Happy New Year!
Welcome to January's Share the Love! challenge. We've had some awesome shares the last couple times around and I'm looking forward to seeing some more love.
Let's Get To It!
The rules are simple, it's all about appreciation. You know those people in your feed that you love to see everyday and add value to your world? We want to acknowledge them!
Write a comment on this post about another Steem member that has made this platform an enjoyable place for you. They may consistently deliver good content, they may have helped you with something, or you may have a story about them. Whatever it is, I want you to tell us how they've made Steemit a better place.
Resteem this post to Share the Love!
That's all there is to it and you'll be entered to win.
Of course we hope that you participate too, so come back often and upvote those comments that you like the best! It'll help in deciding who the final winners will be.
Judging & Rewards
Entries are accepted up until the post payout date. When this post pays out the contest will be considered done and @coruscate and I will judge the top vote getters and make an ultimate decision on the winner.
The reward will be 15 Steem or the total liquid SBD payout of this post whichever is greater! That amount will be split between the person with the best comment and the Steem member that the comment is about.
That's It! So Let's See It Steemit, Share the Love!

I'd have to say @lyndsaybowes! She brought me to Steemit, she has such a big heart and cares so much about EVERYONE, she inspires people to better themselves and their communities, she always responds to every comment, and she's hilarious to boot. She can brighten probably anyone's day. She's been a great mentor and friend to me and so many others. Check out #ophumanangels and #walkwithme, both created by her. Absolutely making Steemit, and the world, a better place.
Just lookedd into #walkwithme, very cool and now I want to post my own #walkwithme!!! Soon soon. Folowing @lyndsaybowes too now. Thanks for the info
Isn't she great? Sometimes I feel a little creepy with how much I talk about her, but how could I not?
As long as you know you're not a creeper, don't let it bother you!
Lyndsay is definitely a shining example of the kind of people that make this place so great. Everyone should definitely go give her a follow if they haven't yet.
Thanks for the share and great comment.
Hello @raised2b
Firstly I want to appreciate your effort for bringing this up in the first place. This is just another means of making this community fun,worthy to stay and a way of given back to the community.
He has been my best motivator and guider.
He's always ready to help and committed towards keeping this community growing. I love reading his post and interacting with me. He's one of those that made this community worth staying.To me, I have so many steemians that I love to just see their post on my feed because of how they've been so wondering but the person that I want to go for is @maintain4real-eu
Regards @funkylove
In SUMMARY, @maintain4real-eu to me is a witness.
sure you right
Thanks boss for the great comment
Love your name :) and great comment too, so cool that I know get to now know you both.
Thanks for the wonderful complement
It is a privilege and a great joy for me to extend a vote of thanks to all those who have contributed in one way or the other to make this workshop a success.
We are all inspired by your great words! @funkylove
You are Frabjous
Thanks for those wonderful words and for the recommendationHello @funkylove am just speechless.
I want to seize this opportunity to appreciate @tolustx. He Introduced me to steemit in December last year and dint just stop there. He tutored me and made me understand everything I needed to. He also introduced me to @airhawk-project, where I met some wonderful people who also served as a guide to me. @tolustx is not just a colleague or a friend but also a brother and I will always be grateful to him. Dunno what life would have been for me if he hadn't Introduced me to the life changing community. @tolustx has also been a source of inspiration to me on steemit as he participates in various contests and never fails to tell me about them so that I could also participate and win. At this point I have been able to introduce about 10 persons into steemit and just like I was tutored, I have also taken it upon myself to tutor them to make them become better on steemit.
Steemit... My Knight in a shining amoure
@tolustx... My hero
Great share, i love how you're taking up the mantle and passing it on as well. You guys are doing a great job over there :)
Thank you very much sir... We will keep doing our best to preach steem to the world.
Your post always wanna make me appreciate more the reason am on steemit...thanks for sharing boss
Spark up dear.
I almost felt like crying
Dis is so heart ♥ warming
That's how life should. God bless your good heart.
keep sprending the love by inviting and tutoring others.
