Engagement Contest #1 "Tell me something I don't know"

in #contest7 years ago

Have you ever thought it would be cool to get paid just for hanging out with your friends?

Not really doing anything, just chattin' it up with each other, and getting rewarded for it? Well hey!!! We have this AWESOME platform here that can allow us to do exactly that! "How do we do that" you might ask? Engagement! Talking to each other! Comments can be Upvoted just like actual posts here on Steemit!

Everyone wants to earn more rewards here on the platform,

but not all of us are creative enough (myself included) to come up with a valuable post that will actually earn Upvotes everyday. Or we are creative enough, but don't have the time to type up something, style it with markdown, find cool pictures and links, etc. Or we don't have any problem with either of those things, we make an awesome post, but it just doesn't get noticed by any accounts with heavy hitting votes. Getting ones name out and being noticed by people with significant votes can be really difficult, especially for the newer people on the platform. Some of the people here with higher SP numbers to vote with won't even look at posts of other users with a reputation score below (50). I don't really hold that against them. Their stake is theirs to vote with how they choose, and most spammers and plagiarists have a reputation below that level. Staying away from those lower reps is a mechanism used to avoid wasting time on crappy posts. Unfortunately for the rest of us, this makes it even more difficult for good posts by new users to be seen. How can a new user get to a rep above (50) if no one even looks at their post because their rep is lower than that? Seems to be a bit of a conundrum, don't ya think?

So what do we do? How do we get our names out there to more people?

How do we get our reputations high enough for those big voters to even take the time to look at our posts? Well, we have to get our reputation up. "But you just said..." I know what I just said. My idea is simple. If the bigger voters that we want to attract to our post won't even look at our posts until we have better rep, then we have to band together as Minnows and help each other get that higher rep. And I want to try to do that in a fun and exciting way! I want to help bring as many Minnows as I can up! Help as many people as possible succeed on this platform. But I can't do it by myself. Like I said, we have to band together and bring each other up.


So here is what I propose. I suggest that we reward each other just for talking to one another.

Providing each other with enjoyable conversation and Upvoting the comments of those who stimulate our minds or entertain us the most by doing so. I'm not talking about Upvoting useless two word comments or spam like "follow me and I'll follow you" or things of that nature. I mean Upvote the comments of people who actually take the time to read a post and make an engaging comment. If you aren't sure what a valuable or engaging comment is, please take a look at THIS POST by @ogochukwu! Pretty simple, right?

Now that I have come up with an idea to help support new users, how do I attract people to it and incentivize them to participate? Let's make this a contest!

"But how are we going to support each other if we are competing with each other?" FANTASTIC QUESTION!!! First, there will be multiple prizes for this contest in various categories. Second, some of the winners of this contest are going to be decided by you, the people entering this contest! This is my first attempt at running a contest, so bear with me as I iron out the wrinkles. This contest is about giving to each other more than it is about receiving. (Don't shoot me, it only SOUNDS like a reference to Christmas made before Thanksgiving)

Rules for entry and participation.

  • Upvote this post.

    The higher the value of this post, the larger the prize pool is going to be. I plan on using about half of the SBD that this post earns as part of the prizes that will be awarded.
  • Resteem this post.

    More people seeing this post means more people can participate. The more people participate, the better the post will do, again increasing the prize pool.
  • Tell me something I dont know!

    That is the theme for the contest. My girlfriend was surfing the web last night and came across a random piece of interesting, but probably useless, knowledge. "Koalas have fingerprints very similar to the fingerprints of humans." Respond to this post in the comments with your own random trivia fact! (Site your source, if it is too outlandish of a claim, I may want to see where you got your information from. I want real facts, useless or otherwise, not made up news.)
  • Engage with the other entrants in the contest.

    After you have left your own comment, take a few moments to look at the other comments. (If you are one of the first people to leave a comment, you may have to revisit this post to do so.) Reply to and Upvote the comments that are facts you didn't know, or that make you smile, or whatever. Engage each other. If everyone drops an Upvote on the other comments, everyone earns a reward, even if they don't win the contest!
  • Do all of the things listed here.

    Upvote and Resteem this post. Drop a comment with your own piece of trivia. Reply to and Upvote some of the comments from other users. If you don't do all of the things outlined here, you will not be considered a valid entry. Entries will be accepted until this post pays out.

Awards and Prizes!

"This sounds good and all, but what do we get out of it?"

Various prizes are going to be given for participation in this contest.

  • 1 SBD or 10% of the SBD earned by this post (whichever is greater) will be awarded to the user who posts the most interesting trivia fact. This prize will be selected by me, using my own judgement of what is interesting. (I may award more than one user in this category, depending on participation and how big the prize pool ends up being, and if I have a difficult time selecting just one entry)
  • 2 SBD or 20% of the SBD earned by this post (whichever is greater) will be awarded to the user who interacts with the most other entrants. That means replying to the comments left by other people on this post. VALUABLE COMMENTS, not just "nice entry". (Again, if you don't know what a valuable comment is, check the post I linked above) This prize will be determined by you, the person reading this post right now. The more people you reply to on this post, the better your chance of earning this prize. I suggest checking back on this post on the fifth or sixth day before payout and see where you stand.
  • 2 SBD or 20% of the SBD earned by this post (whichever is greater) will be awarded to the user who Upvotes the most entries. This prize will also be determined by you, the person reading. Don't be stingy with your votes. Upvoting the other valid entries to this contest could earn you an awesome prize!
  • 2.5 SBD or 25% of the SBD earned by this post (whichever is greater) will be awarded to the user who receives the most upvotes on his or her entry. This prize will be determined by ALL of the participants. I will be looking for the total number of Upvotes received, not the dollar value of those votes. Whoever wins this prize will also receive a delegation of 50 Steem Power for four weeks, allowing that user to earn a little more for curating during that time. (This delegation prize will only be available to accounts with less than 100 of their own SP. If an entry from an account with more than that amount gets the most votes, the delegation prize will be awarded to the entrant with the next highest amount of votes whose account has less than 100 SP. The SBD prize still goes to whoever has the most Upvotes, regardless of how much Steem they have.)

