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RE: INTERACTIVE BATTLE TOURNAMENT#5 - ENROL for the bestest, easy way to win Steem

in #contest7 years ago

I would like to play, thank you.

Lady P is sitting this tournament out as she has been sent on a top secret UltimaCorp mission, but her distant relative Cousin Agatha has reluctantly consented to step in as her representative, and will be utilising her wizardly talents.

Cousin Agatha has long been thought by the family as a bit 'odd' ...
cousin agatha.jpg
image source
... but she can be very entertaining at the monthly Ladies' Auxilliary Luncheons, and she breeds the most intelligent cats in the whole county. She can quite often be found wandering through the meadows with a large basket filled with herbage of one variety or another, and is regularly sought out for her ointments and tinctures - although treating old men for gout and the pox is not on her list of favourite things to do.


wizard is confirmed and enrolled.By the power vested in me by @lordnigel, welcome to IBT5. Cousin Agatha the

I like polite cat ladies hehe

You may have a trophy fitting of your station Cousin of Lady P. Please reply here with your bitshares account within 7 days to receive.

Why thank you, Lord Nigel. I shall be sure to report back to Lady P how gentlemanly you were to her cousin.

The a/c name is: raven-ruis :)