Damn! sorry looks like your out of the race for IBT#3.. for now.
If you have some trophy's please visit the Item shop to purchase another life.
ELSE...Any winnings you made along the way will be calculated and paid out at post payout time. Thank you so much for playing.
Yeah brother, It was so fun, really enjoyed it :D, Couldnt go far though but thats alright for me. :)) Lets see who will be the lucky winner of IBT 3 :D
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 1.
R.I.P The Flash.
Nooooo bro...oh well hope you had some fun :)
Damn! sorry looks like your out of the race for IBT#3.. for now.
If you have some trophy's please visit the Item shop to purchase another life.
ELSE...Any winnings you made along the way will be calculated and paid out at post payout time. Thank you so much for playing.
Yeah brother, It was so fun, really enjoyed it :D, Couldnt go far though but thats alright for me. :)) Lets see who will be the lucky winner of IBT 3 :D