There you have it. The first official @gogogadgetupvote contest!

Just another idea I had for supporting and rewarding new people joining the platform. Tell me what you think about it. I am open to suggestions on how to improve my contests in the future!
I just bought a 2200 SP delegation from MinnowBooster for 4 weeks, bringing my total SP up to about 4600. I will be Upvoting all of the valid entries in this contest. This contest is focused on helping newbies get a hand up, but everyone is welcome to participate. Especially any of you whales out there who may stumble upon my humble contest. You don't have to participate, but your Upvote on any of the entries could really make someones whole day!
If you would like to earn more Upvotes from me, check out my New User Support Project post LOCATED IN THIS LINK, and go try to claim the bounty I talk about in that post.

Thanks for taking the time to read and participate in my contest!

I am looking forward to hearing all of your feedback and reading your entries! Remember, the more people who participate, the better the prizes are going to be! If you are in any groups on discord or anywhere else, tell your buddies to come check out my contest, too. Spread the word to as many people as you can.

I'm @gogogadgetupvote and I'm always on duty!

There are 2 pages

So two fun facts:

  1. I freaking loved Inspector Gadget (and still do) - please keep it up with all the cartoons.

  2. Before he became president, Abraham Lincoln was wrestling champion of his county in Illinois. He fought in nearly 300 matches and lost only one.

Lucky someone else knew about it! It might not have got much traction if they didn't!

Created, obviously hadn't been put in place yet. Definitely bad timing, lol.

Lol. Okay that is just pretty damn funny

Who would have thought that abraham lincoln was a wrestler, hehe one of a kind digged up history.

Right, so great!

That is an interesting fact. Now is that a true story, or is it like the whole "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" bit? Got a source for that one?
And I loved the cartoon as well. Not so much the movies, even though I have been a fan of Matthew Broderick since the first time I saw "Farris Bueller". I have actually only seen the first movie, kinda refused to watch the second one after the tragedy of the first one.

This reminds me of another fun fact: Edwin Hubble, the guy who discovered galaxies. Did you know that he gave up a promising boxing career to become a scientist? He made others see the stars in more ways than one!

Hahaha, I like what you did there Simon. I like it a lot.

I would have liked to get drunk with Lincoln.

That would’ve been awesome.

For the 1st fact i give the character of detective conan to you

Hurray - I love it this....and I get to pop the cherry!
Bones heal best at 37hz and Cats purr at 37hz!
Moral is - borrow your friends kitty if you break your bone:))

Huh. Not sure I understand the correlation between the two. Can you elaborate?
Also, the rules state that you have to Resteem the post to be a valid entry, so that more people can see the contest and enter!

Science shows us that everything has a vibrational signature. a rock vibrates more slowly than water, which vibrates more slowly than a star birthing. Resonance and entrainment (how two pendulums will sync up) are the why behind this what. the purr of a cat amplifies the natural frequency of osteoblasts (the cells that generate bone) hence the kitty purring is better than taking Calcium:))

@harnonicliving Congratulations you hit 50rep!

thanks - its more exciting than hitting 50yrs!!:)

What's wrong with 50 years old? It's the alternative to hitting 50 years old that isn't exciting, buddy.

true true:))

Now I get it. Awesome. That is definitely something that I didn't know. Thanks!

What fantastic knowledge! Super healing bones with cat powers!

Its simple upvote, resteem, and comment then if you have the capacity talk more on koalas having the same fongerprint as humans...so simple

Nice :-) I wonder what Herbie's snore can heal :-P

Herbie, being my dog who is snoring very loud right now :-P

That's really cool! I've read that a cat's purr can reduce blood pressure significantly. Our little furry friends are enhancing our lives more than we realize!

Agreed. My doggie has saved my life :-)

Cats are excellent for the prevention of heart disease and dogs simply don't have the effectiveness of cats in that area. Yea, that's a fact.

Yes , the comparision is so nice with the cat and bone to get friend

So, will petting my kitty give me stronger bones, or does it only help if I’m already hurt? I do know a good cat is in time with you when you’re sad or ill:)

Where do you turn to whenever you want to do a research?
99.9% place that comes to mind is GOOGLE, so about the koalas thing having the same fingerprint as humans, i looked it up on google guess what i found.

Humans, along with our closest relatives chimps and gorillas, are pretty much the only animals that have fingerprints. The only other is the koala, an adorable marsupial that is separated from us by 70 million years worth of evolution.

Since we share these distinctive marks with our primate cousins, it's quite likely that fingerprints first evolved with our common ancestor several million years ago. But that isn't the case with koalas, who are alone among all marsupials in having these prints.

And it's not just that our fingerprints are roughly similar to koalas - they really are identical. A trained expert would have trouble telling human and koala fingerprints apart, even using a microscope. You can see a comparison of koala and human fingerprints on the left. While the two look quite similar in the larger view, it's under the even higher resolution of an electron microscope that they really look pretty much indistinguishable.

