The reason I'm bringing this up is cause a new video came out from John Oliver about the conspiracy theories, but at the same time you're probably aware that Hive has been riddled with these as well. Why some whales decide to autovote these so high is beyond me, maybe they just value the censorship resistance and free speech but I'm glad they're also facing downvotes cause this is not something that should constantly be trending on Hive nor any other social media platform. In the recent episode John even mentioned how many other platforms are flagging these posts and warning readers that the information they're taking in may not be true. While I personally haven't been downvoting all of them I've tried to focus more on the engagement aspect of it as most of these content creators getting these autovotes seem to barely have any readers and at the same time believers on the platform.
Anyway here's the video if you wanna watch it, I'd recommend it:
I can't help but agree with some of his examples, like the one of the assassionation attempt on Reagan which seemed like barely anyone cared about because the even wasn't successful thus no one cared enough to create conspiracy theories as to why they were trying to kill him but in the case of Kennedy there were so many theories that came to life.
Although I realize our userbase is quite small and that not too many may be affected by these theories I still can't help but think about the effects it may cause to readers and those not doing their due diligence and believing what they're seeing - which often is on trending. I'm sure the effects it has had on other centralized platforms has been way bigger and the results must be devastating. There's one example in the video above but I've heard and read about many non-believers and conspiracy theorists who they themselves got infected and some that even died from the virus.
There's of course many different theories and not all just denying that covid actually exists or how harmful it can be. I just can't help but feel ashamed of these people that push these theories and at the same time profit off of it. To many it seems that conspiracy theories are their bread and butter and I often wonder what must be going through their heads, do some of these actually believe in the shit they spew or are they really not that dumb but still desperate enough to continue along that path because it is providing them financial support.
Imagine some time later when a vaccine is finally created that gets rid of this virus once and forever, what will be their next target? Will people remember what it was they were saying before that? Will it have been worth it for them to potentially kill a lot of people just to be able to earn some income off of it? Most importantly, why would anyone, whether there is a pandemic or not, not decide to better be safe than sorry. It really is not the end of the world to wear a mask when you're close to other human beings, even when it's the hottest day of summer? I don't think it is.
Most importantly, though, how will you be able to sleep at night knowing that your content may have infected and killed other people?
Why does this sound so familiar?
Remember when John Oliver was ridiculing... Bitcoiners and blockchain in 2018?
This segment is pretty hilarious and I think crypto enthusiasts can appreciate the humor in it. The same goes for conspiracy theorists, there's a long list of conspiracies that are ridiculous. Similar to the crypto space with it's countless shitcoins, the conspiracy market is also flooded with bullshit theories (purposefully in some instances to lead people astray and people going far beyond reality in other instances).
I hope you can appreciate the comparison here. As I know you've been in the crypto space probably longer than I have you know that there's a ton of FUD thrown at things, misleading promotions about the next great coin and just straight up scams. That's exactly what the conspiracy space is like. There's a ton of conspiracies that flood the market in order to muddy the waters in order to paint researchers with a wide brush and dismiss their arguments as unworthy of debate. Just as you must know how to navigate the waters of the crypto space you must be able to navigate the even more treacherous waters of the conspiracy universe.
Exactly, that's what I'm saying, maybe not in the post directly but in the comments as the post was pretty short and I was merely bringing up those "freedom" lovers that encourage people to disobey protecting yourself just in case covid is as dangerous as you know, the whole world seems to think. I've been a subscriber to r/conspiracy on reddit for a long time too and check up on it every now and then, I have nothing against people sharing their opinions and being rewarded for them and the time they've put into researching it but at the same time many just take whatever someone else said, change it up a bit and make their whole internet persona about it because that's what gives you attention nowadays since everything is becoming more and more unknown with the truth being harder and harder to find. Just because someone isn't considered to be of the mainstream media, though, doesn't mean that person may always have the best intentions for their readers. Similar to on Hive where authors have to be consistent the same goes for youtube and other platforms where they constantly need to come up with new content or risk losing the interest of their readers and growth.
I also realize that some downvotes here may be cast as a general opinion without having read the posts but you also know how reckless autovotes are or can be at the same time.
and while it's great that we have censorship resistance here and at the same time can be rewarded for doing research and sharing things that on other platforms would get instantly removed for who knows what reasons we can't go overboard on it and neglect other genre's and fill trending up with "conspiracy" completely. Surely people must understand why that's important for a social media platform.
