WIN 10 SBD | Tell Us Your Spooky Story!

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

I and most of my friends really love the Horror genre. So we've decided to put up this contest to keep Steemit interesting and grow our community as well.

In this contest all you need to do is to write a Horror Story in Two Sentences. We are looking for really creative and scary content. The horror story should be written in the comments section below. There will be only one winner as the most Scary and Creative story will be chosen.



Hopefully, we will do contests weekly. The deadline for submission is Friday, 23th February, 2018 by 11:59pm. There are no length restriction to a sentence as long as the sentence is written correctly. Please do not rush, check for spelling errors as edited stories wont be accepted.

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Sponsors for this contest are @anyadan and @victoryudofia

Your horror story should be really creative. We want to be spooked by your story.

The winner will be announced on Saturday, next week. Goodluck!

There are 2 pages

Hi @anyadan and @victoryudofia thank you for hosting this contest! Ever since l was a little I love hearing horror stories from my family and friends. Hope you'll be freaked out by this one.

Here's my entry.

In my dream, the last thing I saw was my alarm clock flashing 12:07 before she pushed her long rotting nails through my chest, her other hand muffing my screams. I woke up screaming, and I saw my alarm clock flashing 12:06 and my door creaking open.


Congratulations @ooleyjulie. You've been selected as the winner of "Tell us your spooky story contest". Please endeavor to participate in upcoming contests.

Thank you @victoryudofia for choosing me as you winner for the "tell us your spooky story" contest. I will be glad to join your upcoming contest.

THank you for promoting engagement in our steemit community!

Thank you for your entry


Nice!! Definitely a worthy winner! Scary stuff... Congratulations!

Thanks so much for creating this contest @victoryudofia, it's super cool! Had a lot of fun :)

Keep up the great work... everybody!!

With love
Hart Floe

Thank you @hartfloe !I'm happy you like my entry. :)

It was awesome! I hope you experience a lot more fun, success and creative inspiration here... keep up the great work my friend! :)

With love
Hart Floe

Thank you @hartfloe for the support! <3

After attending his funeral, I lay alone on my bed for the first time in years, with tears trickling down my cheeks, lost in reminiscing old memories. When I turned off the lights and turned to the side while thinking about how much I missed him, in the pitch black darkness I heard a soft whisper in my ears- I miss you too!

Thank you for your entry.

Thank you both for the opportunity! Great idea! Here's my entry:

I rolled over and snuggled against your familiar shape, smiling as I began to drift back to sleep. Yet it was only when you croaked an “I love you,” that I remembered you had died a year before.

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I woke up into the midnight hearing knocks on my window glass. At first, I thought it was the window until I heard the knocks on my mirror and continuously on every glass material in my room.

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Ever since I gained consciousness after my accident, something didn't quite seem right and one night I woke up suddenly with an urge to puke, following which I rushed to the washroom. As I stood there in front of the mirror, staring at my own sweaty face's reflection, I saw it smile and wave back at me!

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My reluctant feet ache, running feverishly from an unseen threat whose hot breath I feel inching closer and closer to the nape of my neck. I feel a bony finger stretching out toward me as I slowly lose ground to my pursuer..."'re it."

I went for a farm training in a rural community and we were lodged in an ancient hotel, all was OK till when the rain started in the deep of the night and I was fast asleep, suddenly thunder struck followed by lightening, immediately the cupboard flung open and staring at me straight in the face is a white ghost, the second lightening struck and the wall started shivering, I recite the Lords prayer, then the third came, opening all the pass ghost that has died in the hotel all at one. I passed out.

Thank you for your entry

Here is my entry for the competition;

She laid in the bed wet with sweat and tears, her hands gripping the bed sheet in white knuckled grip, as screams fled her lips into the quiet watchful shadows that gathered about her bed waiting for the right time to strike. Her eyes trembled in the realm of sleep as slowly a tendril of shadow enveloped her face and slowly squeezed her throat, choking gurgles out of her lips along with spittle, then forcing out a wheezing chortle, then a wide eye stare and then ending with a silence disturbed by the innocent flutter of the lace curtain throwing frantic shadows on the room wall.

Following the usual goodnight ritual, I tuck my daughter to bed, and she tells me, 'Mummy, check for monsters in the closet'. To humor her, I obliged, and see her, another her, in the closet quivering and whispering, 'Mummy, there's someone on my bed'.