So why have we undergone precisely the same evolutionary path as koalas? Indeed, why do we have fingerprints at all, considering so few other animals have them? The first question might help answer the second, as both our hominid ancestors and koalas may have evolved fingerprints because they climb trees in the same way. Researchers from the University of Adelaide explained:

"Koalas feed by climbing vertically onto the smaller branches of eucalyptus trees, reaching out, grasping handfuls of leaves and bringing them to the mouth. Therefore the origin of dermatoglyphes [fingerprints] is best explained as the biomechanical adaptation to grasping, which produces multidirectional mechanical influences on the skin. These forces must be precisely felt for fine control of movement and static pressures and hence require orderly organization of the skin surface."
As always, I think the real takeaway from all this is quite straightforward: the next time fingerprints are found at a crime scene, investigators need to consider the possibility of super-intelligent koalas. And if they don't find any fingerprints at all? That just means the koalas are even smarter than we thought.

Via LiveScience. Image via.

I'm glad you elaborated on the original post's mention of fingerprints because that caught my attention too! It is cool to learn to the evolutionary advantage (grasping leaves easier).

In one of my anatomy classes, my teacher told us that fingerprints are formed when a developing fetus rubs the developing fingers against the wall of the uterus. The random rubbing patterns create grooves in the skin, as the skin grows. I can't site a source here because my teacher told us that in class. I haven't looked it up to fact-check since, but I'm sure it holds some weight!

I love this Linda - I love that our individuality is a by product of such co.intimacy - the stroking between self and self maker. we often got so judgmental for being needy for not being wholey independent and so I just love this!! thankyou
so even though there is no sited source - this gets my vote!:))

So in theory, when I press my face against my pregnant girlfriends belly and squish her belly (mommy), and I can feel her pushing against (the baby) me through mommy's belly, I could actually be helping shape those fingerprints by changing the shape of the uterus when I press against it and she reaches out to touch me? Because the baby definitely responds to me even though she is still inside mommy's belly. That's an awesome fact, and touches me just a little, as I am sooo excited about my first baby on the way!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

Wow, what an AWESOME answer @deeclown. FAR more information on that subject than my girlfriend stumbled upon the other night. Thanks for elaborating on that little tidbit. I just saw they were "similar". Didn't know they were that similar!

Now this is a proper answer!
Keep it up

Did you know that there are only 2 mammals that have a bone in their penis? One is a dog and the other is a walrus!! Dogs can fracture their Os penis and it can create an issue if there are urinary crystals. Oh anatomy.. how it amazes me!!

Did you know most cats have barbs on their penis and they come out when they have sex? Yup.
Non-human mammals. Felines, especially domestic cats, are well known for having penile spines. Upon withdrawal of a cat's penis, the spines rake the walls of the female's vagina, which may serve as a trigger for ovulation.

hmmm - i thought it was the ovulation that generated the pheremones that incited sex - so what compels the male to do it if ovulation is a by product....oh the wiley kitty!

Horniness? It doesn't seem to discriminate across the species. Haha.

Did you know that dolphins are the only other mammal on the planet that have sex JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT? Every other species only has sex to procreate. Humans and dolphins are the only known species to fuck for fun!

That is a fact I did not know about
😂😂I am trying to imagine dolphins having sex just for fun 😂😂

The barbs do stimulate the female cat.. that’s how they come out of heat and the only way they will come out of heat besides spaying or ovariohysterectomy. Thanks @sammyb!

I never knew that. Thanks!

I didn't know about the dogs having a bone (no pun intended). I did know about the walrus one, though. The Inuit People used to make clubs from walrus penis bone called "Oosik". Great entry!

Walrus penis... not a turn on. :-P

The male blue whales have the biggest penises on earth.

Nice info which i dont know.If suppose there is any break in the bone there is any operation for itl

World most expensive water.
Acqua di Cristallo “Tributo a Modigliani” – $60,000

This particular brand is just something else. A bottle of Acqua di Cristallo “Tributo a Modigliani” contains a mix of Fiji and France’s spring waters, and actual glacier water from Iceland. Topping the whole lot is 5mg of 23-karat gold dust. Fancy a drink of water and gold? Then get a bottle of this pricey water.

Gold flaked Fiji water, huh? Fiji already had the best water on Earth. How do you make the best better??? Add Gold, it's like adding butter to food. Makes everything better, lol!

Yah but when you are so thirsty then the water we get is so much value for that than the costly water .

A human hair is roughly 5x stronger than Steel.

not mine:( says the thyroid to the scalp

Thyroid problems suck. Sorry to hear that.

I did not know that. Interesting. I wish my hair knew that every morning when it falls out in my brush.

It is indeed! Stronger than steel of the same width! Now if only they would figure out how to synthesize it so we could have an all new building material thay could probably be cheaper too.

Scientists spliced goat and spider DNA to create a biopolymer that is elastic and approximately 10x stronger than steel.

With the help of human hair my friends are doing project to make a bullet proof jacket with the help of hair.i wish them to be sucess in that because i have a lot of hair with me


You cannot create a folder with the name "con" (without the double quotes) in Windows.

Reference: https://funfactz.com/computer-facts/windows-con/

True story. Thanks for entering!

Thanks, Good to know!

Mate you have me laughing like crazy, It's incredible to think that with how complex Microsoft is, someone still coded that little nugget in.

Nice dude post some more info like this

A study was recently released which shows that since Colorado legalized recreational marijuana, it has experienced a nearly 5% decrease in overall suicide rates. For some demographics the reduction was as much as 11%.

yay for the greening. i hear the crime rate is vastly reduced too

When your getting stoned, all you really feel like doing is eating not fighting lol.

