@comedyopenmic "Joke Of The Day" Mystery Question: Win a $1.00 upvote for the funniest answer to this question: If the Mischievous Mermaid and The Enchantress of the Night got together for some drinks, what would they talk about?
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This is how their conversation might go
Mischievous Mermaid: Oh Enchantress of the night are you truely a witch?
Enchantress of the night: You asks this because we sit here in this bar in the month of October?
Mischievous Mermaid: Witch and October, What is the connection?
Enchantress of the night: Because of Halloween, in the month of October everyone calls me a witch. Rest of the year, because of what I do to them they call me a b**ch
lol... very good @almostpeter! I like it... very good one and has a shot as the winner! :D
Congrats you have been selected the winner on this Joke of the Day @almostpeter! :) Great Job! :D
you received an up vote from danlupi with voting power of 37.35%. Estimated dollar amount of $1.49
That is easy, they will talk about hats. They are tired of battle and want to relax. Both of them have a lot of hair so wearing a hat, or even picking one, is a challenge.
Thank you very much for the upvote. A great day to you too.
lol... good creative answer! I like it! Nice thinking there @ijmmai! You get a card for that creative and unique thought, make sure to go to https://steemmonsters.com and put in your posting key so you can check it out!
Spineback Turtle!
Thank you so much for the card! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
You're welcome for sure! And you can check your cards always on the www.steemmonsters.com site!
It'd probably be secret. Girls' talk. :P
Very good.. and probably so true @aiyumi! :)
They'd talk about how nice it would be if they both existed. So the mischievous mermaid can be part of our world, while the Enchantress can mold it in her image.
Very good @cryptocopy! :)
🙄 It is that time of the year... 😲
::shrug:: That would be me they are talking about. ::shrug::
I should have kept it a secret that my plants have started producing...
Oh, woe is me!
hahaha! @wizardave! Good to see you here! You were a little late to get the entry valid, but its good... Here's a Steem Monster card for you for the fun entry! You can check it out at https://steemmonsters.com :)
Ho Ho Ho Thank you!
After a lot of drinks, they would have a debate/battle over who is more desirable to the barman serving their drinks. They are particularly impressed with his shaker! They place a bet at who can catch his attention first!
The barman is taken with the mischievous mermaid and starts to flirt with her. The enchantress of the night, is infuriated at losing the bet, so she casts a spell and turns the barman into a toad.
After she's done with the barman, she forces the mermaid into a cauldron, and turns the fine mischievous mermaid into a delicious dinner soup, with a lovely side serving of frogs legs.
That is awesome! Late but awesome! Would've definitely been the winner so we are giving you this card in honor of your amazing mind! You can check it out and show it off at https://steemmonsters.com and just enter your posting key! Cherish it :D
Definitely the size of the Lord of Darkness's... dark... manbits.
I hear he gets around... In fact, I have it on good suspicion that he's had an affair with The Spirit of the Forest...
And if you're wondering... His manbits are nothing short of impressive.
He IS the Lord of Darkness after all. 😎
lol... that is some seriously good gossip! :P
@carrieallen lol... very good Carrie! I loved this answer! We are going to give you a card for the great answer!
We sent you the "Epic" Swampthing :) ... Hope you like it 😀
"Well Miss Mischievious, I must say thank your for turning me onto Alric Stormbringer," Lady Enchantress said with a satisfied smile, "I trust you had a nice mellow evening with the Dead Priest I went your way. I know you sort of got the short end of the stick so to speak with him."
"Harumph, next time I will send you the spineback for that trick you pulled on me, I know you had your socks blown off by Alric, and me left with a dead beat priest. He was so dead assed boring that my spinebacks all turned belly up, and the water started receding, just to get away from it's presence." Replied Mischievous.
lol... Good @bashadow... that's funny!
Well I don't know much about these two but If they get tipsy and take that broom for a spin I would sure like to be there to watch the fall out. Especially if that mermaid forgets to pull that trident off her butt
lol... I was thinking that would be a blast... driving on the broom with a little buzz on... And funny about the trident, buy you might not want to tell her to get the stick out of her butt (she looks like she is a bad ass) ;)
She is a mermaid she has no ass 💦
touche... but when I watch the movie Splash, that girl had an ass, I remember looking at it at the time! (you're too young, you might have to google it) ;)
What is it with you comedy people and anatomy? See you already tricked me into saying "ass"
Sorry but your wet dream from the '80s has gotten you all confused. THAT mermaid turned into a real girl like Pinocchio. ( Don't even start on the implications of that nose.)
I am out of here before I become as corrupted as the rest of you band of barbarian.
lol... Yes you better make sure you stay away from our band of barbarian's lol... Here you go, you earned a Steem Monster card to corrupt you further!
Thank you!!! He looks like a barbarian brute. I hear Golem cards are super popular. Sadly I have no clue what that means or why. Guess I better investigate more and figure things out.
In the meantime hope he won't corrupt my cute little jester card.
Thank you! I really appreciate it. A great day to you also.
Thanks so much!!
Here you go Coach! Thank you for spreading some cheer around here, much appreciated for sure! If you get a chance and want to see your Steem Monster card, go to https://steemmonster.com and just enter your posting key!
You are getting the Captain because its the closest to Coach! ;)
So cool:-) A new card to my deck.
Much appreciated.
They would talk about Monster Mabies! Women always love talking about babies!
lol... that's funny Snuffles! :)
They both would vent to each other on how much they despise the little mermaid and Sabrina the teenage witch.
hahaha... I can see that too! I love all the answers, you all have some fun answers! :)
Good job here @rentmoney!
I suspect they would both talk about how horribly wrong their respective fake tans have gone.
lol Sparkesy... that is a unique take and so true :D
Oh, I am quite sure that the topic of both of them dating the flesh golem will use up a lot of the evening. Going on about how he was only interested in one thing and never called when he conveniently "forgot" about date night when it was the same night as football.
Hahaha... That's funny! Just like all men :P
And for the record, you mean this guy? (look at those pipes) :D
During the conversation, after noticing a sticky beer stain on the bar, the talk turned to optimal cleaning methods.
Mischievous Mermaid is horrified (hence the thrust out arm) when The Enchantress of the Night suggests that, instead of taking her ashes from her cauldron to the bin, she could just sweep them straight into the sea with her broom.
Mischievous Mermaid calls The Enchantress of the Night an evil, jumped-up monster where upon The Enchantress huffs off in a sulk,
and plots her revenge.
lol... funny Gillian! And very creative! Its good enough to get you another cool Steem Monster card! :) (and then new joke of the day is out too) ;)
Here you go: You get Divine Healer!
Thank you @newbiegames.
Looks to me like that Divine Healer could do with a bit of healing herself! 😂
you received an up vote from danlupi with voting power of 24.13%. Estimated dollar amount of $0.98
Which post can we show @thaishps so that she learns to play SteemMonster?
lol, that is a good one
Hey @thaishps... :) ... glad you posted here! Have you been to the Steem Monster website yet? https://steemmonsters.com ...
Here is a card for you so that you will have one already when you get there:
Its Spineback Wolf and he's on the black team!
You can also learn much more by following everything going on at @steemmonsters ... that will get you all their posts and you can read all about them! And feel free to ask questions here too.. :)
Potions or spells! hahaha