants.
I think it would work better if you worked your way up from easier to harder, allow people to adjust, .... To be quite honest, it's what I'm doing here.
I want to use some really hard constraints at some point, but I feel like it's not time just yet. :3
Just my opinion :p

Thanks for taking a look!

I agree it's tough. However it's similar to the 2 creative writing challenges I did last year and seems like it appeals to more serious writers.

It's a kind of sub-niche here. This is how I discovered The Writer's Block.

I decided to give it a go with this one. This one is actually closer to my preferred genre.

My entry
This one resonated with me so I had towrite after three weeks. Thank you for the topic.

Hi! Thanks for doing this :) You organized this sooooo good, kudos! This is my entry: LINK

Wow thanks @svashta! I wasn't expecting to place this week. The next one looks fun.

Congrats on being one of the winners last week @foragingquietude! That's awesome!

Thanks @whatrokusays! I really liked your entry. I can't wait to see what you come up with this week!

It was just the ending that revealed a little too much :p the rest I liked very much :D
I hope you will participate this week also :D

My first two entries to this contest were not in line with the rules of the contest, am very happy I met someone like @svastha on steemit, he makes me see my mistakes and shows me the way out of them. My entry to the previous contest, he told me areas I needed to work on, he did the same in this contest. Dear Mother Fate has brought us together for a reason @svastha, hope she will make us meet one day
This is my latest entry

Your post has been chosen for a reesteem by our @echowhale service .

Keep up the good work

@svastha, what is the maximum post on a contest?

What do you mean, maximum posts?
Since I didn't specify in the post (and don't think its fair to edit now), you may submit as many entries as you wish this week.


If, of course, you did mean to ask that :P

Yes, I did mean it. I want to a second post for this contest

Sure thing, go ahead! ^^
I'll get around to reading the current entries later today, before I head to bed :p Hope you don't mind ^^

This is my second entry

Your challenge was added to Steemit Contest Compilation (22.01-28.01): Win free SBD and STEEM (more than 50 contests!) for current week.

Thank you @svashta for giving Steemians (especially minnows) a chance to get free SBD and STEEM.

Why thank you! ;D

Nice work @artz. I already regularly use your compilation posts as reference for all the contests on Steemit.

@svashta, thank you so much for the honorable mention here. That's so nice of you. And, I know what you mean by the story having no closure. You're absolutely right.

I'm late to the party, but I'm going to write a new entry for this week's constrained writing. I'll be back with the link when I'm done writing it. 😊

New entry ? :D Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy ! consider me interested :D

I want nic cage's jobs.

Likewise, me too!
I'll have whatever he's having!

Hello! Here is my first entry to your contests! Hope you enjoy it:
I, Inanimate
Thanks for doing this!

Coming with the last train to deliver this product of my brain:

Will check it out when I get back home :P
Though I mistakenly told you yesterday you had 20 hours left... you had 1 day and 20 hours left. :p The contest finishes on sunday (tomorrow) :p

Am I late to the party? Can I still try my hand at this? Or should I just wait for the next one?

There's 4 hours left to participate!
And even if you fail to meet the deadline and cannot "officialy participate"... If you find it could be a fun experience... Why not? ;D