Hi @anyadan and @victoryudofia thank you for hosting this contest! Ever since l was a little I love hearing horror stories from my family and friends. Hope you'll be freaked out by this one.
Here's my entry.
In my dream, the last thing I saw was my alarm clock flashing 12:07 before she pushed her long rotting nails through my chest, her other hand muffing my screams. I woke up screaming, and I saw my alarm clock flashing 12:06 and my door creaking open.
Congratulations @ooleyjulie. You've been selected as the winner of "Tell us your spooky story contest". Please endeavor to participate in upcoming contests.
Thank you @victoryudofia for choosing me as you winner for the "tell us your spooky story" contest. I will be glad to join your upcoming contest.
THank you for promoting engagement in our steemit community!
Thank you for your entry
Nice!! Definitely a worthy winner! Scary stuff... Congratulations!
Thanks so much for creating this contest @victoryudofia, it's super cool! Had a lot of fun :)
Keep up the great work... everybody!!
With love
Hart Floe
Thank you @hartfloe !I'm happy you like my entry. :)
It was awesome! I hope you experience a lot more fun, success and creative inspiration here... keep up the great work my friend! :)
With love
Hart Floe
Thank you @hartfloe for the support! <3