So, I find this quite interesting, and I've hear of other cases where they saw similar effects. I am from South Africa, and recently they passed a bill that basically says they will make it legal to poses and grow your own marijuana at home, within the next two years.

I am quite curious to see what effect it has here as well. On this point though, do you think it's the actual usage of marijuana that create the drops in suicide rate? Or perhaps the fact that users of the drug can now, firstly, buy or grow the drug at less "shady" locations, hence lowering the risk of getting caught up in other illegal drugs and the potential hardship that comes with them? Or secondly, they now don't have to perhaps smoke in secret or hide it from other people potentially? Also, I wonder what implications the taxation of marijuana could have on a country's economy?

I'm just going to put this here.

and here

Thank you "Family Guy"

Nioce. Classic family guy, ironically I was just watching The Orville, which also stars and was created by Seth MacFarlane, same guy that did family guy. Excellent show btw, got a sitcom in space vibe to it. And I have no idea what's going to happen after they legalise it her, but it's South Africa, so anything could happen.

I had seen the ads for the new show coming out and really wanted to watch it, but I recently lost satellite cable. Just internet now. Huge MacFarlane Fan! Million Ways to Die in the West was fantastic!

I have to admit that I haven't seen that yet, but I will definitely track it down. And I can't remember when last I've actually watched TV, I stream everything now. :P

Lots of good things happening in CO! Plus they have the nicest roads to drive on

Blind people raise their hands over their head when they win a competition, even though they've never seen it done by others.

No source, just a simple observation.

:0 that makes me happy - its like the 'power pose' of Rene Brown - if you stand with your hands over your head in a power pose for 2 min just beofre a job interview, you will be something like 70% more likely to score the job.

AWESOME MAN!!! True story! I used to live with a blind guy. We played Texas Hold'em together in a league with braille playing cards. And it's try, they do raise their hands above their heads in victory, despite not knowing that others do it to. Must be something in our genetics. Definitely something to research.

This made me think of another interesting blind people fact! Blind people echo locate much like bats, by making a clicking sound with their tongue. It's nothing like a Daredevil movie would have you believe, but it does give them an idea of how close walls and other big objects are to them, and also provides them with some kind of perception of how big a room / space is. I've actually seen a blind friend of mine do this, and I found it absolutely fascinating!

The guy I used to live with used to snap his fingers ALL THE TIME, and we could never figure out why. Maybe it has something to do with the echo locate thing, @skippyza!

So @gogogadgetupvote it depends of whether or not they guy that use to live with you was actually blind? That being said, this is something we can all do to an extent, sighted people just think about it less since we have a visual reference. But most people should be able to distinguish between a sound that comes out of a big empty room, vs a small room filled with sound absorbing furniture or something to that extent. Either way I found it extremely fascinating!

I've also heard a story that monks use to sing/hum in the dark monasteries and used this to echo-locate their way around the darkness. But I don't have a source for that unfortunately.

Now see, the monks humming to get around the monasteries is really believable. With little else to do (no electronic video stimulation and no real worldly possessions) humming around with your eyes closed trying to "become one with universe" is probably one of the best ways to pass time.

I love shit like that. Behavior that we're born with.

Thanks for letting us know

And when the blind people raise their hands in victory , deaf people raise all their fingers up to applaud them. It's the way you applaud in sign language ☺.

Did you know you can ask for upvotes every 12 hours in Steemgigs Discord if you use the tags steemgigs and untalented
Resteemed and working on bringing more users to it

Am on the @steemgiggs channel on discord and have not used the tag once,am so missing alot, thanks for the hint @greatvideos.

As a new user here I can say that this is the best unknown fact I saw in the comments.

Fantastic fact for new users! Thanks for participating!

Thank you for making it possible to participate ;)

Come on steemgigs discord and we can talk more. I can't wait to find out more about you

I'm Always On Duty!!

Thank you very much!
I much appreciate it!
Keep chatting around!

Oh man, three cheers for @greatvideos! Love this community, just joined yesterday!

I Happy you Joined
You have Friends to rely on
Keep communicating around and make more friends
Have a great time Steeming

Glad to have you here, @kideropaul! I went and found your introduceyourself post and Upvoted and Resteemed it. Welcome to the community!

Thank you so much! Hope to help turn Steemit into a valuable photographer community!

You are truly a great Steemian!

Actually did know that one, but thank you for mentioning it here. As this post is mostly about helping newbies, and that is a group dedicated to exactly that. Thanks for Posting that here! Thanks for the Resteem!

Actually I knew that it will be of great help to drop the link here
As you said is all about helping
And I am trying to play my part
You are welcome!
And honestly I don't think I will ever find a proper way to thank you for your hard work, dedication, help and support!
I will keep trying anyway!

Just keep up what you have been doing here!! All of your encouragement is a great boost to my contest, and seeing so many people earn rewards in the comments is plenty enough thanks! If you feel you have to do anything (which you don't because you are already doing more than enough) just look around for more people to join the contest! The more support the post gets, the bigger the prizes are going to be!

Thanks for the tip. Checking it out. :)

You are welcome
I wish you Good luck!

This is a funny fact!
Banging your head against the wall for 1 hour will burn you 150 calories 😂😂

That's if you dont have a broken head already....lol...

If that is so then i should be a skinny woman. lol!! I have banged my head so many times that i get random headaches that last for days.

Tell him to put a pillow between your head and the wall...

BWAHAHAHAHA!!! That escalated quickly! Definitely not in Wyoming. lol

I wasnt talking about recently lol. I was referring to when i was a child.

So you admit it!