I didn't see it as him ridiculing crypto in that episode, really. Of course to people like him and at the time it was shot the space was very immature, with vaporware EOS, pump and dump groups, bitconnect, etc. It has matured a lot over the bear market and if I remember correctly he never said that it's all a joke but admitted that it could develop into something bigger but just warned people to be careful which is something I almost never read on any anti-covid posts, tbh. (for people to just be careful)
Giving this a downvote due to @ctime's biased voting, I'm sure you don't mind.
lol, what kind of voting isn't biased? weak
Are you really asking that question as a curator?
it's rhetorical
Bah. How many people have and are going to die from loss of work, drug/alcohol abuse, and suicide because of the media over-hype of this flu variant? We don't run around wearing masks to protect against TB, even though much more contagious and prevalent.

Not to mention the cloth masks everyone is running with are next to useless against any virus, including this one. Yes, we need common sense measures like hand washing, environment sanitizing, and better distancing like we should have for other flu variants, but not these ridiculous biased rules that make no sense. If it's so bad, why is it ok to open the airports? Why are they even considering opening the schools and sports using make believe medicine that cloth masks are going to prevent? I believe in your freedom and choice to wear a mask if you are foolish enough to believe it, but also expect the freedom of choice to not wear a bogus mask if I choose not to. After all, your mask protects you, right?
Spot the bias in this comment.
lol, just a little bias, but that doesn't mean it's not true.
I guess, but from the looks of it not all masks are useless either. The surgical mask is the one most common here that people use.
Understand and agree that some are useful. Did you know that surgical masks are only designed for disposable, short-term use? Typically 1-2 hours before they start clogging and losing their effectiveness.
Photo courtesy the "Brazilian Journal of Microbiology" link above.
According to the FDA and CDC,
While a surgical mask may be effective in blocking splashes and large-particle droplets, a face mask, by design, does NOT filter or block very small particles in the air that may be transmitted by coughs, sneezes, or certain medical procedures. Surgical masks also do not provide complete protection from germs and other contaminants because of the loose fit between the surface of the mask and your face.
Surgical masks are not intended to be used more than once. If your mask is damaged or soiled, or if breathing through the mask becomes difficult, you should remove the face mask, discard it safely, and replace it with a new one. To safely discard your mask, place it in a plastic bag and put it in the trash. Wash your hands after handling the used mask.
They also recommend that surgical and the more functional N95 masks be reserved for healthcare use.
According to the Centre of Evidence-Based Medicine and others, even the surgical and N95 masks are only 80% effective against viral respiratory illnesses.
Wear your mask in hopeful good health. I'll take my chances by just keeping my distance. We can both be happy.
I see where you're getting confused; the same as most people here. You're looking at things backwards.
You see all that spittle? That's where the virus is and that's how it travels.
The mask you wear is not primarily to protect you; it's to protect others FROM you. If everyone is protecting everyone else from themselves, nobody gets the virus.
Without a mask, a cough, sneeze, or even talking with zeal - or, in situations like a subway, simply breathing, can send particles several feet or metres.
With a mask, even if it's just a homemade cloth one is demonstrably effective at reducing that distance to barely a couple of centimetres for the most vigorous sneeze. Even a cursory glance online will find numerous testing and footage to prove this, and its something anyone can basically test themselves.
What we have to realise is this is a cultural issue, not a 'freedom' issue.
Here in Asia; China (yeah, not free), Japan, Korea, and others all over, nobody had to be asked. I remember within 3 days of reports going widespread in Wuhan, 99.9% of every citizen in the streets were wearing masks here in Shanghai, almost 1,000km away; I walked the streets struggling to buy my own which is how I noticed.
Everybody simply understood that as a society, we need to work as a community to protect one another in order to also protect ourselves and loved ones.
Nobody in these countries (or any country except the USA really) questioned their freedoms and efficacy of masks; its common sense over here: Put a wall in front of the source, and the source can't get through.