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"Give me the lighter, it's in the sack bag" my friend Emeka requested as he stuck a cigarette in his mouth. I reached for the sack bag close to me and dug my right hand in. My hand came in contact with something sticky and nasty and felt a ball like object in the bag.

I picked up the object and brought it up to my face.
"Where's the lighter?" the object asked me. I looked up. Emeka sat there headless. My take-off time that evening beat that of the fastest jet by several minutes.

My Grandma used to tell me stories of how young girls were initiated into the village dreaded witch-coven through the sand-blood meal, refusal upon consumption was DEATH ☠.
The aroma from Adanna's kitchen was inviting 😋 but as I took a bite of the meat in my plate of Egusi soup, it tasted like blood, oh no, the delicious soup tasted like sand.

Nice idea
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Upvote to upvote @oadissin

Endeavour to actually read the post before commenting. Thank you

Very important.

My entry...
I danced to the music that played only in my brain, I hopped from one foot to another,my penis bobbing like the head of a blind waxen cave worm as I stroked my hairy crotch. I laughed with the pleasure of it,the smell of the atmosphere filled with dried blood and the sight of myself in the freestanding mirror.

Thank you for your entry

Scary story in two sentences..will give it a shot

In a world where all but of mankind was gone save ons, there lived the last man on earth Jonathan alone in a small cottage. One dark quiet night when jonathan was already in bed he heard a knock on his door.

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I was the bravest of all warriors
leading mighty armies of able men, i conquered many kingdoms and
deprived many of thier freedom.
But in the End, my ashes were thrown to winds and bones were laid in dust without no flesh on
naked i came, and in same state i did return
i died
and like every mortal man, i became history.

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Steemit Writing Contests: Issue #23. The list is updated on a daily basis and your contest will remain on the list until its expiration - there's nothing you need to do.@moneyinfant has added your contest to the list

The list was created to save writers the excessive amount of time spent searching through the #contest tag for writing contests. Now they can just come to the list each day, see new contests and use their time doing what they love - writing.

If you'd like to help spread the word about the Steemit Writing Contest List I'd really appreciate a resteem, but it certainly isn't necessary. The project is simply meant to help writers save time and contest creators attract more contestants.

P.S. If you know of any contests I've missed I'd love to hear about them. Thanks!

My entry.
And that's how the creaking sound from the chair across the hall way began to swing back and forth again. For now the hour has come for those with the bravest of heart and the strongest of wills can withstand the demon that comes from forest outside these walls...

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My entry
Immediately I woke up, just remembered I didn't lock the door as a result of the heat, a typical Nigeria setting. Looking at the door there lies a cat staring at me as if it was actually staring into my soul, with so much courage it attempted coming close, now i could feel the goosebumps all over my body and that shivering feeling down my spine.

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The door swung open quietly to reveal a murderer carrying the corpses of the little boy's parents which he silently propped up on a chair as he writes something on the wall with the blood of the dead bodies then hides under the child's bed.
The boy pretends to sleep and as an hour passes, his eyes adjusted more and more to the darkness as He tries to make out the words, He gasps when he finally makes out the sentence “I know you’re awake”, He feels something shift underneath his bed.

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Thanks for the oppurtunity

In a special weekend session congress and the senate both voted unanimously early Sunday morning in Washington, D.C. to impeach President Trump and suspend the Constitution, ending the citizens protected rights to bear arms in the wake of the Florida High School shooting this past Wednesday. All citizens have until midnight on February 24, 2018 to turn over all guns and ammunition in their possession to the nearest sheriff office , or military base: FAILURE TO COMPLY WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE EXECUTION IF YOU ARE FOUND IN POSSESSION OF A FIREARM OR AMMUNITION.

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Aswang (a type of dark-souled witch) is said to roam around the city in search for pregnant woman as she is craving the taste of an unborn infant. It is around midnight when pregnant Maria is going home from work and in a secluded area where tall trees block the street lights, a dark creature with disheveled hair and teeth longer and sharper than that of the shark suddenly appears in front of her and makes a hideous and diabolic sound that one would never want to hear in his or her lifetime.

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Suddenly, the flashlight snapped off, there, in the midst of black, gloomy trees that towered high and seemed to frighten even the pitch darkness of the night itself. The little girl shivered in fear as the sounds arose as with the darkness; deep, dark voices of the demented dead, calling, with tired, hungry voices, her name - Deeeeeelaaaaaaah.

