INTERACTIVE BATTLE TOURNAMENT#5 - ENROL for the bestest, easy way to win Steem

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

This post is to allow people to enrol for & play in the Interactive Battle Tournament #5. 



To Enrol you must:   

  • Comment here in this enrolment post indicating that you want to play. I.e. You simply reply to this post and say "I would like to play".
  • Specify the Character Class you would like to play as, you must be either a: Warrior, Archer or Wizard. 

For Extra fun you may:   

  • Provide an image of your character it can be any image you want, but it’s recommended you reference the source of your image (if you didn't create it yourself).
  • Provide a brief description of your player/character it can be anything you like. If your unsure how or don’t want to post  an image (I will assign a random image for you). If you don't specify  a description, I will provide a random one for you. 

There is no entry fee to enrol; you are simply asked to Upvote the posts. 


  • Your enrolment will be confirmed - a few days will pass
  • A detailed instructions post will come available (how to use bots to play) - see links below
  • A campaign map and item shop post will come available  - see links below
  • Stage One and Stage Two Battle posts will come available - see Campaign map post *Battle one and two*
  • Enrolments will close
  • Stage Three battle post with come available - see Campaign map post *Battle three*
  • Stage Four battle post with come available - see Campaign map post *Battle Four*
  • Optional  - Stage Five (PVP battle post) will come available - see Campaign map post *Battle Five*
  • Stage Six battle post with come available - see Campaign map post *Battle Six*
  • Boss Round battle post will come available - see Campaign map post *Final Battle*

Prizes will be handed out as each Stage posts closes and winners are clear. I will deposit Steem directly into your wallets :) 

Basic play overview: Once Stage One and Two are shown as available on the campaign map, and your enrolment has been confirmed you may begin your journey and participate in the battles. 

Basic battle instructions will be available in each Stage post so read them carefully, pending your character class you will have different types of attacks to achieve victory and you will have 3 fresh life points at the start of each stage. 

During each stage you will have a single chance to pick the pocket your foe and gain an item that may help or hinder your chances. You will also be able to summon items from an item shop using either Steem or Trophy-tokens (pending your level - all players start at level 0 and go up a level for every two Stage posts you win on the first attack). Trophy-tokens are awarded to people for great content in competitions on Steemit - See @trophy-token for more information. 

                               Cut the crap! - How to win the Steem:

During Stages 1 - 4 and 6

It's easy, as each Stage is posted you simply reply using the command for your character class. The idea is to try and beat the foe on the first attack on every Stage. Instructions on how to attack for your class will be in each Stage don't worry too much for now if your new. If you don't win on the first attack you must keep trying until all your life points for the stage are used (3 attempts). If you move on to another stage before being successful, your remaining life points for the previous Stage become invalid and won't help you come the final boss round. The idea is to be cunning, pickpockets, fights Gobbo's, save life points and buy what ever it takes to win on the first attempt, failing that winning on the second or third attempt is still good as the remaining life points will be added to your final attacks in the boss round.

During Optional Stage 5

When optional Stage 5 comes up, you can have a crack at bonus Steem prize by being the top IBT PVP player -  There is risk though.... It costs one life point to by pass this stage (so only 2 life points will go towards your final rolls against the boss should you decide not to play Stage 5). However, If you play you get all 3 life points, but like every other Stage if you use them all up, they won't contribute to your final rolls against the boss. You may quit playing at any time, preserving your remaining life points, but can only carry over a max of 2 life points.

During The final Boss Round

  • If you managed to get to level 1, your item counts if you purchase a level 1 item from the shop.
  • If your still level 0, you can still buy an item.
  • Most significant tip - all your life points from previous rounds not used are added up and added to your final attack(s) against the Boss (you get two shots, best attack is your final attack score). You must care for your IBT character and do your best to get them to the end with the best level and number of life points possible to maximize your chances to win the end prize. IF things don't go well in the first few stages, don't give up! there are some good level 1 items that could twist the end result your way and the top players luck may not hold out in the boss round. Level1 items do not stack (your only allowed 1), but per round pickpocket and Gobbo items which only apply in the round you get do stack with any level item. 
  • If the number of life points you saved is low, risk a pickpocket
  • If your a level 2 Char risk it all and use the special attack.

Unlike previous IBT you must play strategically through out all the Stages to have the best chance of gaining glory and winning the big Steem at the end...hehe well in theory at least, lets see how it goes

Confused? don't be... just enrol, watch what others do and play along - it's been designed so once you understand it should only take a few minutes every night to play and have fun, before returning to your hard work of posting quality content and earning Steem :)




Let the Enrolments begin!!