LOL. Interesting. I used to bang my head against walls when I was a kid. But what kid cares about burning calories? Great fun fact!

A Kid would want more chocolate instead of wanting to burn calories!
I was Banging my head too, I guess I banged it too much because I burned my calories for another 30 years of my life
I always wanted to gain a bit more mass
But now I know why I can't gain weight

Protein and weights man. Light weight high reps for toning, High weight with less reps for building mass.

At the same time we loss blood more than the calories burn.☺☺ i think it was not a good idea to decrease calories😊😊

Excellent... I’ll try that this arvo!

I'm in... 800 years ago, Buddhism was so big in what is now present day Afghanistan, that the major reason it spread around Asia was because of this - the Silk Road came to a cross roads in Afghanistan where Buddhism was the dominant religion. Now, not a Buddhist in site, in Afghanistan anyway...

This is a picture that I took of the Buddhist Monastery in Bamyan, Afghanistan - yes, I was there in Afghanistan, for two years - this was the exact crossroads. It's where the world's largest Buddha statue once stood. Destroyed by the Taliban.


thanks for keeping it alive for us!
the syncretism you describe above helps to keep the destruction below in the ourobourial light or birth and death and birth again

Wow this is the beauty of history, if you are lost please check your history to know where you are coming from,then you will know your destination.

Hard to know where you are going without being aware of where you have been. Excellent input!

Got some stories from that place... I'll have to share in some posts.

Definitely interested in hearing your stories. Drop me a link when you make a post!

I really wish I could have seen that giant buddah in real life. But it was probably way before my time.

It is sad that it is gone. We will have to go find a site that is still intact to go visit. Maybe not in Afghanistan, but definitely somewhere historically significant to Buddha.

Sounds like a wonderful trip for us to take with our baby girl.

Ankor Wat.

Where is that?

And this is why we are Buddhist, or one of the reasons - E, you still chanting? I don't know, I think I really like the meditation side of Buddhism more.

Awesome pic. Sad that so many of the amazing things that we as humans create are destroyed by other humans, just because "My imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend" (meant as a joke, not as an insult to anyone's religion, please don't take it that way)

Why were you in Afghanistan for 2 years?

Huh. Really, I should have tagged this post "education", lol. So many fun facts. I had no idea there were EVER monks in Afghanistan, let alone that it was the dominant religion in that region for ANY length of time. Thanks for sharing!

I'm going to open the trivia can of worms:

There are only two pairs of escalators in the entire state of Wyoming.

I found this out from NowIKnow.com, a website that provides a daily email with a random bit of trivia. I've been receiving the emails for a couple of years now, and there are always fantastic bits of trivia each day. You can check out the archives to learn more great trivia!

I actually convinced the author of the list, Dan Lewis, to join Steemit a few weeks ago as @DanDotLewis. He hasn't posted since he first logged in, so I'm going to be in touch with him to remind him about the platform since his articles are very well-written.

Anyhow, if you'd like to learn more useless trivia, subscribe to his email list. It's a fun daily read!

Thanks for hosting this contest. It's a great idea for sure! Glad I can support your efforts!

Good entry. Two escalators in the whole state? They must be short on Malls, lol. And yes, please do get in touch with your buddy and bring him over. I checked his intro post when he first joined, and yeah, he does write pretty damn good, and should be fairly successful here on this platform.
Don't forget to engage with, comment on and upvote the other entries to this competition, too. There are prizes for replying to others and for Upvoting others, as well.

Interesting. Cool that you convinced that guy to join. I'm going to follow him and see if he'll start posting useless bits of info.

Hello, thanks for the bit of info. It makes sense in Wyoming. I’m not from there, but I’ve driven through it a few times. Beautiful country! How long have you been a steem member?

I don't think I've ever been through Wyoming. I have a friend who is from there, so maybe I'll get to visit someday. My steemit account is actually turning a year old soon. I've only been active since July, though. I actually just posted about my steemit journey today if you want to check it out.

What about you?

I’m only one week into steemit. I’ll check out your post! What part of the country are you from? If you take the time to go to Wyoming, I’d recommend working the black hills of South Dakota in too. Lots of cool history and natural beauty in both!

I'm from the East Coast. I actually have been to the Black Hills! I support some missionaries who live on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, and I've been to visit them twice over the past two years. It's beautiful country. If you're interested, I've actually made two short films about my trips out there, and they were the subject of one of my first posts on Steemit.

Thanks for the tip!

Cool. I’ll check it out. I spent 1 semester at Chadron State, so I know the area a bit.

It is indeed a great idea. We forget sometimes we get paid for the comments too. And he's right ,because if we check the number of posts, then the comments are included too. So actually every comment is a small post.
As about picking up the winners by ourselves
😂😂 that is gonna be interesting. But I trust your intelligence so let's see

Didn't know about that, its an eye opener now @artaddict you are far too kind, am
Moved not just by the reward, am moved just for my name to be among the winners winner of any category, it will be a great point of reference to me...lol

You are doing a fantastic job. Just make sure you check back before the end of this post payout, and interact with the later entrants, too. I will be doing an update post for the comp sometime in the next couple days.

Well, the whole idea of "you guys picking the winner" is determined by the level of participation. One prize is based on how much you interact with the other users. So really, most of the prizes are out of my hands. The only winner I am picking will be the one with the fun fact I found most interesting.

Hello, good point on every comment being a post. It might be 2 full time jobs just to get a start in this crazy awesome community!

Did you know the endangered Fitzroy River turtle (endemic to south eastern Queensland, Australia) can breathe through its butt?

does each exhale smell like butt too?

