Join the WORST STEEMIT CONTEST #3 (20 SBD + 30 Whaleshares) all losers win!

in #contests8 years ago (edited)


Yes, you are trying to be the worst contestant and not to get upvotes :D But others also want the main prize so they will try to spoil your chances of winning by upvoting your comment. Last round generated 460 comments and people really played the upvoting game so we proved that entering with ANY comment guarantee you some comment payout at the end and if not... Congrats! You won the main prize!

All of you made money in comment section but I lost a lot of SBD in Round 2 so I had to ease up on prizes this time :D You compete for 20 SBD + 30 Whaleshares in this round.



1) Write the worst joke in comments. (stupid, corny, offensive, unfunny, whatever:)
2) Upvote and Resteem this post.
3) Start upvoting your opponents comments to win!
Don't forget to come back to check your position from time to time...


Wednesday (August 16) - 22:00 GMT (+00:00)
(I will not count entries posted after this time.)

You can check your time difference here:


Saturday (August 19) - 22:00 GMT (+00:00)


WINNER: 20 SBD + 10 Whaleshares
1st RUNNER-UP: 10 Whaleshares
2nd RUNNER-UP: 10 Whaleshares

*I only count first comment from each user.
*Don't be angry at me for upvoting. I keep it fair and try to upvote ALL your comments.
*I will do random pick in case more people have same number of votes.
*Last round some people tried to post endless white images so no. Those can't win.

You can check previous round here: People used interesting strategies and some of them wrote hillarious entries so I look forward to reading your jokes again.

May the WORST player win!


There are 4 pages

Oh the humanity...That's my joke...


I imagine you upvoted the people who upvoted you? Lol this is crack!

Of course 😁 I'm trying to win!!!

The best "worst" joke in my repertoire:

How do you know your sister is on her period?

...Your dad's dick tastes like blood...

Uh...can we get a witness on this one?

I second that dog's protestation.

I couldn't bring myself to upvote this one...

Bahahaha. Isn't that the point? 😂😂

Yea ...guess it's how far your willing to go...

All the way. All the time.

This joke goes out to all beggars on Steemit who are begging for upvotes and followers. You may think this is a good way to gain Steem, but I beg to differ. By the way, please don't upvote... ;)

Lol this is awesome!!!

This is hilarious Colorado-Girl! Do you think you can make it to our Colorado Springs meetup 11/4 @ 8PM at the Burrowing Owl?

So, two priests are driving down a road when they get stopped by a police officer.

"I'm looking for two child molesters," the officer tells them.

The priests look at each other before they speak. "We'll do it."

knock knock
Trump: Who's there?
Kim Jong-Un: me the guy with mushroom on head and no brain just like u................. boom boom boom boom

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the worst joke in comments.

Well now everyone is here :P

!!! You upvoted me. Treason 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😧😧😧😧😧😧😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢

We both won't get either of the prizes.


Chuck Norris created the World Wide Web using a typewriter.


Chuck Norris created the World Wide Web using a typewriter.

I Took my girlfriend out for shopping with only one hundred dollars on Me, thinking my bae will just buy snacks or soft drinks and I will pay, but with my foolishness I told her to take any drink she wants and there were lots of people around I wanted to act like am the Boss but she picked up one of the expensive wine I whisper to her try to convince her, but she insisted she want the wine and called Me fool! Next time do not take me for granted I am expensive. I wanted to cry.

What sound does a chainsaw make?
Run nigga nigga nigga run nigga nigga nigga

Ok Justin Bieber


Well shit now everyone is here because I resteemed it.

you are getting rekt out of here

Eh... least I get third place! Wait until people start upvoting you :P

nvmind now everyone decided to pick on me

Newspaper headline reads.. cartoonist found dead in his home.
Details are sketchy

My wife caught me standing on the bathroom scale, sucking in my stomach. “Ha­­! That’s not going to help,” she said.

“Sure, it does,” I replied. “It’s the only way I can see the numbers.”

Ala hai Keubeu leumbam le that jai kacang panah

GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post GR8 post

Accordion to a recent survey, replacing words with the names of musical instruments in a sentence often goes undetected.

very good ukulelever chops.

There are 4 pages