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RE: There Is No Such Thing As Chemtrails

in #contrails7 years ago (edited)

Why do I think something is going on in our skies?

1 - Up until a couple years ago I spent the entirety of my life in or around the Sacramento area of Northern California.

When I was a kid the skies were a beautiful blue and planes never left miles long streaks in the sky.

In the early nineties I got in to landscape photography. I spent a lot of time looking at the sky and there were no long streaks.

The last summer I spent in Cali was 2015. It doesn't rain during the summer in Sac, that's why the skies were always a rich beautiful blue. I worked outside and would watch as they sprayed the blue sky to the point it was a solid gray haze by noon that wouldn't go away.

It's a stretch to believe that ice particles are hanging in the sky hours on end with the sun beating through them and it's 100 degrees on the ground.

2 - Elevated amounts of Aluminum and Barium have been found in rainwater and soil tests around the US.

3 - They tell us about it. Page two states it's a reality. The last paragraph on page 4 starts talking about chemtrails.

I also found legislation on govtrack from 2001 about chemtrails but can't find the link now on my phone. :(

(Edited: found it, it didn't pass, but they wouldn't attempt legislation mentioning chemtrails if they weren't real

The video frankenskies on YouTube is all news clips and other clips like military training that shows they have been telling us about weather modification for some 75 years. Chemtrails is part of weather modification and weather warfare.

I have examined critically and unemotionally and I do not find it easy to dismiss.


Well said. These are definitely more than just ice crystals. Again for some it's easier to dismiss them than to think this could actually be going on.

So, let me see. The world has become more industrialized with more technology exploring the skies ...



therefore chemtrails?


cognitive dissonance is a powerful thing