My ultimate man in steemit is @dorth. He persuaded me to joining steemit. I joined after lots of persuasion, and he helped me by adding me to a wonderful community @airhawk-project. He bought an Upvote for my first post, he helped me to canvass for votes that won me a huge contest. He has always challenged me to make quality posts. He has helped lots of people to get curie votes. He is just a wonderful guy. His efforts have made me to also invite at least 5 people into steemit, guiding them too. I love @dorth...
Definitely sounds like a community builder, thanks for sharing!
Wow! Now you wanna make me cry. Thanks @raised2b for the observation. That's what many think I am. Above all, I'm just me trying to be myself in any situation.
all the time.Oh, that's @svashta for sure! Quality content
Inspiring in his own way, even if he doesn't realise it... but what could be more inspiring than a real human being showing a lot of interest in your work, and doing the very things you'd like to do yourself?
@svashta's stories keep me writing. I still don't know how one person can have that great an imagination. And when I'm tired of seeing bad content, I go into his blog at once. And I'm never disappointed!
Thank you. so very much!
And more so than for the kind words now, thank you for all the comments and all the fun over the time we've known each other. Your comments have been a great motivation for me and have many times brought a smile on my face. I believe that @braveheart29, you and me form a trio of friendship, that I hope never fades.
Thanks again, @petermarie! It's people like you that make, and keep, the platform as awesome as it is! :D
Awww.... so sweet!
I love this, perfect example of what this challenge is all about and what makes this place special.
Her and I met around the time I joined Steemit, and she proposed I write a story with the title "Slaughterhouse". After I did, she asked me if I could write another part, and sooner than you know it, we're 13 parts down the line, each writing one part of the story.
I chose her because she motivates me to write and create, and because she always presents me with new challenges with her parts of the story (If you wish to read it, click here
She made Steemit not just fun for me, but a healthy challenge also, that helps me improve as a writer and keeps me motivated.
Also, she's a very kind person I have had many interesting conversations with.
She's a fellow qurite also ^^It was tough call with a few more people to choose from than 1, but I ultimately decided to go with @braveheart29.). I was never good at writing anything longer than short stories of max 1500 words, but with her help, we are writing a lengthy story together! :D And I even noticed I can write longer stories myself! :D (Managed to write one around 8000 words long. I believe it's safe to say I wouldn't have embarked on that journey had I not been collaborating with @braveheart29)
Thank you for this amazing initiative @raised2b!
All I can think of to say is Ditto!
Awesome comment, I love your guys' story. I'm definitely intrigured to go check out what you guys have been doing.
Another reader of Slaughterhouse? :D Amazing! :D
I would have to say @goldendawne. She is active in helping the community. She is involved in multiple projects. She does a lot of charitable giving here on steemit. She also helps new people by providing mentorship.
Thank you!!!
You're welcome! You deserve it.
oh shucks, you beat me to it! @goldendawne is amazing - good luck to you both!
It's great that you wanted to vote her too!
I'm just finding out about her, thanks for the awesome share!
No problem, I am happy to have others see the kind of work that she does here on Steemit.
@lyndsaybowes - nuff said!
Haha you guys are too cute! #powercouple
Yea!!!!!!!! #powercouple
I'd like everyone to take a look at @eaglespirit and browse through her blog and look around. Her site is full of nice photographs and sagely advice on just about every topic there is. Jet's was one of the first blogs I had the pleasure to read and if nothing else the @eaglespirit brand reminds me to strive to sore to heights unknown and be fierce in hunting all things content. I may be new to steem but am grateful I found a friend with the spirit and wisdom of an eagle.
Welcome to Steemit and thanks for taking the time to share :)
Thank you so much @spozone you are a kind friend and I am grateful for your nomination and support. Higs amd Blessings to you. xx
Awesome contest bro! I would like to nominate my friend @nairadaddy. He is a huge help to so many new minnows and he is also a doctor and created a free online clinic thru steemit to help as many people as possible.. he also always has the most thoughtful comments and is always willing to take the time to read a post if you ask.. he is definitely changing lives, helping people and never asks for anything in return. not all heros wear capes!
Definitely going to have to check him out. I love how international this platform is, really helps to push home the fact that we're all just one big tribe sharing this amazing planet. Only good things come from that realization.
