Day 53 of the Daily Selfie Challenge begins now!
Our registered players are competing against each other in an elimination endurance contest where their selfies must be posted on a daily basis and must meet the theme qualifications.
Not only must they post their qualifying selfies prior to the deadline to avoid elimination, they are also competing against one another for bonus points.
Now non-participants can compete for the QUICK DRAW Bonus Point. If they beat our registered players, they will earn 1 SBD and prevent the registered players from getting one. They will not be added to the Bonus Point list for the STEEM Silver round, but they can still earn 1 SBD for their efforts.
Each day, I will be rewarding one player each day with a "quick draw" bonus point for being the first to reply with a qualifying selfie. Yesterday, the winner was...


Each day I will notify you of your current Bonus Point Leader. Remember, whoever gets the most by the end of the contest will win 1 Limited Edition STEEM "COMMUNITY" 1 oz Silver Round! Here is your current leader:
@otage with 46 total Bonus Points






The secret Bonus Bonus Point thing for the last round was not found...

16 BONUS POINTS@marlon82 –
This was the requirement:
You need to be shouting (singing like an angry rock star).
Got 6 things you can balance?
Here's what you'll need to qualify:
- You need six things
- You need to be balancing them in the selfie
Remember, you DO NOT HAVE to do this. Please make sure to MEET all requirements, as I will NOT be giving any advice. I'll just see what comes in and eliminate who I need to!
Be careful and have fun!
Please remember as well, that the goal is to have all players take a new, qualifying selfie each day to enter into this contest.
Reply to this post with your qualifying selfie by 9:00 pm (CST) tomorrow to avoid elimination. As always, no entry post is required, but you are free to make a post featuring your entry if you want to. By entering this contest you are giving me full permission to use your entries in future posts. Thanks and have fun!
If all the registered playing happenmay choose to post early. Also, non-players can now try to steal the bonus point! Those Quick Draw Bonus Points just got a little harder to get! to reply prior to the official cutoff time @papa-pepper
The current prize pool is 1234 SBD, not including Bonus Points. It will continue to grow on a daily basis! That means that the longer you hang in there, the larger it gets!
BIG Thanks @anonymous.donor for adding the extra 500 SBD!
Until next time…
Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

AHHH!!!! Its my first ever!!!
Nice work!!
Thank you! You were right there behind me - luckily I channeled the spirit of the ninja!
You did! My first balance of 6 jars mysteriously tumbled to the ground and I had to grab the hard drives.
Oh wow! An unforced error - These quick draws are really competetive!
congrats!! books are winners!! lol
congrats !👍👍👍😂
Congratulations dear! 😄
Oh you were so close! I love your daily board!
Congrats! Yeay for books!
Books are the best!
Well done you!
Yay! Congrats!
Plus, Books for the win!!!
Nice job!
@ecoinstant nice work matey. @papa-pepper many thanks for transferring my bonus SBD for yesteday's quick draw I really appreciate it. Cheer$;)
No problem! You won!
Heyyy well done, you did win a QD and you balanced those books so nicely hahaha. Good choice of objects btw!