Now, we can argue we're seeing second/third waves etc, but that's also inevitable; I imagine its going to be like whack-a-mole for years to come even with a vaccine readily available. But even with that, Japan, with a population 1/3rd the size of the USA, crammed into a few small city-pockets of immense density, has 25,000 cases total and less than 1,000 deaths. The USA? millions and still rocketing at immeasurable speeds because 'muh freedoms'.
Really makes you think.
Well, here where we differ. I don't feel confused at all and your post proves the point of why so many others are confused. While surgical masks and even cloths masks do help prevent fluids from exiting the mask, which can ALSO contain virus particles, they do next to nothing to prevent the actual airborne virus particles from exiting the mask. Read the CDC and FDA articles in more depth, and apply some basic physics understanding. The filtering levels provided by these masks simply isn't fine enough to filter the many times smaller virus particles in the air. These masks were designed to prevent the liquid sized blood spurts or snot particles from sneezes etc. but are NOT effective for filtering the virus particles in the air. This is directly stated on the CDC and FDA and OSHA web sites! I've had over 10 years of firefighter, paramedic, and Hazmat training. What quals do you have in interpreting CDC, FDA, and other scientific studies? This whole cloth mask surge is nothing but media and politician propaganda to make people feel more comfortable and prevent a run on the few masks that actually provide a little protection.
I was skeptical the moment the government started with their conspiracy theories on Covid myself. After seeing years ago how much they lie to us to fatten various pockets among other things, I started questioning the theories they would push on us as science and fact. Their Covid conspiracy theories have been over the top though, with their contradictory reporting on deaths, their tests that don't work yet are used for data collection, their pushback against known immune boosters such as vitamins and such. So many more facets they reveal they are talking out their ass.
I do believe there is a bad ass sickness going around, believe I had it in January. I don't get sick often, and haven't been that sick since I went septic about seven years ago. Couldn't sleep laying down for a month. But at no time did I think I was going to die, nor go to one of the pharmaceutical pimps currently called doctors.
Sadly, they lie so much to us they encourage rational minds to question the truthfulness of their assertions. For years now my first question is who is going to get richer from their proclamation. They really don't even try to hide it much that they believe they own us (government and their true constituents who pad their bank accounts). With Covid, there are so many voices from the medical community trying to say things aren't what they say, and use the governments own conflicting science data to prove it. But those voices are quickly the subject of ridicule by the monied experts, their messages pulled from media and in areas where downvoting is allowed, downvoted.
I say all of this as someone who warns a lot about disinformation being spread in what is known as the truther community. I sometimes wonder if some of the more outlandish claims are started by the upper echelons to discredit the truthful dissemination that occurs. I recently did a post against the whole Waywair trafficking claim. I know trafficking happens, know that powerful people are involved. But this was so easy to see was not so here, and was being pushed to discredit all the attention that is being placed on pedo networks with the whole Maxwell story.
Isn't it questionable that using vitamins and minerals to boost your immune system is not being pushed at us with the same intensity that masks are (which has many studies showing they aren't that effective), yet all we here non stop is about some hastily rushed vaccine? Might be nothing, but when I saw Trump say he would have us a vaccine by the end of the year and deploy the military to help administer them, the hair on my neck stood up. Not sure why the military would be needed, unless it was going to be forced. Now that is a conspiracy theory, unlike some of the other things I mentioned that don't add up. A smart one that demands an answer to put to rest.
At the end of the day, if they (government and their experts claiming science) want us to stop questioning them, they need to take that first step and stop lying to us, and when caught trying to cover their shit up claiming bullshit like National Security. Protecting the fleecing of average people isn't National Security, it is protecting insider schemes that often is highly illegal. The lies with picking winners and losers by a group who demand transparency from us while they demand operating in shadows creates all of this.
This is a rational thought, tbh. I've had that one myself, if there's no world war they'll figure out another way - which is also why I don't instantly deny people saying covid was manufactured and not an accident. You're right to mistrust the government and no one should blindly believe them. I'm merely saying that doubling down on being all "nope, covid is not real, pretend like it doesn't exist because I think this and that" is not better and will just cause unnecessary harm if those people happen to be wrong. Even if it isn't as serious for some and even if it's just as common as a cold, I wouldn't want someone to infect me with a common cold either if they could cough into their shoulder or wear a mask when they have to be near others.