@raised2b thank you for this contest.
Just over a month ago, a Facebook friend of mine, who I follow online, encouraged me to join #Steemit. He had discovered this really #cool #blockchain social site and insisted I join. I am very happy he did. I have enjoyed this site immensely.
There are numerous folks in my feed that I delight in seeing. Some folks post awesome art and photographs and some post homesteading knowledge and world events that I otherwise would be ignorant about. Some make me laugh and others make me feel like a real friend. So to pick just one is quite difficult.
I chose William YOYO Martin, aka Adventure Seeker, because he is the one who invited me here. It delights me when his content is in my feed. He consistently post awesome content when he is not out on some adventure. He has won several of @juliank 's photo challenges because he is quite talented.
I am undoubtably his biggest fan. I have a story about him. I do!
It is way to much to write here, but suffice it to say, I got to be his River Angel and rescue him from Hurricane Harvey. Tiz True...
I appreciate his dedication to documenting his adventures to share with folks like me who can't do the crazy things he does. This site is a better place because he connects here.
I am thankful for this opputunity to share some love and let the world know I appreciate him.
It has been a pleasure to know you. I am so happy to have your support. Yes you have been there for me though some very interesting situations, and that I am grateful. I am happy you are having so much fun on steemit. I wish I could dedicate the time you have to it, but as you have said, I am usually out on an adventure. I hope my content speaks for itself and allows me to grow on this platform as well. Thanks for everything.
@imaginationicon You are most welcome. Mr Martin. Anytime.
Great share, I'm looking forward to seeing his adventures now too :)
He is fun to follow for sure. I love his positive outlook on life and the unique way he sees the world.
This month I'm sharing some love for @moderndayhippie. He just took a huge step and started a new life adventure leaving the normal hustle and bustle behind to go explore this crazy world and live free. I'm looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds. He's also shared some really cool stories and pics and is worth checking out if you haven't yet.
Wow, thanks so much man! I would of nominated you but i dont think your trying to win your own compitition! Lol.
I love that you do these types of posts because it shows how grateful people are on steemit. Everyone here is so kind and giving, it really is the best social media platform ever and im just happy to be a part of it. 😊
@moderndayhippie hilarious comment! xx
I feel the same. It's definitely got it's drama side to it, but there's just so much good here as well that it continues to be an awesome experience that is really cool to be a part of.
adventureseeker sound like they have a lot in common.I was going to up vote this one until I realized it was you @raised2b. Your @moderndayhippie and my
If I'm too choose I'll choose @greenrun because his posts are so educative and informative. We interact a lot and exchange ideas as well as disagree to agree. He helps minnows a lot and that's kind of him.
Thanks for sharing I'll have to check him out :)
Greetings and peace be with you all! I just saw this post and I think it is a wonderful way to start this year, with appreciation! Appreciation is something that gets pushed aside so many times because it is easier to let our other emotions take over and it can get us into some trouble. It feels good to just exist in this moment and have a heart of gratitude.
I'd like to thank @allasyummyfood because she always puts a lot of effort and quality into her posts and videos, and is interactive with everyone. Not only that, but she contributes a lot to this community by giving good advice. A lot of recipes she posts reminds me of when I was younger and also when I was living in Russia for a period of time, so it is very heart warming. I don't always get a chance to comment or see all of her posts, but I do enjoy seeing her posts in my news feed! Gratitude!
I hope you all have a wonderful day, and be well!
Thank you for the great comment. It's always cool to share like this because I feel like to often we don't even realize the impact that we have on those around us.
One thing we forget in life is to say a thank you to people who helped you
Did u ever believe that just posting on steemit will make you earn money
Well people like @deeclown made me believe that steemit is a forum for posting and sharing your feelings kudos to him he also didnt stop there he carried me along to put me through and even added me to his WhatsApp group
The best gift you can give someone is not money its not a gift its not PRESENT its not clothes
All thanks to him i have gained a lot from steemiti can keep saying thank you a million times to him @deeclown thats always why he will keep moving in life
What a hero is he his a born leader thanks @deeclown.....
