INTERACTIVE BATTLE TOURNAMENT#2 - Attacks from below - Battle Two

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

As per the wizards tower of doom post your hero has chosen to attack the tower from below.

You have yet to fully recover from your first encounter in Attacks from below - Battle One, not completely sure who won the fight, you simply pick bits of mashed up heart and eye balls off yourself & move on.

You stumble down the dark passages until you find some stairs and decide to ascend.

At the top of the stairs you enter a room that seems to be full of thugs! one thug looks up from reading a Steemians weekly magazine - he seems so upset as you interrupted him reading an interesting article about a new Steemit Tournament that he bursts into flames. 

Another thug was so startled she slipped face first into a bowl of hot tomato soup, some what scolded and blinded she reaches out for a napkin,  seen on your screen below:


These thugs look like trouble, they are angry and are determined to protect the wizard..



Please reply below how your hero will defeat the hoard?. i.e will you take down the Fire Demon first or will you attack all simultaneously

You may finish them anyway you wish, but if you don't choose the initial attack sequence correctly you may be seriously injured/killed and unable to continue later (and thus miss out on attacking the Boss and winning the Grand prize).

Note: If you choose your attack wisely here, you will win instant Steem (paid in 7 days, it's a 50/50 guess).You will find out if you were successful in approx 7 days

Reminder: You must choose how to attack first:

  1. take down the Fire Demon first OR
  2. attack all simultaneously.


Once you have replied here, you will be later sent a link directing you to the: Results post. Here you will either qualify for the Boss round (if you survived both battles) or be offered a chance to re-coupe lives with the use of Trophy tokens (should you have any).


Special thanks to @spaceginger for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above.  Some images shown are from abandonware games, such as the Bards tale. 

50% of Steem raised from upvotes on this post will be used as  prize money for this Battle! The prize will be equally split to all those heroes who choose wisely. If you are a whale,  dolphin or just a fat fish, now is your chance to help spread prosperity  and grant this page the boon of your Upvote.  


There is only one thing a Ice Minotaur hates more than lava...
And that is a fire demon!!!

Ice Minotaur charges Fire Demon and rams him in the chest with an ice bolt head butt and then takes out a spoon to start eating that sweet fried ice juice!

Hahaha wt gosh making me hungry....looks tasty.

Your take down of the Fire Demon first has been recorded.

Your err...interesting visual has earned you a trophy token, please reply here within 7 days with your bitshares account to receive.

Bitshares account: doctor-crypto

Trophy sent :)

lol holy hell that's the weirdest damn thing I've seen in a while.

Well... one is on fire, and one is blind, how hard can this we... El-bobo looks around thinking, I can take all these suckers simultaneously.

While he is still running on his tiny hamster feet, he plops down a little smoke bomb, about the size of a pea... POOF! El-bobo fades into the smoke and shadows... a POW here, a SLICE there, a KABLAMMY over there!

El-bobo hops out of the shadows, straightening his little whiskers, wiping the blood of off them as he dashed down the next corridor.

Owww! Shadow powers...he's a nasty little hamster (but it in a nice way).

Your attack to all simultaneously has been recorded.

one winged fallen angel flutters his only wing & amplifies the fire of fire demon, flames of which kills rest of mob & the demon burns on its own..

Lol! too easy - err so I'm gonna record that as a simultaneous attack to all (although technically you went to see fire demon first). Please let me know if your not happy with this before 7 days on this post expires..

Irvmaker I haven't had a response?? and I re-read what you posted to make sure this is fair (its important to clearly write which your attacking first)...As your fluttery wings touched fire demon first, I'm recording it this way, which I'm confident you will be happy with. In future cases please be very specific to help me out..Cheers.

This is going to be tough but I am a tournament champion. I will attack all simultaneously. I will distract fire demon with my hot poses, this will obviously cause him to heat up even more, hopefully so much he will explode. At the same time I shall scream out my famous battle cry which will cause temporary deafness in the other thug or thugs (not sure how many there are?) I will then viciously throw my ninja stars into their hearts. If fire demon doesn't explode I will attack with a flying side kick to his temple and follow with an amazing tornado kick to the right side of his head. "Aaaaaah, take that bad guys"

haha thats so hot!..(where do you keep those ninja stars)

Your attack to all simultaneously has been recorded.

Eater will take down the Fire Demon
And after that I will be one on one with the blind bandit

He got the smack down! and the blind bandit got a date with death.

Your take down of the Fire Demon first has been recorded.

Wet Cat is going for the fire demon first. Cats like it warm so I will jump on its neck, my long teeth will be very effective, causing pain and the immense blood lose will lead to the demon's end

like hot tabasco sauce through a straw!

Your take down of the Fire Demon first has been recorded.