Again, as I mentioned in another comment, what's so bad about the mask. What could it do to you except for (maybe) protect you and others around you? Also Trump is a moron who often does and says whatever he thinks helps him get re-elected or make him some money possibly.
Also there is a pretty easy way to give governments and the state less and less power over time, we are currently writing on a platform that revolves around that technology and new currency that they can't take away from you unless they try and torture you for information. Or whatever it was that the Pentagon had planned on how to deal with Bitcoin, unfortunately for them it is too late and just a matter of time now.
The "problem" is that this is a classic PASCAL'S MUGGING,
that´s a very good one. everyone should watch this and then we can have a normal discussion.
I dunno @acidyo, but I think John Oliver hits the top point early in the show... "there HAS to be something more!" when he confesses that even he was attracted to the idea that the Royal Family had Princess Diana killed.
Mrs. Denmarkguy and I have been in/around the psychology/mental health (AND "New Age!") arenas for 30+ years and the common thread in all this is our proclivity — as a species — to get sucked into the overwhelming desire to attribute (mostly) malicious intent to (mostly) neutral events. When I consider "conspiracy theories," it often helps me to consider that lots and lots and lots of people out there also believe that God, The Universe, their dead Uncle Jack or their lucky rabbit's foot helped them through a traffic jam so they made it to their flight on time. Relevance? It's just the opposite side of the same coin; the desire/need to attribute someone HUGE outside yourself to simple good fortune.
I'm not going to comment that much, simply because I am not entirely clear on the term "anti-Covid," but I'm assuming you are suggesting those who are claiming it's all just a hoax created by the government/big pharma/the Illuminati for nefarious world dominance purposes. To me, that's more like an extreme overextension of a more rational "follow the money" approach to understanding how the world truly works.
First hand experience tells me that Covid is 100% real. A friend's sister-in-law was a confirmed case, and she is very much 100% dead now, at age 57. Two people here in my neighborhood were confirmed three weeks back and are in home-quarantine. He had almost no symptoms; she was "critical" for a week, but is recovering now. Both are in their early 50's. None of these are "news reports," they are people I personally know.
On the face mask issue, I do find myself wondering why surgeons in operating theaters always wear face masks. And I find it puzzling that the general public wearing face masks will develop hypoxia, but that never affects medical professionals...
The other thing that rang true for me about the John Oliver segment is the phrase "but now we have the Internet." And with it, the capacity to create an almost endless ocean of seemingly "factual" news and information — something to "support" every possible perspective and lend it credibility. I suppose the good thing about that (personally) is that I have become a deeper skeptic. The bad thing is that it sadly seems that critical thinking is slowly becoming extinct.
Whenever someone cites a source, or sends me a link, or a clip... I always check that source through the link below, to give me an idea of what I am dealing with, before I actually start dealing — helps me understand what kind of ax people have have to grind:
It's hard to believe any source of information these days. It could be true that conspiracy theories are false but there's a high chance that some of them relating to Covid could be true as well.
I recieved this message on whatsapp from a doctor friend of mine. I'll share a part of the message here:
I'm not sure how accurate are these numbers but looking at them, it surely seems sketchy that the government wouldn't care about people dying from other causes but would shut down the world for something which has a similar mortality rate or lesser than the other causes. I for sure know that the number of people dying of road accidents in my country is far more than anything else.
Good point. No other disease or death cause around the world matters anymore besides Corona. It's like it's everything that matters right now. In my country people have died suffering from serious conditions because it took too long to make them the test and they couldn't make it until the results came. I understand that we should protect our health and the others around us but lets look beyond Corona and be lucid about it.
@acesontop True man. It's been blown out of proportion. I've also got some info from inner sources (doctors) in my neighboring hospitals where in they suggested one of our friends who had mild fever not to visit the hospital. The reason given was that anybody who was visiting and showed mild symptoms of fever were being shown positive and suggested a quarantine at the hospital. The doctor was a relative of that friend. Also, people who die of other causes are being shown as covid +ve because of the government incentive. It's sad that people aren't even getting to perform last rites for their family members at some places.
...imagine if we had no one questioning the government psi -op?
(you know, those 'crazy' conspiracy theorists. lol)
It's hilarious that if you ctrl-f "crazy" in this post and comment section, the only ones saying "crazy conspiracy theories" are the ones defending them.