Special thanks to @spaceginger   for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament  Image above, also thanks to @steemseph for his super sweet dividers. Some images were used from the abandonware game Landsoflore2


The people in the village marketplace all paused and turned their heads towards the tavern where loud crashes and smashing of bottles could be heard. There was a momentary silence and then shortly after the doors to the tavern burst open to reveal a warrior dragging two passed out thieves onto the side of the road by the collar.

Within moments the local sheriff and his deputy arrived and proceeded to pay the man his bounty for capturing the two thieves. The warrior was furious and after a short argument assaulted the officers rendering them unconscious before riding off with one of their horses.

Before leaving the village entirely he circled back and yelled out "FIAT IS DEAD, I'm riding to #IBT 5 to get me some STEEM!". He then proceeded to open his leather satchel and drop something onto the ground before riding off into the distance.

A small girl went to see what the man had dropped, it was a business card:

"Spike - Warrior Mercenery
contact my manager @sanctus for bookings"

Ahhh welcome back ..hehe what can't chug a beer while apprehending villains...

Welcome Spike the warrior your enrolment has been confirmed.

CongratS! you have won a trophy token, please rely within 7 days with your bitshares account.


Bs account: sanctus-1

I would like to play as Raiden (Wizard) :)) Raiden has the ability to generate electricity and teleport.

Welcome Raiden, the wizard your enrolment has been confirmed.

..And for your cool powerful image and being the first brave soul, you have won a trophy-token. Please provide your bitshares account within 7 days to receive,

Hey bro, got your PM..Trophy delivered :)

After an evening on the town in his finest regalia, Raktan the Orc Archer meanders through the streets on the way back to his hotel. The wine has been fabulous, the company splendid, and the food... words are a tool too crude to describe such magnificence.

With everything right in the world, a foul wind blows an evil filth covered leaflet through the streets. The leaflet, covered in mud and horse feces, is blown by the forces of fate through the streets until it lands on the well dressed Orc.

Raktan the Orc Archer peels the filthy, shit-covered paper off of his immaculate tunic. It has one puzzling phrase printed on it.

"Do you want to play?"

Raktan the Orc Archer sighs, crumples the leaflet into a ball and throws it on the ground. As he begins walking with determination towards his hotel, he mutters under his breath "I would like to play"...

Raktan the Orc Archer

archer is confirmed and enrolled.By the power vested in me by @lordnigel, welcome to IBT5. Raktan the

Oh a sinister looking note eh! did it happen to have green looking git on the front...That Gobbo gets around.

Welcome back to the play Ork archer guy - we like good intro's here and reward. If you would like a trophy token please reply here with your bitshares account name within 7 days. Cheers

Nice! My account name is front-toward-enemy


Serra Angel, divine warrior, returns with her enchanted sword Oblivion!


Damn 4/4 is gonna be tough to beat :-P

Here she is, back to mock and defeat us all over again....or will she?

Welcome Serra Angel, the warrior your enrolment has been confirmed.

I'm in!

(oh, and my shadow is also in)...

I'm just a young school aged lad who likes to study with my form mates and occasionally eat an apple for dessert. I am neither an archer, warrior or wizard. If I study real hard, Father said he might be able to get me a job as a Linesman in his factory. I might even be able to work my way up to Supervisor in 10 years.

Sometimes things get smashed around me and I don't know why... maybe a warrior follows me around?

Shadow the warrior has been confirmed and enrolled. Let me know if the shadow has another name that he should be called by.By the power vested in me by @lordnigel, welcome to IBT5. Since no name has been provided for either you or your shadow, I will declare that

Sounds good to me. I'm gonna call the kid Gavin. He looks like a Gavin.

Gavin and his warrior shadow... doo doo doo do, having adventures... doo doo doo do.

Hmmn a shadow warrior eh this should be interesting..

Also for adding to the mystery of our IBT - a trophy is waiting if you! just reply here with your bitshares account name within 7 days

I would like to compete. For I am just another ordinary citizen archer
Hobin Rood!

Oh! new outfit, new skills and maybe new secret strategy - good luck mate.

Welcome Hobin Rood! the archer your enrolment has been confirmed.

I would like to play as a samurai warrior

Welcome Samurai warrior your enrolment has been confirmed.

In his spare time Pickles had been toying around with magic. After all, those weirdos in robes do it. How hard could it be?


Haha pickles cute, yet brutal!

Welcome Pickles the Wizard your enrolment is confirmed.

After an unsuccessful campaign as a warrior I will rejoin as a powerful wizard.

Art from:

Oh man, luck was not with you...but I have a feeling things are about to change.

Welcome Powerful Wizard the wizard your enrolment is confirmed.

I would like to play. Bunny Fluff is back!


Damn! that bunny is incredible and just keep coming back..hmmn a holy hand grenade item will writes that down for possible future item

Welcome Bunny Fluff ...can't remember were you a wizard? I'm going to assume this is ok. Your enrolment has been confirmed.

