
My father-in-law grew up with 7 sisters.

Waoooh. Thats really big. And what a surprise!!!!!! Thanks so much for kind gift you just gave me. Thanks so much. You know what, you gave me my first SBD. I have never earned up to 1. Thanks so so much. I will always appreciate this kind gesture and try to extend it to others. From your profile, you are a computer guru. I do web design with wordpress. If there is any way i can be of assistance to you in any thing, i consider it an honor to get involved. Thanks so much again.

Are you any good at formatting documents? I'd like to make a document of the results of some of the comments. But I'm not very good at design. If you've seen the sayings contest document you will know what I mean.

i have not seen the sayings contest document. But i can do document formatting very well. Just show me a sample of it so that i will know how to do it. Sorry it took so long to reply this. Just let me see the kind of thing you want to do

Here is a link to the document I made:

And here is the contest link

I can work on it and give it to you in pdf format which is the most portable format. It can open in any device. Can you give me you email, i can send it to you

i have finished working on it. Its now a pdf document which can open on any device. You can send me your email so i can transfer it.

i have sent the document. you can check your mail to have it. Thanks