...yet you downvote me for presenting facts ?
The very ones given by the establishment. don't like the message that invalidates your position - even if it's factual and from sources that you believe .
Facts do not seem important to you, narrative does.
Winning a losing argument take precedence over facts.
(So you shoot the messenger) lolol
Well done, comrade.
downvoted cause of ctime
And you downvoted because it was ctime that upvoted?So @ctime upvoted for positive reasons.(factual evidence presented to you in the screen shot I provided).
Nothing to do with the presented evidence?
i.e the facts were irrelevant, and taking rewards off me (not ctime) was a positive action to take?
I do wonder why hive isn't growing - in 4 years.
Do you?
Oh I'm definitely not denying the origins of covid, whether it was created by accident or not and if not then what it's purpose is. I also realize it's not the biggest killer out there (although India and the U.S. may be starting to disagree on that) and I have nothing against people mistrusting the status quo but ignoring everything and not wearing masks and pretending you're so sure it's not real, or as dangerous, or whatever else they say about it (bill gates ulterior motives, 5g towers, etc) is just unnecessary risky for no clear advantage.
Why do we all have to wear masks and be obliged to do that? Why can't just the ones afraid of the virus do that. This is what bothers me and find outrageous, that we all have to obey for the fear of a few. If one considers that wearing a mask or having a damn vaccine would make him feel safe let him do that, I'm not against it, but don't force everyone do that, and that's where the problem is. Governments should let me decide for myself. If they care that much about world's health why don't they ban coca cola, cigarettes, poisonous food ingredients such as aspartame, diabetes causing beverages and foods and so on... Aren't these killing people as well? Such things are ringing bells around the corona pandemic. The sovereignty over my body and health should only be in my hands. If you feel like wearing the mask, do that, but don't force me too...
Why do you think they'd force you to wear a mask if it wasn't to protect yourself and others? Like seriously.
Are you saying people should choose if they should vaccinate their babies or not as well?
I realize they should ban more things, everyone would be better off without sugar and cigarettes but there's a lot of money in them that they like to spend on lawyers. No one is trying to lawyer up to defend Covid from continuously existing.
Because they are power hungry control freaks, maybe to condition people to accept mandatory vaccine, maybe as a ‘test’ to see how many people will blindly follow a totalitarian government edict that has absolutely no basis in the available scientific evidence, maybe to further instill fear into the population and dehumanize us, see how far we will go blindly following orders before saying ‘enough is enough’ and refusing to comply...
The real question should be why are the governments mandating measures that their own science shows is ineffective at stopping the spread of viruses? Do I now qualify as one of those crazy conspiracy theorists who shouldn’t be rewarded for my research in your eyes simply because I point out scientific studies (published in prestigious medical journals no less) that all agree that masks are ineffective at stopping transmission of the virus?
Why is the government mandating mask wearing when Dr. Fauci himself has said it’s a bad idea, when the surgeon general himself says it offers no protection to the public????
Or do the statements of these authority figures who don’t line up with the current agenda also not count? Are they conspiracy nuts too?
I have nothing against you wearing a mask, but stop thinking you have the right to force me to wear one, particularly when the science agrees they are ineffective! I have the right not to subject myself to an “unsafe” (as defined by OSHA) oxygen-deprived environment, even if it makes you feel unsafe. Just like you have a right to wear one, even though I might not believe it is effective.
Those supporting the mandatory mask measures clearly care little about the evidence and only about the narrative.
...the narrative is all to those supporting the authority..
A strange stance to take in the 'crypt revolution', imo.
I never realized so many 'cypto revolutionaries' wore
Because like everyone else, you're missing the point OR refusing to acknowledge it.
Masks are worn primarily to protect others, not yourself!! So by not wearing one, you are not making a personal statement of your 'freedom', you're saying 'fuck you Jack, I'm ok'!
Sovereignty over my body? You're being asked to wear a mask when you're in public, not being asked to chop your hand off!!
You are missing the point. Do some research and see that masks are almost useless in protecting you from the virus. And yeah I do have that attitude that you mentioned about and it's my right to have. Of course nobody is chopping anyone's hand, but once you get the whole picture and connect the dots you'll see why this masks narrative makes sense.
