
vegan is actually a new word ... from the business people indeed ...vegetalien is the real word and been around for longer than we know , also we used to say vegetarien for vegetalien and splitted both for less confusion ..yeah i did used this tag , that is a word more used today but you are right , i shouldnt have ... i aint a shill though ;b and i hope you ll try the Shepherd's , you ll love it <3

Trying to find the origin of the word 'vegetalien' online. It looks like it's the French word for that, but I can't find any English results.

i checked , in french it is with a E and in english it is with a A ..many words are like that actually :D
we switch E to A ; )

Oh my! Looks like there's controversy in France about the word!

well , what the dictionary translation says doesnt care about the controversy ...and i guess it should be clear because the word vegan is pretty new anyway ...Cheers improv <3

and thank you for pointing that out : )