I would like to play, thank you.

Lady P is sitting this tournament out as she has been sent on a top secret UltimaCorp mission, but her distant relative Cousin Agatha has reluctantly consented to step in as her representative, and will be utilising her wizardly talents.

Cousin Agatha has long been thought by the family as a bit 'odd' ...
cousin agatha.jpg
image source
... but she can be very entertaining at the monthly Ladies' Auxilliary Luncheons, and she breeds the most intelligent cats in the whole county. She can quite often be found wandering through the meadows with a large basket filled with herbage of one variety or another, and is regularly sought out for her ointments and tinctures - although treating old men for gout and the pox is not on her list of favourite things to do.

wizard is confirmed and enrolled.By the power vested in me by @lordnigel, welcome to IBT5. Cousin Agatha the

I like polite cat ladies hehe

You may have a trophy fitting of your station Cousin of Lady P. Please reply here with your bitshares account within 7 days to receive.

Why thank you, Lord Nigel. I shall be sure to report back to Lady P how gentlemanly you were to her cousin.

The a/c name is: raven-ruis :)

Hi, sorry so late. Looking forward to the fun.

I want to play as Angel Food again please.


Angel Food is a taco eating donut that became a wizard. He plays bass and likes dipping other donuts in coffee.

Angel Food once lived in a spaceship (The Moon), but was banished for crashing it into earth. He claims he was distracted. Who cares, that sucks! Stupid excuse too... probably on the toilet...

At this point, Angel Food is probably permanently banished here for chronic cannibalism. Other than the occasional sodomy he endured in the previous adventure, Angle Food is better off staying.

He has a fondness for Dragons and is actually a distant cousin to Space Godzilla. Angel Food claims he can’t speak Dragon.

Be sure to say hello and to Angel Food along the way. He will probably ask if you’ve seen the bathroom, so if you wanna just tell him where it is right away, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks @steemseph

Good Luck Everyone!

wizard is confirmed and enrolled for IBT5.By the power vested in me by @lordnigel, welcome back, champ. Angel Food the

Haha crazy man! yeah I can speak dragon either

'cause your unusual like me you qualify for a trophy token, please reply here with your bitshares account within 7 days to receive.

We gotta get the Speak Dragon for dummies book on audio tape. 😬
I’m honored, thanks for that trophy token!

I Enroll with Alakazam
The Psychic wizard

wizard is confirmed and enrolled.By the power vested in me by @lordnigel, welcome to IBT5. Alakazam the

I like to play as Captain America 😃😎. He is super solder.

Cool mate - Do you have a image you would like to show here? just pop a link here if you could?.. like @artlover did (else you'll get a random one given by me and it will be an abandonware character)

Image i like to use is unnamed.png

Welcome Captain America warrior your enrolment has been confirmed

I will enter as Dareth the thief Archer


Sweet! thanks for joining in.

Welcome Dareth the Archer your enrolment has been confirmed.

I’m in! Can you please allocate me an elfin character wearing bunny ears?

Eck...BYOP(P for picture) for that I can do on short notice!

Welcome to the battles Mazzle mighty sword warrior , one who slays elfin's that wear bunny ears! haha..Your enrolment is confirmed.

Close enough :P

Bring it!

Archer it is. You may call me Lapichro
(I think, hehe)

Hehe Sweet!, lets see if you fight as awesome as your look with that setup.

Welcome Lapichro the expert archer your enrolment has been confirmed

Lord Nigel the Steem warrior cyborg is gonna play

...Like last time I'm in it just for the fun and sadly have holes in my pocket and thus will take no prize - but Glory can still be mine! Mahaha.

hehehehe - have fun without me this round! but i'll be back for IBT6!!! (just need to focus all my extra time on my book right now and stay focused ;)

“SCAREDY-CAT” shouts Angel Food from the peanut gallery.

Your book, I can't believe I'm not reading it.

I'm on hols for a few days, if I do manage some internet time (and can find some connectivity) at night - I'll give it a read. Good luck!

oh! how fun!!! enjoy every moment of your holiday!!!

(and chapter 7 of my book got Curied! my first one!!! so thrilling :)

if you get time to read it - i'd love your take! it's one of those stories that unfolds over time... leaves you guessing a bit... but I think it's getting to the part where things start to become even more clear!

nice that you can catch up all at once... some people are beating me over the head to release faster hahahahaha (which is great to have people excited over it!)

have a great vaca!!!