Which Doctor? Anyone can, and many do simply write this sort of post on mainstream media and everyone comments 'yeah' and upvotes or 'likes' it....I will tell you the first thing I thought when I read your comment. No mention of deaths that are attributed to diarrhoea which kills over 2000 kids every day (google the actuality of that, there are many, many sites will confirm, and its commission from your list suggests that the list is a manufactured list.
The problem with Covid is that its a virus, a huge proportion of death causes on your list have huge environmental factors which are already being controlled to a certain extent! Covid has environmental factors but much more difficult to control, that's why we need to get a grip on it now or it could simply spiral out of control and become an 'end of humanity' event. Virus' mutate and adapt and we can't allow this to happen and for it to become more dangerous and infectious.
Going back to Diarrhea, the deaths are mainly in impoverished third world countries and no one in the wealthy west actually give enough of a fuck to fix the problem. The 'conspiracy' behind the current Covid-19 pandemic is that its killing people in wealthy 1st world countries, hence the motivation to throw everything they have to fix the issue.
I'm neither saying that the list is accurate... it could be manufactured too, nor am I saying that covid-19 is fake. What I'm trying to convey is there could be a hidden motive behind hyping up a disease that has very low mortality rate compared to so many other diseases that are already killing people by the millions. What's been happening seems so unreal. Looking at the recovery rate, end of humanity seems very far.
I think the issue is that it has the potential to kill millions if left unchecked is the main issue.
There may be hidden motives for hyping it up, but people dying by the thousands in 1st world countries isn't exactly a vote winner!
Thanks for replying and stay safe and sane mate :-)
Very interesting and thought provoking point.
The trouble with calling everything that doesn’t toe the narrative of the government and the mouthpieces they employ being called ‘conspiracy theories’ doesn’t help. There’s a lot of fucked up shit these assholes do intentionally and when they are caught, they just decry it, calling people crazy conspiracy theorists.
I haven’t watched the video yet, but I will try to. I’m just saying that listening to the government and the media is worse for your health than other things. They decry vitamin C as not something you should do. What’s wrong with taking something incredibly cheap, to promote overall health in a time of sickness? To me that’s basic health 101. Not to mention the 60mg recommended by the health experts in the government as 100% daily value of the vitamin is so low and based off information that’s so old, that itself is dangerous.
With what they are pushing, the focus is on making lots of money for drug companies. At least in what I read and pay attention to, we are promoting overall health and wellness that costs thousands of dollars less and is a better idea than sticking a needle in your arm.
For sure, I don't like the government nor MSM but the internet is becoming it's own MSM now with content creators instead who many seem to have jumped on this anti-covid wagon and spreading misinformation that may hurt people with backing's off "our freedom", etc. Not surprised most of these are also originating from the U.S. considering Trump shares a lot of conspiracy stuff as long as it somehow benefits his own agenda.
I also hate drug companies and while I get that some are pushing the theories that they created this just to earn more money I think there would've been easier ways for them to do so, they are after all in control of how overpriced their drugs have been in forever anyway.
There's nothing wrong about stating some ideas and opinions but making it all about that all the time seems to reek opportunism.
I'm relating to what I heard about some pharma don't really want to find cure for some disease because they continue to make money from the long term medication the disease are prescribing.
YouTube has been removing content for people stating that taking Vitamin C and Vitamin D are good for the immune system. Corona Chan is nothing more than a Bio weapon released from the Wuhan Virology lab, and was obviously planned, see Event 201 just for starters. I can and have proven these claims in countless hours of videos, as well as Dr. Fauci's involvement and Bill Gates massive financial connections to what is going on.
Calling something a "Conspiracy Theory" does not debunk the claims, and the MSM has pushed more lies and gotten more people killed during this plandemic than anyone. The MSM and YouTube is censoring people from giving out solid medical advice such as:
I can keep going. Seriously though, how dare you quote a complete narcissistic liar such as John Oliver, and then turn around and try to shame people for sharing alternative views and voting for content that exposes the MSM liars who are getting people killed by intentionally lying. How many lies, how many wars, how much bullshit should we accept from the MSM because they are on TV?
Bro, what's with the anger? If something is not proven scientifically or with facts it may be considered a conspiracy theory, at least that's the definition of it that I have, just because you're into deep doesn't mean you need to get defensive about it.
