@raised2b thank you for this contest.
Just over a month ago, a Facebook friend of mine, who I follow online, encouraged me to join #Steemit. He had discovered this really #cool #blockchain social site and insisted I join. I am very happy he did. I have enjoyed this site immensely.
There are numerous folks in my feed that I delight in seeing. Some folks post awesome art and photographs and some post homesteading knowledge and world events that I otherwise would be ignorant about. Some make me laugh and others make me feel like a real friend. So to pick just one is quite difficult.
I chose William YOYO Martin, aka Adventure Seeker, because he is the one who invited me here. It delights me when his content is in my feed. He consistently post awesome content when he is not out on some adventure. He has won several of @juliank 's photo challenges because he is quite talented.
I am undoubtably his biggest fan. I have a story about him. I do!
It is way to much to write here, but suffice it to say, I got to be his River Angel and rescue him from Hurricane Harvey. Tiz True...
I appreciate his dedication to documenting his adventures to share with folks like me who can't do the crazy things he does. This site is a better place because he connects here.
I am thankful for this opputunity to share some love and let the world know I appreciate him.

It has been a pleasure to know you. I am so happy to have your support. Yes you have been there for me though some very interesting situations, and that I am grateful. I am happy you are having so much fun on steemit. I wish I could dedicate the time you have to it, but as you have said, I am usually out on an adventure. I hope my content speaks for itself and allows me to grow on this platform as well. Thanks for everything.
@imaginationicon You are most welcome. Mr Martin. Anytime.
Great share, I'm looking forward to seeing his adventures now too :)
He is fun to follow for sure. I love his positive outlook on life and the unique way he sees the world.