I therefore pick @deeclown
Thank you for the share, it's been great to see how helpful so many have been.
mine would be @tudors he introduced me to steemit, he taught me how it works, he helped me in organising my first post which was my introductory post, told me the tags to use, taught me almost eveything I know on steemit today and it has been fun all through, thanks to @tudors
It's always a huge help to have someone there when you're just getting started here. Welcome to the community :)
yeah, that's true
I’m so grateful to @olaivart for introducing steemit to me. She doesn’t know that she already touched many hearts and helped many people in her own ways. She inspired me a lot and I can see from her dedication, I know she'll be successful in her field. I saw how she enjoyed sharing her talent through steemit. Through her posts, you can see her heart in it. With her works, you can see how talented she is. Even if she's still new in steemit, she already initiates a contest for everybody to participate.
Love it! Great share. I love hearing how she has inspired you and what she's doing to help make this place great.
Thanks @raised2b, for this wonderful opportunity .I will like to appreciate the person that introduced me to steemit @ayobami99, I really appreciate his gentle and kind heart. He anwers all my question about steem and place me on 100% steem vote. I really appreciate him. I appreciate @airhawk-project for usual upvotes and for been a good connecting point to meet great people like @harbysco, @aderonkemi, @otemzi, @mr-aaron and the rest. @mustard, @stach, @hr1, @vapidv4, @good-karma among others, thank you.
Thank you for sharing :)
@akashas, she welcomed me warmheartedly here on steemit, always eager to give and share, her kind encouraging words being worth the most.
Thanks for sharing, love it.
It’s my pleasure🙏
Everyone on steemit impact me one way or the other. There has never been so much love shown elsewhere as it is found on this platform.
And so, my sincerest appreciation goes to someone so special, someone who has added value to me and other hundreds of thousand members of this great platform. The major highlight of my 2017 was his creation which has taken me from zero to one. And opened my eyes further to cryptocurrencies.
And it is no other person than @ned. Although, he knows me not, but I feel the intense emotions to use this medium to appreciate his ingenuity(as I've never really done before) of making the world a better place through decentralizing how we see social media.
Thank you, bro.
It's great to hear how much value the platform has added to you and many others. For the first time in history I feel like we all get to share and participate in something special together, as a species and community that is without borders and has infinite potential. Great share.
Exactly, that's the spirit. Social media taunted as a time wasting venture and also a tool for the jobless would now become a value laden thing and a blessing in disguise. Thank God for the blockchain. Stay awesome, bro.
I would have to say @maurelvys! his subjects are interesting, she always teaches places that few know or peculiar behaviors in animals, and it is noted that every day strives more is required to make their posts better. I can not say goodbye without inviting them to see their publications so they know what I'm saying
Thanks for sharing :)
I'd love to share the love and gratitude to the founder of @steemfamilyphilippines named @jon24jon24 for introducing me to steemit and giving me a new platform to showcase and harness my writing ang blogging skills. Thank you for always nagging me to continue posting even if at first I'm losing hope because no one sees or upvotes my posts. Thank you for being a good example of a steemian who became successful in this community through patience and dedication. I'm still a newbie but I'm sure I'll have fun staying and growing in steemit. Thank you once again to my friend @jon24jon24.
Thanks for sharing, we all need that someone that helps encourage us to stick with it and help us be the best we can. Cool to hear that he's been that for you. Keep at it and enjoy the ride :)
agree!thank you very much @raised2b
So many to pick from... but I'd have to say @gardengirlcanada
I love reading her posts, she's 100% interactive and can make me smile daily.
Thanks for the share, she's definitley a good one and thanks for the qurator feature :)
I pick @davemccoy I really think he is an amazing person, and what he has done for so many new comers in the short while that he has been here just goes to show how vested he is in the development of the steemit community.
Every post from him so far, has been to support or guild minnows, making those of the newbies he can reach feel welcome and adaptable.
Great share. I just checked out his blog and it's definitely impressive what he's accomplished in such a short time. Looking forward to your shares as well :)
I choose @mariannewest. Her platform of five minutes free write has helped me with writing. I appreciate how thoughtful and informative she is.
Marianne is a great choice, she's definitely done a lot to help a lot of folks here. Thanks for the share.