I'm not defending MSM but you must see how in the age of the internet and when barely anyone except boomers watch TV, independent content creators have way more power than before. What do you think makes them so special and different from the MSM? Are they not interested in money, attention and fame?
No idea why the hate towards John Oliver, most of his pieces rely on facts logic and with a tad of humor in it although not that funny if I may be honest.
Sounds bizarre that masks are relatively useless.
Then in that case the idea that masks do anything to stop transmission of the virus is a conspiracy; and in that case the very existence of the so-called novel coronavirus is a conspiracy theory, as the source of the partial RNA sequence which was extracted and labelled as SARS-CoV2 hasn’t been isolated and properly identified as an actual virus according to the scientific gold standard of virus identification.
That’s the problem with the MSM and government covid narrative, the entire thing is a massive conspiracy theory by the very definition you gave of conspiracy theory. I’m not saying there’s no virus, but until it’s isolated and proven to exist, the official narrative is the far bigger conspiracy theory here.
Implying that I look too much into things, is akin to admitting you don't do enough research. Furthermore you cannot decipher tone from a comment.
Mainstream media writes articles about how their competition is wrong because the "WHO" says so, and then we are silenced and de-platformed. The same MSM cannot compete in an organic way, so they use censorship to maintain the narrative rather than arguing with facts. The average person can see through the lies and they are swarming to alternative sources that hold each other accountable with facts and research rather than lying and using censorship.
I hate liars, especially well funded liars. Oliver has been dead wrong about a great many things and suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome, where he spends at least half his show attacking the President while ignoring everything wrong anyone with a D next to their name does. It's pathetically biased, and I am not a Trump supporter.
Yet someone else here in the comments showed that some masks do help, and from what I've seen the most common ones sold are the one in second rank.
Honestly tired of your attitude so not gonna waste more of my time on you, I already regret having curated you in the past.
I didn't curate other comments on purpose here as to not seem biased, so downvoting this self-vote.
I build up Hive power to up vote my comments to ensure they are at the top of the responses. Downvoting it continues to show you are trying to silence alternative viewpoints.
The fuck happened to you? You've been here for years, would you think I'd try to silence you?
Comments get ranked up by reputation if no one else votes them up, now gtfo.
Youtube has been removing 'fake news' about covid fine i can accept.
So youtube deletes anything that is fake and harmful.
So by that logic everything remaining must be true pizzagate, 911 scam, aliens litteraly everything is legit else they would have taken it down
Depends on which theories exactly you mean. Some of this conspiracy stuff is utter nonsense but some others are at least partially true. It's always dangerous to generalize in such a way. And you always have to keep in mind that there are and were indeed real conspiracies. At least it has been proven numerous times that officials lie to us big time. Best example for me is the Nayirah testimony. So.... In my opinion you should always listen to those theories. Luckily most people are quite capable of distinguishing the bullshit from the true problems like corruption and stuff.... Oh and I recommend you the book Propaganda by Edward Bernays. He is known to be the "father of modern PR".
Yeah I guess I should've been more clear, didn't mean to generalize. From the title maybe you can understand I mean those saying covid doesn't exist, wearing a mask is dumb, etc. A few years ago there were some decent posts about the pedophile rings, etc, which I myself was pretty sure were true and now few years later shit is unfolding with Epstein while they're doing the best they can to kill anyone who may speak out on who else is/was involved.
I realize some may have taken offense that I'm anti-conspiracy in general and of course downvotes are kind of rage-inducing on their own but I am not. I'm just trying to tell people to be careful about what they may readon on MSM and here as we're still in the early phases and the wisdom of the crowd may not mean that's what's currently trending. Clearly since some of my gaming content ends up there as well due to autovotes.
Well, regarding the masks... I can't tell if it's dump or not but I can definitely understand the confusion. In Germany our minister of health said in the early phase that masks don't help and will therefore not be forced upon us. Few weeks later his opinion changed. They also said that it's not dangerous and nothing more than a flu and now they are discriminating everyone who still believes this. Quite unfair imho. In general... Communication between government and the people is very unsatisfying.
Starting to sound like Steemit there.
Maybe we should decentralize the government. :P
And it must be mentioned that there are still a lot of very reputable experts in the field of epidemics who have a very different opinion. So.... yeah... lot of confusion.
