Good afternoon @ctrl-alt-nwo. This time there are two plants. Very beautiful. You have 2 bindweeds: the 1st is the boron bindweed (Convolvulus cneorum) it comes from Persia, the 2nd is the bindweed tricolor from South Europe; both of them are from the family of the same name Vyunkovye. These are annuals, and climbing ones, which can be used not only as annual lianas in vertical gardening, but also as ampel and ground cover plants. They grow well in dry, drained soils; overmoistening becomes brittle. They are light-requiring, but grow quite well in partial shade. Propagated by sowing seeds immediately into the open ground in early spring. It is important to water even young plants; good for the time of growth to hold 2-3 dressings. Bloom until the late autumn frosts.