Could you at least put a little effort into the contest bro???
Its day 53. Give me a break... ha ha!
As the bonus point leader you are expected to be a beacon of selfie hope and decorum....
This is wonderful advice!
True Story
It's amazing!
What... wha... what are those?
Have you heard of Soylent Green? Well this is Soylent Orange.
Large hot dogs? Lol!
Almost hot dogs?
Sorry its a bad movie joke. Soylent Green is a film about a dystopian future where no food is left. So they manufacture Soylent Green to feed the masses and the reveal in the third act is that its made from (spoiler alert) people! My orange stack is not "soylent orange" but is in fact portable hard drives with protective rubber bumpers.
Oh, LOL! You did mention hard drives somewhere else, but I didn't connect it.
Changed it up... now: Jar w/Lemon - Jar w/Lime - Jar w/Pepper - Jar w/Pepper - Jar w/Pepper - Jar w/Pepper
Bwahaha! Props.😎
This is black magic lol. Great shot!
LOL your creativity always impresses me
One foot off the ground deserves an upvote!
Thanks, I had balanced 8 things on top of my coffee cup but was unsure if having more than 6 would qualify. We do what we can.
So much skill!!
Thank You!! I am seriously considering quitting my day job?? :)
You may have a future with the circus.😁
Oh wow that's quite creative!
Thanks @papa-pepper.. it's just ok i had so much fun in this contest and with you guys. I'll just wait for the next season. Better luck next time. Thank you again.
Thank you so much for playing! It was a lot of fun to watch you participate, and at least you don't go home empty handed!
indeed @papa-pepper it was really really fun. All thanks to you.
See you next round, Marlon82! Enjoy the holidays!
sure @fishyculture.. good luck to you all remaining players.. happy holidays. thank you
You had some great entries. Sorry to see you go. Looking forward to seeing your work in the next challenge.
She sells seashells by the seashore....
Well done! And your seashells are beautiful :-)
I should have tried something easier. They kept falling over. LOL!
You totally made me think of this funny little gem.
That was funny! At first I wondered what it had to do with my post. Thanks for the laugh!!
too funny :)
Beautiful collection
We have baskets full of them!
I feel you @dmcamera as I tried for the quickdraw and things that I used keep falling. 😄
It would have been so much easier to grab some boxes of food from the pantry, but not as photogenic. Lol!
So so cute!
thats cool :) keep on going
I don't know! Have you seen today's challenge? 9 people grouped close to us in the shot! Will have to be total strangers if I get it done at all. Lol!!
Yeah I saw it that’s a real challenge
Yesterday would have been easy. I would have had all my church friends in the church cafe yesterday, and I'm sure they would have loved to do it. But everyone is so spread out during the week! I'm trying to get ready to leave tomorrow anyway, so this may be it for me!
Ohh no you can do it
I did it! About to post now! :-)
I am balancing six boxes with herbs :-)
And a beautiful pepper necklace. Lol!
Oh yeah :-) I love pepper :-)
You are adorable!
Thank you)
I took these with my sweet new Steemit Silver round on top (that balancing was difficult), but then decided that the secret bonus item this time HAS to be a rock painted like a fish... So I went with this one. LOL! 😂