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I was with my baby boy at that night watching him sleep in his baby's cot..suddenly my cat jump into the baby cot and act strange like it was looking at something and keep on making that angry sound like it was ready for a fight....I tried to keep it cool and try to look around to see what make it so angry like it protecting my baby boy from something... I know my cat it will never act strange unless there is something try to harm it...out of sudden....the mirror in front of me cracked but it not shattered into pieces it was like being slice with a sharp thing and its split into two and its still attached on the frame and when I look into it I saw another young boy...I know he was not my baby boy...because he is sleeping in his cot with my i know why my cat keep on staring at the mirror and keep making that angry warning sound..... I try to open the window... and asked the shadow of the young boy to leave the room with peace and not to come back........but after the incident I never leave my son alone and my cat always be his side when ever we went to bed at night.....a true story and I experienced it myself......Thanks

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This post has received a 0.04 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

The vampire gave him a deadly bite on his neck, that lead to leaping of blood from his eyes.

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Se trata de los TRES ESPÍRITUS, unos jóvenes que murieron el 10 de septiembre de 1971, murieron en un accidente automovilístico en la carretera, cuando alguien se accidenta en alguna calle oscura y sola, de la nada aparecen estos tres espíritus, y los auxilian, después de sacarte de ese apuro, al agradecerles por ese acto y ofrecerles alguna contribución, ellos simplemente te dan un número de teléfono, y te piden que llames a ese número e informes que los tres amigos están bien. Y misteriosamente se alejan.

Lo mas terrible es que los que se encuentran a estos espíritus de noche, al día siguiente al llamar a ese número, se encuentran con la noticia que estos jóvenes amigos ya han muerto, y sus familiares aseguran que no es la primera vez que pasa! pero que debes ir de inmediato a su tumba, y decirles que cumpliste y llamaste, porque si no en tres días te cae la maldición de los tres y morirás en un accidente automovilístico, con una frase grabada en tu frente que dice los tres amigos te ayudaron.

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agradecido amigo, lastima que no puedo traducir bien el ingles. pero igual lo intento!

She woke to a blood curdling scream from her only child's room across the hallway at the exact same time that she felt his icy cold breath on her cheek and the freezing touch of his hand on her arm as he whispered frantically in her ear, "Mom I can't wake up!"

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Shortly after my Uncle Randy died, my mom got some pictures developed that were taken the evening of his funeral. I'm one you can see him, standing over his little sister, Patricia, in the clothes we buried him in; a semi-transparent figure that only looked solid from the waist up.

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The little boy's eyes were huge as he took his mother's hand and led her from the yard toward the path into the forest, obviously wanting to show her something. He stopped where the trail dropped off beside a deep pool and pointed to where she saw, with horror, what looked to be the body of a small child floating lifeless in the water... wearing the same clothes as her son... and then realizes that the child with his small hand in hers had vanished.

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Body trembling, sweat beading, I could hear the slow, steady creak of the floorboards as she crept upstairs toward the room, bloodied dagger in hand, sadistic shadow silhouette looming.
She shrieked a curse in an unknown tongue, laughing hysterically as the door flung open, revealing the disgusting, crooked, demented look that stretched across her wart-ridden face.

This is my attempt! Such a cool contest... really got me thinking. It's a great exercise for me because as a writer and poet I can sometimes be very wordy... it's a true art to minimize it and still get the message across :)

Thank you @victoryudofia and @anyadan for creating this! Look forward to taking part in more of these in the future.

Thanks to all for reading! I hope I might have managed to scare ya a little!

With love
Hart Floe

Thank you for your entry.

PS Upvoted, resteemed and both followed... thanks again and I hope you enjoy my entry :)

With love
Hart Floe

I located an OPD down the walk-way where I saw (People) lying down at the night of the date my sister gave birth,I joined them to sleep.
When I woke up in the morning, I was filled with goosebumps when I discovered where I slept was a MORTUARY.

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Hi! Here's My Entry.

I was sitting and reading a book that time inside our house when I heard chairs moving in our dining area. I stand and went directly to dining area to ask my brother if what's wrong but there's nobody there and realized that I'm all alone in the house because they went out of town and then I noticed that all the chairs are all facing to me.

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I was standing infront of the mirror dressing up to rock my new dress, then i saw d image in the mirror holding a knife, it was me, it slit its own throat while laughing like a witch, my cloth was soaked in blood, i couldn't stop the ME in the mirror from killing itself & myself, i was dying while the image slit off its throat and i died. Alas! The image was still staring at my dead body with a smile on its face

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My son woke me up at dawn, "Dad, there is a monster under my bed".

