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RE: How The World Can Stop The Virus Dead In 4 Simple Steps

in #coronavirus5 years ago

Mike Adams Rocks...!!!

He has spoken about the 5g being a factor also. As it is known to weaken the walls of a human cell thus making it easier for any virus really to enter and infect. Nothing good about 5g. Except the upload and download speeds for the nerds. Oh and the Control freaks that want seamless control of the drones and auto drive cars, and eventually robo cops. A Terminator/Matrix like future has begun.

Great news tho, We will be long gone B4 it gets really ugly..... Maybe....!?!?

So Say We All.....


(Src-Battlestar Galactica meme search)


lol...I couldn't disagree more with that meme! But, I'm glad you like Mike Adams. I think he's awesome too.

I think he goes too far in some of his dooms day predictions but on the other hand he wants to help people prepare so if they follow his advice lots of lives can be saved.

I keep hearing mixed opinions about the effects of 5G so that is certainly going to be interesting to see if it messes people up and causes more illnesses. Can't escape it since it'll be everywhere.

Bottom line: I think we're looking at a very bright future indeed. I think the virus will fade out much sooner than anyone thought and we'll be tremendously prepared for the next outbreak of whatever.

I think we're a hundred years away from the end of the world and we're entering, especially the United States, a new golden age of unheard of prosperity, health, and longevity with absolutely stunning medical breakthroughs and cures for cancer and all the really bad diseases.

That's my story and I'm stickin with it! lol.

Mmmmmm..... Yum yum.

Are those happy pills chocolate flavor....?

If they are they may just be M&M's and your just an optimist. If they taste nasty then You have been eating to many and Your Loopy...... Lol

Glass 1/2 Fool...???

My glass is half empty, and I got a can of woop ass for whoever put their filthy lips on my glass and drank half of it...!?!?

(src-happy pill image search)

lol...well we have major problems as always but at least in America we've been kicking butt and things have never looked so good.

Joblessness is at a half-century low. Wages are rising at the fastest pace in more than a decade - and climbing fastest for low-income workers.

American life expectancy has never been longer. Living standards have never been higher. Educational attainment has never been greater.

Cancer is in retreat. And will soon be history like many major diseases. Violent crime is in a long-term cycle of decline. Domestic abuse is down. So is the divorce rate. And so are abortions which have been a terrible blight on our land and an abomination to God.

Air and water quality have been improving for decades. U.S. carbon emissions are lower every year.

Our economy is the envy of the world. We have the strongest economy, the mightiest military, we're leading in many technologies and innovation.

Median household incomes and net wealth have never been greater. There are more opportunities than ever before., so many great things happening there, the few bad things are WAY overshadowed by the great things which are moving the country back from socialism. Trump will be re-elected to keep that going, then Pence will serve two terms.

Spiritually...oh my gosh don't even get me started! The Spirit of God is moving across this land like never before. Yes, churches are dying. That is the old, mainstream liberal churches are dying.

The greatest and fastest growth is in home Bible studies, groups and churches that actually believe the Word of God and in it's Power and THAT is where the Holy Spirit is working to change neighborhoods, cities and the country!

I'll stop now but I could keep going. And no, I'm not just an optimist, I study the real data. The stuff the MSM will never tell you about how it's really going. and