Moments after snapping a pic this collapsed. That fishy rock is MUCH heavier than the foam dice blocks. Or he was just trying to get away. I suppose we'll never know...😎
Also, please, anyone! Does it look like I'm cheating?! I'm totally not, but don't wanna get disqualified... Probably shouldn't have tried to eat the little bugger.... Taking suggestions...
I think the fish painted rock is a wise's totally due to be a bonus.
Obviously. I mean,rocks shaped like fish, painted like fish....what else could @papa-pepper be thinking about? 🐟🐠🐡
Fine by me.
Thank you! Take all my upvote. We be friends forever. 😍
Haha.. when you tried to guess what the secret bonus could be lol! And that little bugger looks hopeless and could fly if got wings! 😄
You never fail to make me smile and look cute in every photo.
That's not by accident. LOL! I TRY to look cute. #takesskill
It only has to last for one photo! lol
I miss you too cutipie! 😘
Love that you are in the game again!!
It's nice to be back dear! 😊
Aww you are love Jyoce!
one day i will come to yhur country to look for yhu
How do you do it? You don't look like you just had a baby!!!
Thank you! You just made my day! 😄😄
She is stunning isn't she?!
You guys 😚
Dang, girl! Looking good!!😍
You noticed? Thank you 😊
I like it! It's not very easy :-)
I tried to be fast and do the quick draw. Have to figure out how to post from my phone......
Yes. Blocks. Yes. It is what I shall find... Yes.
you will probably find something way more fun!
I found large dice. Which are essentially blocks, but with numbers. LOL! And I DID successfully balance a Steemit Silver Round on top... for like a second, but the pic was blurry and it just looked like a ball on top... So I went with a fishy!
I tried for quick draw ... Have to see if I can come up with something better :)
I would have chosen something similar too if I were in it :)
Well done! :-)
What a fun stack of things!
What's in the jar?
Looks like a candle to me.
It's a candle.
Do I get a prize? LOL!
Have a hug! \°°/
That'll do. :-)
That's interesting!!
Haha ! Good one , love how you stack ! LOL!😂😂😂👍
Thanks @momskitchen. Gotta keep it fun and exciting.
For sure my friend !!👍👍👍
I like that STEEM silver round case on top! @ironshield
I thought about pulling the silver out and putting it on top of the hackie sack but I was afraid of getting DQed for having 7things. Hopefully the steem logo is a bonus bonus this round.
Me 2! He says 6 and 7 ≠ 6
maybe or maybe the word papa or pepper
Tiny soaps! Safe since I couldn’t see what I was holding! The apple was a bit iffy but it stayed where it should have after about 6 tries😂
Awww cute!
to see what the contestants put themselves through ! LOL! 😂😂😂😂👍👍👍💕
Wow ! What a huge prize pool @papa-pepper ! Its biggest I have seen on steemit ! Congratulations to all those who are still hanging in there !! Good luck , whatever you do don't give up Ha haha !! These pictures are Hilarious
Hasta Mañana Amigos ;p
nice assortment!!
And a pepper on top ;p
Thank you!
i like the pose
So much variety! The pepper looks good on the top.
you are doing something very unusual. you have been petrified for beginners in steemit by making a contest and this is great for us who are still new and must be in the world of steemit. and if we have succeeded like you will petrify new people as steady as you are helping now. I am very amazed to you
I'm not sure if I am understanding your use of the word 'petrify' Amal.
I think it is google translate using that word.....
Google translate has stepped up its game recently! I use it a lot, although I always do a final revision. But it is suprisingly good - the A.I.s are coming!
They have been working on updating it - but they might not have gotten to all languages yet......
Ah yes! Good point!
I'm guessing but if you replace with "rock" it makes sense.
Rock steady babe!
but my translation uses that word. and I am sorry you may find it difficult to understand the word
Here are the remaining players:
21 BONUS POINTSX @carrieallen – X @chrismiss – X @dmcamera - X @dwells – X @ecoinstant – X @ecoinstante - X @ewuoso – X @fishyculture - X @ir3k - X @joanderit - X @longsilver - X @mariannewest – X @norwegiansteem - X @otage – X @snooway -
16 BONUS POINTS@marlon82 –
16 BONUS POINTSX @japhofin8or – X @essentialoilmom – X @craigcryptoking – X @marlon82 –
Good luck everyone !!👍👍👍😂
Let's go pepper- I'm rooting for ya'
CONGRATULATIONS to the winner, Keep up the good work @papa-pepper
I think this one was way to easy....You sure you not gone soft?
good luck, my dear friend @papa-pepper
Congratulations my friend @papa-pepper ✌✌
4 jewelry box.. A souvenir and a mini Christmas tree decor!
Mother duck insisted on sitting on my head to watch over this dangerous stunt by baby duckie but I said no for fear of being disqualified. Duckie is balancing on my Cadbury chocolate, Kavalan whisky (winner of no. 1 whisky in the world), pudding, purple rice tea, and apple milk.
You got my attention at Cadbury's chocolate. Yummy! Don't like whisky though!
I don't like whisky either. Bought it for my dad
Very impressive.😱
Thanks! !
Wow you have good balancing skills.
Thank you!
Are there surprises in the boxes, or are they empty?
Wow! I thought they were boxes.
Whoa! Strength AND balance!😍
Very strong
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We were just getting ready to wrap the grandkids Christmas gifts!
Balancing the bling.
Lucky kids!!!
WAIT!!!! COME BACK EVERYONE!!!!! Too late, they were gone... lol!Oh, it is killin' me. We had them all here last night, it was the twins' birthday. But no way to get NEAR the computer, they were all playing with it. So they all went home, @longsilver and I grabbed a beer and sat down to see what the challenge was....
Bwhahaha! That's sucks! Now you know to AT LEAST take a second to view the challenge. There's $$$ on the line! LOL!
What @otage said.
Go to and send a "direct message" to "papa-pepper" and he will respond.
Thank you!
All 15 remaining players have posted @papa-pepper. let's get this party started!
LOL - In a gas station parking lot right now!
Well that is going to make for an interesting selfie. I'm at least 15 minutes away from the closest gas station so I'm probably not going to get a quick draw this time. Lol.
I can hear you saying. "Wait. No. What I meant was. Oh nevermind!"
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @papa-pepper!