Cool! - Sounds great and if you got Curied must be good! I like a good read, but hardly get time apart from when on hols

Will let you know what I thought - All the best :)

oh.... the easiest way... Here is the latest chapter. Fireflies - Chapter 8. All the previous chapters are listed at the bottom of chapter 8 :) that way - if you DO get time.... you don't have to look all over my blog :)
Chapter 1 was from last year, so I wasn't able to edit it with links to the next chapter. Anyway... there you go! LOL (and you can certainly just read chapter 8!!! but... it might be a bit confusing.... )

LOLOLOLOL you saw through me!!!! hahahahaha i'm really scared ;)

i need to work out for a few more weeks and work on building up my muscles and courage! hahahaha

My name is Judge Killary Dredd. I hear there is an Interactive Battle Tournament that needs some Justice to be served. I would like to enroll my archery skills to enact that justice from a distance.

Judge Killary Dredd.jpg

While I may seem hard on my Judge, Jury, & Executioner exterior, I am really just a soft-hearted person on the inside, seeking the approval and admiration of others. My lack of confidence comes from my low self-esteem. I overcompensate at times by abusing the power of my authority.

I have recently taken up archery as a pass time and look forward to sharpening my skills on those Middle to Low class law breaking scum as well as the right wing Neo-Con fascists that floods the realm of IBT. I am sure there are foes and bosses too along the way that need to be dealt with. I am here to protect and serve... (mostly myself...) but If I can't kill them... I know someone who can, and if that doesn't work... I can just get them suicided or heart-attacked! I have a foundation and some special servers as well as arrows for days!

So, don't worry.... JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED Because...

Haha nice about time we had some Justice in the IBT house ! Welcome Judge Killary Dredd the archer your enrolment has been confirmed.

Please proceed to Stage one when ready to clean out some scum :)

Note: You have won a trophy token, please respond here with your bitshares account name, within 7 days to receive.

On My Way to Stage OneWhy thank you @LordNigel! I am really looking forward to this whole experience... and so is JKD. I will need to set up a bitshares account and get back with that account name. I am a bit nervous... but I know this is going to be super fun.

ZOOL would like to play - and crush his enemies bone by bone

Sweeeet!, glad you could make it mate.

Zool the Warrior your enrolment is confirmed. Proceed when ready :)

Hello, thank you for delegate, however, the minimal requirement is 5 SP.

I would like to enroll but I am on my mobile phone so if you remember me awesome if not just give me random :D

@positivity420 Mobile phone is the same. Just use the browser and look for mentions on Steemit and also. I use mobile a lot. (Iphone) Let me know if you have a tech-ish issue with your phone, I have a good throwing arm.

Just create a character. Think of a name. Use a picture of your cousin's, uncle's, in-law's, gold fish tank's, skeleton statue or something. A wizard can look like anything imho.

Thanks for advices but I didn't mean it like that, I meant it cos I was not home until now, and I participated in fights way before interactive tournaments were even in planning ;)

mighty illusionist of 3 ducks quacking

Description: One eyed Illusionist recently escaped from mental institution, beware.

Cool.. glad your back! IBT has been missing 3 ducks, there's been a few updates/changes to game play so give each post a good read. not that my instructions are that great hehe

Welcome 3 ducks quacking the wizard your enrolment has been confirmed.

Ayyy good to be back :D Definitely will read tommorrow, it's late atm :))

Oh snap! One eyed and illusionists from mental institutions don’t mess around. You’ll have many friends here, says Angel Food.

I bet xD Why angel food LOL since when do angels eat :D

Angel Food is my winning character from IBT4. The name “Angle” is just a nice word for cannabalist in this case, but his name’s origins are still debated.


Final enrollment list:


For @lordnigel and other players' reference:

  • Any cell in the stage columns (D-I, labeled with headers S1-S6) that has the number 31 appearing indicates a player who passed a stage on the first attempt and earned a share of the STEEM prize pool for that stage. S1 = stage 1, S2 = stage 2, etc. If a cell has anything else, it's not a first attempt pass.
  • B$ (column L) = current banked life points
  • FV (column M) = flawless victories (stage wins on the first attempt)
  • LVL (column N) = character level
  • MOD (column P) -- indicates permanent modifiers in play. For most folks they will have one of 4 possible entries: (1) blank if level 0, (2) 0 if level 1 but hasn't paid for their special item yet, (3) +2 if level 1 and has paid for their special item, (4) +2 S if level 2 and has paid for the special spell.

I'll probably post updated screenshots after each stage post reaches its deadline/payout, so everyone can see the final result of who should get rewarded for that stage.

Really nice job mate. Thanks so much from myself and on behalf of the players.

Psst I'm working on the code so players can display what they need to hit to win if they are confused during a stage, meaning it takes their special field into account and any items they have picked up. I may need to implement over a couple of IBT as it's hard and got some bugs. You presenting the info like this is helpful as I can consider how/what to code and what game play changes maybe needed as well..Super cool!