She’s awesome. I am here cos of her. The #freewrite community is amazing. Thank you!😍
I'd say it's @tpkidkai. He really never stopped telling me and convincing me to join and write. He told me how he enjoys being here at steemit.com. Then, I tried it and I never wanna stop since then!!! I am so proud of his achievements here as well. He get to discover his hidden talents. I can see that he is happy to find such a haven. And being his girlfriend and number 1 fan, his happiness is the greatest thing to see. I can say we've finally found our place here...:)
I love this, so glad that you are both here and that the platform has helped bring out the best. Thanks for sharing.
Ah this is a great concept. Thank you for thinking of it. Sharing the love....! I've only been here on Steemit since late October and I love it.
Where to start... There are so many people on my feed that inspire me every day. Artists who make me draw and paint more, writers who made me finally write all my travels... Meme contest makers and those who create fun challenges... !!!
I don't know who to tell you about!
Ok maybe I'll give you my first inspiring Steemian. He creates really fun chalenges for minnows to whales and that is @papa-papper.
Thanks Papa and thanks @raised2b
I'm going to check some other people's shares... Following you!
Who doesn't love papa, right?! :)
True true...i'm noticing that!
My mentor on steem is @eurogee. He encouraged me to join and did a series of webinar that got me acquainted to steemit. I owe him a lot
Thanks for the share :)
It was just few weeks ago, a friend of mine, who I follow online, encouraged me to join #Steemit. He was a ghost writer and accurate blogger and he insisted I join. I am very happy I did. I have enjoyed this site to the fullest.
There are numerous folks in my feed that I delight in seeing. Some folks post awesome art and photographs and some post homesteading knowledge and world events that I otherwise would be ignorant about. Some make me laugh and others teach me valuable lessons I wouldn't think of. Picking just one is quite difficult.
I also pick @salimberry, because he is the one who invited me here. It delights me when his content is in my feed. He consistently post awesome content when he is not out on some adventure.
I appreciate his dedication to documenting his adventures to share with folks like me who can't do the crazy things he does. This site is a better place because he connects here.
I am thankful for this opputunity to share some love and let the world know I appreciate him.
Great comment, welcome to Steemit :)
We're glad you decided to join us!
My thanks to @ordosjc, which motivated me to stay in this Steemit team, teaches me every day about many things that I do not know, always guides me and has all the patience, love and dedication, so I chose to be part of my life and thank God they are 15 years of love.
@Steemit for being a great family, all my unconditional love, for being treated with kindness and giving us your support to meet people from all over the world.
Thank you for sharing, I love that Steemit is helping bring us all together.
I'd love to thank @surpassinggoogle. He was the first whale to ever upvote my comment and it really did boost my morale. He was so calm and collects when explaining some stuffs to me when I said I didnt understand a thing he said in his post. Organizing the amazing adjustments contest even made him one of my favourites. If there's anything ive noticed... He rapports with the small guys on here. Thanks @surpassinggoogle
He's had that impact on so many and has been such a positive force for this place that he is definitely deserving of high praise. Thanks for sharing your experience of his impact on you.
Welcome to Steemit, glad Jerry was able to introduce you to this place and that you took the initiative to become part of it. I have a feeling you're going to enjoy it here. Thanks for sharing.
Its a great opportunity for me to be on this awesome platform which has shone more light on what people don't know and also has created much sense of humour for people too. Also since I joined, I have gained really much from it. A steemit user named @hansonstephen has really added to me with his awe inspiring post and also he being a microbiologist, he post about health talks which i really gained much from. Also, he introduced me to Steemit, he told Steemit is a community, a platform where I can express myself and post my stories, where I can enlighten people more about what I write on and post. Also, any post I make on here, he takes much of his time to read and appreciate them. If I hadn't knew him in person, I would have love to really meet him. Conclusively, I'll say its a great privilege to be on this great platform.
Pleasure is mine
Looks like you both are just getting started, welcome to the community.
I would like to mention @sirhid he introduced me to steemit and also did a great job putting me through.