I will destroy them all and keep a fire demon finger to cook my potatoes with.

Lol! man your sick... (I like it!)

Your attack to all simultaneously has been recorded.

The thugs relax when NinjaGobbo shows them the tray of mead he's brought for them. Gobbos are great servants, if you don't like your drink you can throw the server against the wall and he'll get you a new one snappity snip.

The thugs cheer up and grab their drinks, even the Fire Demon grabs one, even though the liquid evaporates before it reaches the demon's lips.

Ah, how do I put this politely...?

A piece of feces slides into the Fire Demon's mouth from the mead goblet, the toxicity of the Gobbo excrement instantly chokes and melts the throat of the Fire Demon, the demon looks over and sees all the thugs gagging, spewing, clawing at their throats, stabbing their own stomachs... he looks over at the smirking lowly servant and tries to fireball the dick... but his heart explodes before he has the chance.

Dick move FTW!

NinjaGobbo attacked all simultaneously using the greatest weapon he has, his Poo Pouch.

Oh crap!...(literally), that little just sooo..nasty (in a nice way all the readers appreciate:)).

That's another trophy token for inventive kills, please reply here with your bitshares account within 7 days.

Round 2 tekken voicevor

Mighty Illusionist of 3 ducks quacking sends a quack combo on Fire Demon.
First duck quacks to lessen his orientability.
Second duck is trying to eat parts of his feet so he loses balance.
Third duck.. where is the third duck?

Mighty Illusionist has transformed with the duck to combine MIGHTY ILLUSIONIST DUCK QUACKER!

Mighty Illusionist duck quacker sends out a QUACK so loud it eliminated half of human race, the thugs, and the demon.

Mighty Illusionist duck quacker transforms back to Mighty Illusionist of 3 ducks quacking.
Fire demon eliminated.
Thugs eliminated.
Half of human race(sorry) eliminated.
Proceeding to round 3.


Haha, Gosh with the over kill..I guess less to kill next time (not that you generally kill humans in these tournaments).

Your take down of the Fire Demon first has been recorded.

LOL, it had to be done, I don't know how to attack the fire demon, but I managed to get my mighty illusionist to learn a spell or two on the way :)

This is cool - just like any great adventure story, our heroes are learning as they prepare for defeat, or ultimate victory.

You rock dude! keep up the good posts/participation.


Thanks dude I really love the contest :) Keep it coming!

2. Attack all Simultaneously
Ryuk is flabbergasted that these thug beings can see him. Only those who have touched Ryuks death note or are also shinigami are capable of seeing him. Convinced they have stolen Ryuks death note he sends out a death call killing all thugs in the room simutaniously.

Nice - Ryuks a proud fellow - you can't have his death note without consent! (nice pic)

Congrats! you have won a trophy token, just reply here with your bitshares account within 7 days to receive your trophy

Your attack to all simultaneously has been recorded.

what are trophy tokens?

visit to create a free account. Then reply here with the username you created to receive your Trophy token.

Trophy tokens can be kept for memories or traded in some competitions for bonuses.

ah ok. I think i will send to nathenials wallet

Bear is a bit taken aback by the Fire Demon! He has encountered many dangerous creatures, trolls, giants, ghouls and even a few dragons but never an elemental demon.

As the demon approaches Bear back peddles, fumbling at one of his pouches. He realizes that a direct physical attack without additional preparation could be disastrous.

In his many travels Bear has come across more then his fair share of loot and has accumulated many relics, both large and small. Just as he is running out of room, he finds it! A Ring of Ice Aura, found in an ancient and long abandoned dragons lair.

Slipping it on his finger with a wide grin, Bear can feel his skin begin to chill. He should be nearly impervious to the demon fire.

He rushes the Fire Demon who is startled at his sudden change in attitude and direction. After a brief struggle he has his icy paws around the demons throat. The demons companions stand back in a frozen panic unable to help due to pulsating waves of extreme heat and cold.

"Nighty night princess," he growls as his massive digits inch closer and closer like a python squeezing the life out of it's prey.


ICE defeats fire!!
...nice use of magic (unusual for bear) demonstrating the foes are getting more challenging for sure.

Your take down of the Fire Demon first has been recorded.

I'll take on the Fire Demon first! He got nothin' for Pumpkin Rider and his fire breathing pets!

Pumpkin Rider small.jpg

Cool - for your surprise last minute attack you have won a bonus trophy token. Please reply here with your bitshares account within 7 days to receive it.

Your take down of the Fire Demon first has been recorded.


The attacks from below battle two is now closed.

Prizes have been handed out - I increased the payout to 100% Steem raised. I figured the prizes should gradually get better as the tournament moves through. Remember its still experimental and being developed :)