Vote for your WEEK FIVE #sixweekhealth Challenge WINNER
I've loved the challenge this week. It's been so interesting learning about the different ways that people get in shape. For me, the gym has become my sanctuary and I find it very difficult to get motivated to exercise in any other way. But this challenge has really inspired me to try add some more variety to my exercise!
Anyway, enough of my ramblings.
On to the finalists for this week. HERE is the original challenge for this week. There you'll find all of the rules and exactly what we were looking for from entries. I need your help choosing which of these entries will win the grand prize of Sixty Steem! Please vote in the comments below for the entry that you liked most!

However, once again I've failed to narrow the entries down to just four. We've got five finalists so I'm going to add a second place prize to make up for the increased competition. The post that comes first in your voting will win and second place will win themselves five Steem.
So to recap:
- I need you to vote in the comments below by commenting the LETTER of the post you liked best.
- The person with the most votes will win sixty Steem!
- The second most voted for post will win five Steem.
The Finalists for Week Five of the Six Week Health Challenge #sixweekhealth
To make this challenge work, we need your votes. These five Steemians submitted amazing posts about their keep fit activities to help inspire all of us to get healthier and fitter. Look at each post and vote for your favourite in the comment section by commenting either A, B, C , D, or F. Entries are in order of the author's name.
Keep Fit A
How Hiking Changed My Life

What a lovely post from @grandadscookbook. She tells us of how her favourite activity of hiking has helped her build confidence, keeps her fit and healthy and has made her great friends. An excellent post about how healthy activities can help not only your physical health but your emotional and social health too!
Keep Fit B
Calisthenic - The Body Weight Workout

A really informative post from @infinityroad about calisthenics, a type of body weight workout that's bound to get you strong and fit. What we loved about this post was the really high quality GIFs, the information about the activity and the excellent blooper GIF at the end! :D
Keep Fit C
Keep Fit and Active AT HOME!

Really lovely set of images, instructions and information from @miss.deli. I really loved seeing how she exercised even with the distractions of those gorgeous pets. Using really simple equipment @missdeli can get a great workout in a small space, even when short of time! Excellent post.
Keep Fit D
The 'Stay At Home MOM' Workout