That's a good question. Let's go to Australia and ask a turtle and see if his breath smells like fart when he answers!

Definitely funny if true. You got a source for that one? Seems a little out there!

"The Fitzroy River turtle is known as the 'bum breathing turtle' by locals." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitzroy_River_turtle

Thats amazing! :)

Bet that turtle species is hella fun at parties. "Hey guys, hold my beer and watch this!"

Or if that Turtle is smoking a cig. "Hey, watch this..." Haha!

Right? lol

Thank you Robot Chicken!

Reptiles poo in water! Perfect for when you need a faecal sample or to make two tortoises poo in preparation for hibernation!

Gross, lol. But you still get a vote.

Do you know that Popeye the Sailor is a fictional hero famous for appearing in comic strips and animated films as well as numerous TV shows

"Popeye" the movie was also Robin Williams first starring role in a major film. Nice tidbit @lavanya. I love cartoons!

I also love the cartoons like doing fights .i like dragon ball z and galactik foot ball waiting for the 4 th season

And more facts; Approximately 40,000 Americans are injured by toilets each year.

There is a town in Canada called “Dildo.”

All swans in England belong to the Queen

They drink too much in the toilet and they start to fight with it at the end

I recently read that each cat has a different nose print. Like a fingerprint on their nose. No two are alike. Amazing. #theunmentionables

By the way, I recently learned this - We are not minnows when we start out here on steemit!

Dead Fishes - those who have been inactive for more than 30 days, while inactive means didn't publish any post, didn't write any comment and didn't cast a single vote.
Red Fishes or Planktons - are those who own between 0 and 999,999 VESTS
Minnows - are those who own between 1,000,000 and 9,999,999 VESTS
Dolphins - are those who own between 10,000,000 and 99,999,999 VESTS
Orcas - are those who own between 100,000,000 and 999,999,999 VESTS
Whales - are those who own more than 1,000,000,000 VESTS

Thanks to a post by @ana-maria. Can you believe it?

Excellent execution. Kudos!

Good to know! Need to avoid the Dead fish. lol

Yes, definitely avoid the dead fish!

So its gonna be damn diffcult to identify a cat that stole the fish, if you have many cats...
I hate cats they scare me, some black art is attached to them in Africa, if for instance you have a cat here you are most likely to be a witch or a wizard..

I have a cat. Her name is Koneko Kijo Gin. LOL.

That is a pretty darn fun fact! I love Kitties. This is a picture of my cat Koneko Kijo Gin hugging my pregnant girlfriend @prettykitten 's belly.

Lol - nice. I love cats. We have 2 - orange kitty and white kitty (we had more creative names but they didn't stick, especially when we found out one was a female instead of a male).

This contest is a great idea. Sadly I found it 12 hours before payout. Will you be running it again? Also, avacados are sometimes called alligator pears, do to their texture. They contain polyunsaturated day. The day that is good for your body. And avacados were found buried with mummies in Peru in tombs saying 2000 years old. All my avacados trivia comes from a college job waiting tables. I had to educate people on “alligator pears” as I made guacamole at their tables.

Awesome! 12 hours before payout or not, you still made it in time! Make sure you check out some of the other entries and engage with others! I definitely plan on running more engagement contests. As to themes for them, still deciding. And that is a neat little fact about "Alligator Pears". I didn't know they were called that. Is that a regional thing? Any idea where the term originates?

Must be regional somewhere....this little tidbit stuck in my mind from the job I had nearly 20 years ago. Again, great project you have going! I’ll keep connecting as time allows. Keep up the good work!

Apologies, there was a smalll glitch in my technophobia.
Here is a few fun facts about March flies you may not know. Several were killed in the making of this video.

Sorry about that, just a couple of glitches with my technophobia.. Here is a couple of fun facts about March flies, and what I endure each time I sit at my computer trying to work out Steemit! Apologies if this posted twice.

Two facts:

  1. In Germany, you get a very nice tax break or reduction when you get married. And what I recently learnt is that if you marry in one calendar year, you automatically get back the whole year in tax, when you file your tax claim at year end, regardless of which month you got married. That's why Germany has quite a few weddings in the Winter time. :)

  2. I lived in 3 different continents before I turned 7 years old.

Interesting the lengths people will go to just for a few bucks. I guess if the people really care about each other, than the extra money is just a nice bonus.

So you recently got married? Congratulations!(?) I’m in my second year of marriage. It’s sometimes difficult, but worth the work. The best advice we got from a friend, was “don’t try to win an argument. If you win, it means your married to a loser”

In 1991, the world record for memorizing a shuffled deck of cards was 2 min 5 seconds. People were saying that memorizing such a deck of 52 cards under 2 minutes was impossible. Today, a few people have done it in competition settings in 16 seconds, and one guy, world champion of memory ALEX Mullen, did it in 12 seconds in training. 12 seconds is 1/10 of 2 minutes (120 seconds). Who wants to try beating that?

Nice little tidbit @simonluisi! If I could memorize the cards that fast, I wouldn't lose at the casino so much. lol

Do you know that rats can survive 3 years without drinking water

wow - an cockroaches too? is that why they can survive nukeville?

wow, that's really incredible. I wonder why 'they' haven't​ cloned that whatsiedoovie and done something with it!

I think that would fall under "gene splicing" and I think that is still taboo in most parts of the world, isn't it?

I hope the videos I’ve seen on half frog half person (in Korea) are fake...but yes hopefully gene splicing is taboo. God help us if it becomes the norm

Never been a big fan of rats. Nasty little suckers. And apparently just a little scarier now.

Well the bigger the scarier. However they are survivors

Indeed they are! To both things you said!