Thank you
Thank you for sharing some love :)
Ayyy I have to give it up to @foodisfree for telling me about Steemit and introducing me not only to the Steemit world, but the world of cryptocurrency altogether. This has completely changed my life, both artistically and financially. On top of that, he's an amazing dude who is dedicated to teaching people how to grow their own food! What's better than that?!
Thanks for this opportunity!
Cool, thanks for the share, I haven't come across him yet. Crypto is definitely changing a lot of lives for the better, so awesome :)
I am so very thankful to so many, and I would like to show you how much by sharing the post I just wrote last night.
That said, I would like to specifically nominate the one person who adopted me, as mentioned in my post. @preparedwombat accepted to help me through @taskmaster455’s initiative to help a Minnow by encouragement and upvotes. I am especially thankful for @preparedwombat’s words of advice and delegating 100 SP for three months so I can get VPower. He is amazing! It’s people like these that make Steemit enjoyable and easier to grasp for us Noobs. Blessings, Casandra. xx
This is another great example of the kind of people we have here. Thanks for sharing your story and welcome to the community :)
Thank you very much for your thoughtful contest and most importantly it surrounds love. It is becoming the theme of my blog and for whatever reason — it just is and I’m okay with that. I found yours contest on either The STEEM engine or Steemitbloggers so we move in the sameness good circles. Thank you again Sir for you’re continued support in the community’s and for making all of us feel accepted. Blessings, Casandra xx
I gotta go with @bryandivisions He is my brother first and foremost but he's also a mentor, coach, friend, therapist, motivational speaker, inspirer. You name it. He showed me Steemit when visiting him one day. He is a musician and much more. Most of his post are of a spiritual nature whether its an excerpt from his book or one of his music videos, he's always spreading the love. When first shown Steemit at the time I didn't think about all the huge benefits of Steemit but after seeing him grow not only on the Steemit platform but also in life by participating in this technology., my understanding of where we are in space/time with this world has completely shifted. We are living in exciting times indeed and I'm glad to have someone in my circle who can help me keep up with the pace of the world. We both want to change the world for the better and I see the knowledge, friendships and supplemental income gained from this site as a way for us all to prosper more and more as time goes on. Thank you for this contest!
Awesome comment. This platform is definitely representing a very exciting shift into what can be and as more and more folks start participating the impacts are going to be incredible to watch and humbling to be a part of. Thanks for a great share!
Thank you!
@neupanedipen he is a very good blogger, and a helping hand. He was the one who introduce me to steemit and guide me. He is a very good writer and very good motivator. He is a kind hearted man. With him, we have made a circle for steemit in Nepal to spread this wonderful platform.
Awesome! Welcome to the platform and kudos to you guys for teaming up to help spread the word.
Thanks for keeping Steemians more engaged through such contests.
I would like to mention here about a wholehearted guy with Steemit ID @fulltimegeek.
This guy is so selfless that he has delegated his hard earned Steem Power to many Steemians in the range of 5K SP each and is monitoring their performance in terms of helping Steemians with good content by rewarding their posts.
This not only made Steemians like me to have more Steem Power, the power to reward good contents, but also helped us gain more audience as a member of #StewardsOfGondor(This is what @fulltimegeek calls his SP delegates), where we get to see the performance of other members in terms of curation and points of improvement week on week through the details provided by anther humble Steemian with ID @abh12345.
These 2 guys have made Steemit a more better place with their Steem Power delegation, running contests to reward the best curators and letting us know the tips on improving our curation.
I would urge to visit these 2 guys profiles to get a better idea about what others say about them and about their work.
Thanks for running this contest. Best wishes to all the participants.
Thank you recognizing @fulltimegeek, he really is an awesome member of this community.
Your challenge was added to Steemit Contest Compilation (01.01-07.01): Win free SBD and STEEM for current week.
Thank you @raised2b for giving Steemians (especially minnows) a chance to get free STEEM.
Cool, thanks for spreading the word.
introduction post
Check out the great posts I already resteemed.Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck! The resteem was paid by @moderndayhippie The @resteembot's Get more from @resteembot with the #resteembotsentme initiative
My vote is for @prime-cleric
Happy new year my dear friend, May God bless us with more health, wealth and more wishes make come true Amen.
great post.
@maintain4real-eu, a best motivator so far.