This post is so great because it highlights how you can make your daily chores part of your workout! The pictures are beautifully colourful and show some really great moments where mum is keeping fit and playing with baby at the same time. Plus, how cool is that first picture that @pizzapai made for the challenge!
Keep Fit E
Ice Skating Around Vienna! shows us a really fun and different activity that he uses to keep fit in the winter. I'm amazed by the size of the ice skating rink over there in Vienna and am seriously considering a weekend trip next year just to have a go! How cool to skate around in the different lanes. Thanks for the colourful images and great use of GIFs again.
So once again, Steem, I need your help. Vote for your favourite post by commenting A, B, C, D or F in the comments below. The Steemian with the most votes will win sixty Steem, second will win five Steem! Voting closes at 10.30am on Wednesday the 14th of March.
Thank you for all of your entries. Don't worry if you didn't win or get short listed this week. There will be a new challenge going up for Week Six very soon! Make sure you get involved as soon as it goes live - follow me to keep up to date! You can see from the entries here the quality of the competition so work hard, be creative and I can't wait to have you guys involved for Week Six!
Yours in health,
Coach Ben @healthsquared
#sixweekhealth #coachben
D vote for D
Unbelievable!!! I made it here!!! Thank you dear coachben @healthsquared and @sweetsssj!!!! Thank you for organising such a meaningful program!!
Proud mummy with tears~~~~
I vote for B
I vote for A.
I vote for B! Super Cool! Da geht was! 100% Upvote ;) @infinityroad is the best :D
i vote D !!!!!
I vote for D
D is my choice
Cast my vote for D
I vote for the simplicity exercise at home.
"keep fit D"
I vote for D! 😉
I vote keep fit D. I like exercise at home so regardless weather condition.
Great initiative from her because she workout even as a mom.I vote for D, @pizzapai .
P.S. Her kid is so cute hehe
I vote for beautiful mum "keep fit D"... Thank you :)
I vote for D!
@healthsquared For the creativity, I will cast my vote to "Keep Fit D"!
All the best to all the finalists~
I vote for D
Voting in for D. Very effective way for home workout, and also applicable when doing chores.
Absolutely my vote is going for D!!!
Is not easy to handle baby and kid at home while still need to keep the mind and body fit in good health.
Keep fit D pls. Think it's very much applicable on daily life.
My vote is definitely going to D!
I go for Keep Fit D!
Stay home practice always my 1st choice, save time save money ^^
I vote for the simplicity exercise at home.That's really great!
"keep fit D"
I go for Keep Fit D,
I did follow some and practice it at home. Very practical 👍
I vote for D. Merging daily chores into workout is relatively easier for busy people to keep fit and stay healthy!
I vote for (keep fit mum) "D"... Thank you .
I vote for “keep fit D” now then I realised the first picture have special meaning!
"Keep fit D" stay at home mum also must keep fit and maintain healthy!
My vote is D😊
Vote or Keep Fit D! It's a workout which everyone can do at home. Salute!
Vote for 'D'
Voting for D.
I like the fact that it encourages people that cleaning the house can also be fun and healthy!
This allows stay at home moms and dads to look forward not only a clean place but also a healthier body.
Great work @pizzapai keep it up!
I vote D
I vote for keep fit D
I vote for keep fit D!
Keep fit D definitely.
I'll go for keep fit D.
Voting for keep fit 'D'
I vote for keep fit D,beautiful mom...
I vote D
Voting for D (*ノ▽ノ)
@davidke20 so late call me come here vote this ar? ok la
I vote for D
I vote for D
My vote is for D @pizzapai
I vote for B !!!
I vote for D
I vote for D
I vote for D
the only one who is authentic with sport is here @infinityroad (B) because its his job like its my job.
the others do it for the challenge....
so B!!!!!!
axe good capoeiriista!!!!! axe freerunners!!!! hugs@infinityroad HAS TO WIN!!!!!!! point :-* thanks
Thank you very much for your support @akashas :)
nicht dafür. die menschen sagen kaum danke oder legen zu viel wert darauf!
from heart2heart
du bist n cooler trainer und ich seh dein potential!!
falls du mehr jobs brauchst diesbezüglich reich ich dich meinen PT´s weiter :-P
mach einfach dein ding bro!
und mach weiter gute trainingspläne bitte.
und nur weil du auf den allerletzten drücker mitmachst...egal...ich kam in der schule auch oft zu spät und hab trotzdem die tests bestanden. heisst noch lange nix.
ich drück dir die daumen.
Haha du bist klasse!
Klar werde ich da weitermachen.
Macht viel zu viel Spaß und gesund, um nicht weiter zu machen ;-)
Bekommst jetzt mal ne message von mir!
To be fair, he missed the deadline though and probably took your spot :) see, this i didnt know. and time is not important for me ;-) me I only look for the authentic of a character...BUT if this is important for this will be the next to vote for!!!! the others do not much sports or do it for the money.
sorry that i dont vote for you
but for me, you are a capoeirista and yogi! hope you feel my compliment.
for this competition they only want fitness....thats maybe why i am not in....or maybe cause of other thoughts... ;-)
for fitness i will always choose out @infinityroad !!!!!
kisses to all
Hey, no hart feelings, he is pretty fit, and in my heart I'm a yogi, so in that point you are right not being authentic in anything else, fitness is just a mere side effect of it.
He still has to beat my 5s handstand on parallel bars though @infinityroad, do you accept my challenge? :)
da kenn ich einige die das machen :-* spatzl, du bleibst hier in der steemit-austria crew my favorit yogi and you know that. da supporte ich dich sofort, du hast ein gutes wissen.
doch bitte verzeih, wenn ich auch andere mit ihrem spezialgebiet supporte und ganz gleich wer was länger halten ist ein trainer und das ist sein job! selbst wenn infinityroad den handstand verkackt ist er mir lieber im fitness.... denn ich weiss was er als trainer für prüfungen und lizenzen bezahlt hat. die hab ich auch! ich kenne die tests...daher! 100 infinityroad baby
and in yoga you are my king here :-*
Ich erkenne Ihm sein Wissen und Können als Trainer absolut nicht ab, und respektiere und wertschätze seine sowie auch deine Ausbildung. Post is aber Calisthenics und da sind wir beide blutige Anfänger, nach 8 Wochen Training ist es noch zu früh über Spezialgebiet zu reden ;)
ach quatsch...du machst das erst 8 wochen lang.....hahahahahahaha coooooool :-D
ich bin gespannt was du in weiteren 8 wochen kannst :-*
At the moment I'm not able to hold it for 5 seconds at all.
8 weeks of training are just not enough.Haha I accept your challenge, but you have to give me more time for practicing.
It's a process which requires time and effort and I'm happy to go through this process :-)
Great short video!
You will be there in no time, looking forward to your progress! And you already put the effort in and advanced very fast.
Haha du bist klasse!
Klar werde ich da weitermachen.
Macht viel zu viel Spaß und gesund, um nicht weiter zu machen ;-)
Bekommst jetzt mal ne message von mir!
I vote for B
I vote for D