I went to look and there was nothing there, then I heard my son with a trembling voice: "Dad, there is a monster on my bed"

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the suicide barber.
One day I went to cut my hair and he was there, he told me. sit down and started to cut, I cut an ear and I stunned and bleeding I saw him eat it and cut me the other then I pass his knife through the eye

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Do not be afraid of monsters, just wait for them to arrive.

Look everywhere, on the left, on the right, in the lobby, under the bed, but never look up, hate to feel watched.

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I could hear the ticking of the grandfather clock, followed by the loud bells ringing through the house, as it struck midnight, only to see as I walked towards it that the pendulum stood motionless, as the clock had broken weeks before. As I stood there, perplexed, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and saw a shadow on the wall, despite the only other person that had been in that house for years, my grandmother, having died the same night the clock did.

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Okay, so this does not fit your contest. But if you like horror, maybe you'll like a horror comedy comic. Here's a link to all of Chapter 1 of Lesbian Zombies from Outer Space (more pages are coming)


Hiii am @trojan4 here is my entry...

Slowly, she walked towards the black mirror taking, her breath heavy. Unsure of herself, she held the knife up loosely, for she was scared. if only she had known, there was a better chance of survival without giving the enemy a murder weapon.

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Is it true that the walking dead exist?if you say no they don't then follow me through my fears and realities.
All I remembered is that i slept over in a friend's apartment and suddenly I was woken up by a sharp scream outside the house.
Somebody help!!! Pleaseeee

The light from the lamp went off
With a cracking but persistent voice I heard
Give me blood !
Give me your blood!!
I need your blood !!!

The whole house was spinning all around me. I felt I couldn't control myself anymore; I stood up and walked to the door gripped with fear. I felt controlled by a force greater than I could imagine. trying to spot the knob to the door.

From the dark came the hand that drew me back, immediately the light came back and standing before me was my friend black as death. He had two horns on his forehead with long nails stained with blood.
I wanted to shout but my voice was locked

I see more than two sentences here. Please try to read the rules in future contests

I was telling my cousin about the most delicious lamb chops that I have ever tasted in my entire life, as we stopped by a small diner in the middle of the trip on our way to their remote town. I suddenly couldn't move or speak when she told me that there was no such diner and the place is known to be a mysterious area where limbless bodies of one or two people are found every morning, most likely from travelers who got lost on their way.

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Cybil after a tired day closed her eyes and dozed off to a peaceful sleep disregarding the eerie feeling and the creaking noise coming from around her.

At 2:56am, she jerked up, her heart racing from the 'unusually realistic' dream of being fondled by a dark hooded being, to come face to face with the man in her dreams staring deep into her eyes, his eyes totally black and hooded, his penis buried in her, and all she could do was let out a high pitch screech "arrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhh!!!"

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My entry to this contest

It was night time and the night silence seemed unusual, my phone rang and i felt the cold shivers down my spine as i heard the horrifying voice that said "ты умрешь сегодня(you die tonight)" That instant i felt my soul leaving my body in the horror.

Thank you for your entry.

As the police chief, I always want to give the best protection for my society, therefore I mobilized a group of policemen to protect the people who have gotten terror message from a serial killer murderer since last week. Today is friday, as usual at 11:11 p.m, the dark shadow is borrowing my body again, then controlling it to carry a knife, gloves and spare keys of the victim's houses.

This is my first time writing horror story, hope you enjoy it.

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hello here it´s my entry for the contest:

When I am awake I can see shadows in the corner of my eyes, always following me menacingly, they are everywhere at all times, getting closer and closer to me. When I close my eyes i can´t see them anymore, nothing can attack me in this endless dark, that's why I removed my eyes out with this sharp knife, now i´m truly safe.

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As i headed home, walking down the road in the middle of the night, i was deeply in thoughts then i heared the loud screams from a girl as she was hit repeteadly over and over again with a metal bat by her lover until her eyes dislocated from their sockets.

I turned around only to realised that i was all alone on the road with the girlfriend killer as he looked at me and headed towards me with a face covered with scattered flesh and blood splatter and a bat that still had a stuck nerve vein from an eye that was supposed to be connected to a brain.

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Me and my friend were walking alone at night. We saw something walking beside us, than we ran.

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