ignoring everything and not wearing masks and pretending you're so sure it's not real, or as dangerous, or whatever else they say about it (bill gates ulterior motives, 5g towers, etc) is just unnecessary risky for no clear advantage.
Why do we all have to wear masks and be obliged to do that? Why can't just the ones afraid of the virus do that. This is what bothers me and find outrageous, that we all have to obey for the fear of a few. If one considers that wearing a mask or having a damn vaccine would make him feel safe let him do that, I'm not against it, but don't force everyone do that, and that's where the problem is. Governments should let me decide for myself. If they care that much about world's health why don't they ban coca cola, cigarettes, poisonous food ingredients such as aspartame, diabetes causing beverages and foods and so on... Aren't these killing people as well? Such things are ringing bells around the corona pandemic. The sovereignty over my body and health should only be in my hands. If you feel like wearing the mask, do that, but don't force me too...
Why do you think they'd force you to wear a mask if it wasn't to protect yourself and others? Like seriously.
Are you saying people should choose if they should vaccinate their babies or not as well?
I realize they should ban more things, everyone would be better off without sugar and cigarettes but there's a lot of money in them that they like to spend on lawyers. No one is trying to lawyer up to defend Covid from continuously existing.
Because they are power hungry control freaks, maybe to condition people to accept mandatory vaccine, maybe as a ‘test’ to see how many people will blindly follow a totalitarian government edict that has absolutely no basis in the available scientific evidence, maybe to further instill fear into the population and dehumanize us, see how far we will go blindly following orders before saying ‘enough is enough’ and refusing to comply...
The real question should be why are the governments mandating measures that their own science shows is ineffective at stopping the spread of viruses? Do I now qualify as one of those crazy conspiracy theorists who shouldn’t be rewarded for my research in your eyes simply because I point out scientific studies (published in prestigious medical journals no less) that all agree that masks are ineffective at stopping transmission of the virus?
Why is the government mandating mask wearing when Dr. Fauci himself has said it’s a bad idea, when the surgeon general himself says it offers no protection to the public????
Or do the statements of these authority figures who don’t line up with the current agenda also not count? Are they conspiracy nuts too?
I have nothing against you wearing a mask, but stop thinking you have the right to force me to wear one, particularly when the science agrees they are ineffective! I have the right not to subject myself to an “unsafe” (as defined by OSHA) oxygen-deprived environment, even if it makes you feel unsafe. Just like you have a right to wear one, even though I might not believe it is effective.
Those supporting the mandatory mask measures clearly care little about the evidence and only about the narrative.
...the narrative is all to those supporting the authority..
A strange stance to take in the 'crypt revolution', imo.
I never realized so many 'cypto revolutionaries' wore wool.lol
Because like everyone else, you're missing the point OR refusing to acknowledge it.
Masks are worn primarily to protect others, not yourself!! So by not wearing one, you are not making a personal statement of your 'freedom', you're saying 'fuck you Jack, I'm ok'!
Sovereignty over my body? You're being asked to wear a mask when you're in public, not being asked to chop your hand off!!
You are missing the point. Do some research and see that masks are almost useless in protecting you from the virus. And yeah I do have that attitude that you mentioned about and it's my right to have. Of course nobody is chopping anyone's hand, but once you get the whole picture and connect the dots you'll see why this masks narrative makes sense.