A single Honey bee can travel around 2 millions flowers to collect a pound of honey

The BMW logo is recreating the image of a cross with the sky in the background.

@surpassinggoogle thanks for upvoting my reply, @gogogadgetupvote my reply currently holds the highest payout, @artaddict this is as a result of your modelling am so gonna win something...so so happy...i love you @artaddict .

I think someone in the person of @harmonicliving has toppled me on that list of the highest paid reply, will surely give it a hard fight... We game on.

@deeclown Keep communicating around with everyone and I am sure that you will be between the winners

Communicating with each other is one of the other reward categories. ;)

The prize is for the number of comments received, not the value. The top paid comment got the reward of being the top paid comment, lol, which right now is almost a dollar!

Keep participating, I am really enjoying your comments!

We want to realize that @gogogadgetupvote was reading all the posts and motivating all of them who are reading and commenting new facts by his comments and upvoting .
All of them can wish him all the best for this concept..

Whales have pelvises even though they swim in the ocean.

Wow @gogogadgetupvote second contest in a matter of hours, this is some good news for minnows alike, you cant be lazy and expect to be rich, the way i see it, @gogogadgetupvote is taking me to my next higher reputation am so loving this...thanks for giving us the opportunity.

"Second contest"? This is the first contest I have ever posted. Don't forget to submit an entry and vote on the other entries! This contest has 4 different prizes for different ways of engaging each other. In theory, a single person could end up winning more than one prize.

What about the @gogogadgetupvote on @steemgiggs where one recomend a minnow post for your upvote?
I think i have submitted my enteries by upvoting, commenting and even talking about the koalas having the same fingerprint as human stuff, isn't that the codition for the entry plus i resteem the post.

No, the koalas is MY fun fact. The point is for you to come up with your own fun fact. "Tell me something I don't know" lol. I am not sure what post on steemgigs you are refering to, but I am in more than one group on discord, and promote my post on all of them.

Ok, now i get it, i hope if i dont tell you what you dont already knows.. That is not part of the entry requirement..
But i will tell you what you dont know anyways.

Damn. Busy day. I missed the first contest :-P

When you feel the urge to drink or smoke, go for a run, do twenty sit-ups, or some other activity that will get you moving. You’ll soon start to associate quitting the habit with being fit.

I am going to have to try this. I need to quit smoking.

Good decision of quiting smoking

My turn for a fun fact! There is a hill, Kituluni hill, in Machakos Kenya, where gravity works backwards. If you drive to the bottom of the hill and put your car in neutral, you will roll right up!

You got a source on that? And maybe a video that doesn't look photo shopped or like it's being played backwards?

Here you go!

My amazing facts is: It takes just 10 drops of water for the number of H2O molecules to equal the number of stars in the sky!

that is truly a wonderful inversion of mind - usually we look out for expansion - thankyou!

What is the size of the water drop.Did we measure the size of water drop

Good question. I kinda wanna know, too. Water drops come in all shapes and sizes. Thanks for responding this question.

That is an interesting fun fact! Thanks! Don't forget to Upvote and Resteem this post to be a valid entry!

All the stars visible to the naked eye in the earth's sky belong to the Milky Way.

There is a caterpillar that camouflages itself by putting bits of the plant it's eating on little pincers that run along it's back. The source for this is me, I found this guy years ago. It's called a Camouflaged Looper.


red and green, the coolest colour scheme! My favourite!

I think that is the coolest thing I have ever heard. Wish I had a camouflages caterpillar for a pet.

What would you do with a camouflage caterpillar, maybe you take along to work...lol

I'd leave the caterpillar where I found it, after taking it's picture many times. This picture, however, has been used in a few college classes, and believe it or not, I sold it to a Swiss women's fashion magazine.

Wow, that is a really cool looking littler caterpillar! Thanks for sharing the pic! :)

red and green.... so cool together, my favourite !

That is a really cool looking caterpillar! I found this guy in the parking lot at my work. I escorted him to the nearest bush.

I see you found yourself a pokemon there. Legitimately cool looking caterpillar you found there though.

Love Poke'mon. I was Playing Poke'mon Go for a while

and this happened.

Wow. Do you know what she is? Other than awesome?

So... I am no bug expert, but from what I could find it seems to be a Luna Moth Caterpillar, which turns into this beauty:

-Image compliments of Google-

They unfortunately don't inhabit my country, but they are quite a beautiful sight to behold. Nice find @gogogadgetupvote

I have never seen any butterflies or moths like that in the Pacific Northwest. What part of the world are those Luna Moth's from?

So... I am not from USA, so I do not know the geographic layout that well, but to borrow from Wikipedia...

This moth is found in North America, from east of the Great Plains in the United States to northern Mexico and from Saskatchewan eastward through central Quebec to Nova Scotia in Canada. Luna moths are common as far south as Seminole County in central Florida.

No idea. But I also found this one!

Yes, I was petting it so I could get a picture of it's wings open.

That's a male eastern tiger swallowtail.


@gogogadgetupvote is it possibe to enter more than one entry in this contest?

What I believe is that you can give it a try Bring more funny facts!
However you can't win twice in the same game I guess
Much love!

There are multiple prizes for different levels of participation. 5 prizes in all, and it is technically possible for one person to win more than one prize. And prizes are going to be % of the SBD the post earns, as the post value is over the ammount needed to go above the SBD amounts I gave.

