I didn't want to get into the details for obvious reasons. I don't believe people who believe in chemtrails can be reasoned with scientific evidence anyways so I tried a rather more simplistic approach.
btw, The title of my post was inspired by your comment on teamsteem's sideways tinfoiled article. I was thinking to make this one for some time now.
"I don't believe people who believe in chemtrails can be reasoned with scientific evidence anyways"
That's not a good outlook. Many people just haven't read the right research or still have questions.
Especially if you believe that geoengineering does occur and have looked through the list of patents that were linked by coolbowser, you have the possibility that they are using this technology for potentially nefarious purposes.
I don't count myself as someone who quite believes in chemtrails simply because I don't know the direct effects of each specific ion on the human body, but I wouldn't deny that there have been medicines, pesticides, pollution, and ingredients that we ingest which companies know have harmful effects on the body and continue to use.
Could these same companies/agencies be putting things in our environment that are taken up by plants/animal products that are sold only to the public? While I believe that people with money and access could be using different products so they don't eat/drink the same things the common people do, I don't know how effective the slow poisoning of common people would be.
So I have lots of doubts on both sides, but lots of people need to be exposed to a wider range of sources so they can better understand the science behind both sides (although you will get a those on both sides who will never accept the arguments of their opponents).