When you are announcing the winners of this contest

I probably should have mentioned something in the rules about "number of entries". Keep it reasonable I guess. 1 or 2 entries per person is probably okay. I have used a TON of voting power the last couple days, so my upvotes are going to be pretty low while I let my VP recharge. But I will be voting HEAVY on comments the last couple days of the contest. Feel free to respond to as many other entries as you want, that is one of the prizes! Best of luck to you!

Who is winning?

It might take me a couple days to tally all the results, lol. I will be doing a post tonight. Keep an eye out for it.

Take your time
I know you need some time to work it out
Wish you a great time Steeming

The human brain cell can hold 5 times as much information as the Encyclopedia Britannica. Or any other encyclopedia for that matter. Scientists have yet to settle on a definitive amount, but the storage capacity of the brain in electronic terms is thought to be between 3 or even 1,000 terabytes. The National Archives of Britain, containing over 900 years of history, only takes up 70 terabytes, making your brain’s memory power pretty darn impressive.

The human brain is SO incredible. That is why I find artificial intelligence so scary. If a computer had the capacity to learn, and the near limitless capacity to store that information, it would be a truly frightening machine.

@cleverbot what do you think of these two comments?

No one said anything about democrats @cleverbot.

Well, this scares the crap out of me. Interesting that the first has been modelled as a woman...

How they know that our brain have that much capacity.it was just imagination only.we cannot prove this type of facts

I don't know anything about Koala's fingerprints, but there was two that used to live in my backyard in Noosa in Queensland and my god the sound of them having sex was the most completely disturbing, and concerning sound, i have ever heard. It was a sound that made you worry and imagine wild violent scenes...It used to go on for hours and hours, I would rock up to work looking like I had gone ten rounds with Tyson. They've got you all fooled with that cuddly cute facade! Wild violent sexual beasts!! @gogogadetupvote, you will have to just believe me, unless I​ can find some sound files somewhere!!
Its the most wild sound you have ever heard!

Imagine​ my surprise when I learned​ that a male Koala has a forked sausage!! Too funny!!

Wow. Quite the interesting fact about the sound effects. The second video was pretty darn cool, too. Especially the fact about stealing a croc cause it was easier. Fantastic entry! Thanks for participating!

Thanks for having me! I just made you a video on fun facts about march flies as i sit here getting attacked! Am I​ allowed to do another post?

I didn't stipulate a limit to number of entries, but I probably should have. It is okay if you post another one, but let's not do too many. Keep it reasonable.

OMG i am so sorry, I have been having glitches with the app I'm using on my iPad and iPhone... it appears that when i though it didn't post it did. I have not meant to bombard you with March fly videos....I'm a technophobe! So sorry!

No worries. I have seen a lot of double posts lately from the same problem. I had to delete a couple double comments myself. Accidents happen. Steem On Sausage!

Thanks mate! I nearly died when I saw how many times it posted... almost as thick on the ground as the bloody March flies !

I love this kinda contest. It's very encouraging.

Do you know it's IMPOSSIBLE to strangle yourself?

Physics does the dirty work...

Yeah, you pass out from lack of oxygen and let go long before you would actually DIE from it. Same as just holding you breath. If you hold your breath too long, you just pass out and your body starts breathing automatically. Oh the human brain.

Here's and interesting one. Back in the day, pilots use to wear eye patches lined with gold to prevent the loss of night-vision in at least one eye when flying over brightly lit cities or in case of nuclear or laser attacks. At some point they did however, as cool as it was, realise that it's more effective to just put this layer in the visor. And of course nowadays they have other means of fixing this problem, night-vision goggles as an example.

Side note: The fact that pirates did something similar for going below deck is apparently a myth, or at the very least there is no evidence to support this theory.

Yeah, the eyepatch thing has been a handy trick for going from a light to dark place and still being able to see for a long time. I wonder where it actually originated from?

After some mild googling, it seems to not have an exceptional origins of any kind, it's merely noted that it was warn by people with hazardous jobs like soldier / sailor, and that apparently blacksmiths wore them to keep at least one eye safe from the forge. I imagine safety goggles wasn't a thing back then. :P

Reindeer are the only species of deer that both male and females grow antlers and lose them every year. To tell the difference between males and females is that females will keep their antlers over the winter until January February time when they have given birth whereas the males will lose theirs at the start of winter or the end of the rutting season. The antlers fully regrow and come back bigger every year!

So my entire childhood is a lie! It's alway winter at the north pole, so their antlers should be fallen out. Every depiction of Santa's Reindeer, they have antlers. Something smells fishy at Santa's Workshop.

Well I believe that Santa has castrated reindeer as who needs 8 rutting deer pulling a sleigh. That would be crazy. Castrated boys keep theirs until March- May when they are injected around January with testosterone! Or Santa has female deer? Who knows?!

well, ​the females would be reliable!

That's an interesting theory @amavi! We would have to investigate the north pole to be sure. Sounds like a plan for a Steemmeetup! lol

It might be the same dodgy artist ​that depicted Jesus as white!!

Haa i dont know this tqs for the info.
Did the antlers are used for any purpose?

Antlers for females are used to help compete for food whilst she is pregnant against other deer and also whilst she has a calf at foot until they drop off. Males use their antlers to compete for breeding rights and territory

Did you know that our heart can beat 72 times per minute but a hummingbird's heart beats at over a 1,000 times a minute.

Its laughing time
Teacher :So many of the great people study
under the street lights and candle light.
Student: what will they do in the day time

Time to laugh now .best comedy punch.
Let A and B are friends.The conversatio between them is like this
A: hi good morning bro
A:why your eyes are so much red .
B: last night i forgot to close my eyes while sleeping.

Fun facts you might not know about march flies.....

There is no ice covering iceland

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