Do you know this list of facts/claims/idk about corona?
We actually have at least two different investigation committees lead by lawyers and scientists. Including Wolfang Wodarg, who successfully and officially debunked the swine-flu pandemic as fraud. He revealed very clearly how the pharma industrie forced contries into contracts to buy vaccines and how the WHO suddenly changed the criteria for pandemics and so on and so on.
Of course that doesn't mean that you can simply conclude that corona is also a fraud. But I can definitely understand all the conspiracy theorists going crazy. :D
Oh yeah I remember the swine-flu slightly, and yes I also understand that many are against vaccines cause I remember more died from the vaccine than the actual flu back then. My best guess would be they realized it would be too difficult to try and fake it again so they created a real one which may not be as fatal but still very real.
Now thaaat is a conspiracy theory! But a legit one... :P
I really hope no one here believes any of the crazy conspiracy theories. I braved trending the other day and the sheer amount of "fake news" I saw there (ie, propaganda and psudeo-science with no grounding in physical reality) made me want to spend my life savings, power up and take the rewards to zero.
It's not just the front page of trending here. YouTube is doing a mediocre job of removing information, but yet my facebook and instagram feeds are filled with rubbish psuedoscience at the moment. Reddit (or at least the sub-reddits that I frequent) appear to be the only place where logic and multiple, peer backed studies (and intelligent discoure) seems to remain.
Before I dropped my life savings into HIVE, I had a moment of reason, realising that natural selection will run its true cause for all these people who have legitimate paranoia about things like masks cutting off the oxygen supply to their brains. I don't think they need any asiphyxiants or other items to do this. They clearly don't have enough oxygen going to their brains in the first place. :P
Yeah, this is one good thing about reddit and it's strict and different rules in each subreddit. Although it is quite a hassle some times when you just want to share something in an appropriate subreddit without having to read the rules.
Guess communities will end up the same way and I kinda regret not posting this in a community as I could've muted some asshats in the comment section instead of having to downvote. Also, why is there no conspiracy community?
No conspiracy community because its all real, bro!
I've been conflicted whether to leave a comment, but here it is: I believe the virus is real and that there are many people who are in the risk categories. Having lost someone important last year, I can't imagine doing that to anyone when it's preventable. I wear a mask, masks/scarves etc are to protect others even if they don't protect you (unless you change masks as often required). The other person wearing the mask will protect you. It's a community issue and we seriously need more empathy (not just after experiencing something bad).
Ugh, I wish we could get that conspiracy stuff away from trending and hot. It hurts the reputation and image of Hive.
Is there a downvote trail for it? A scientific downvote trail to destruct every disinformation?
Did you wake up today and decide you want to go fishing for all the crazies on Hive?
lol, nah just figured I'd talk about it but I sure did get me some ackza's in my comment section.
Some people just cannot accept reality.
I don't mind wacky speculation when talking about fantasy or fiction, but we are currently experiencing this.
Unfortunately some of the loons won't wake up until someone close to them is affected by the virus. Even then they may not recognize the most likely probability that COVID-19 is a dangerous, but natural virus creating a panfemic. Much like hundreds of pandemics that came before it, we should quarantine and take precautions.
The Chinese lab theory is much more likely to be BS speculation than true.
Anyone who won't wear masks in public, wash hands frequently, or quarantine after travelling or close contact with a sick person is a dangerous threat (more dangerous than the chinese or trump to me personally) and is not welcome near me.
scroll down to the last image of this postand by that I mean literally @ackza:
there's some advantages I guess to manually curating and reading the posts than just autovoting. :p
I can't read the comments on this post anymore, it hurts my brain. I am definitely not an advocate for censorship and think most of these opinions are better discussed in the open where bad ideas can be challenged. It reminds me of when people were posting anti-vax stuff. The problem is serious. I honestly think we aren't going to get over this for years. Even with full cooperation, it would be a challenge.
This post ain't gonna age well, sorry matey.
Nor did your account.
...that makes no sense.
this guy drank the leftist George Soros purple kool-aid.
I'll ditch my belief in any conspiracy theory of this sort when there will be official transparent studies regarding the virus and it's true effects on human health. I'll also wear a mask when there will also be transparent and objective, not funded by the WHO, studies proving that wearing the mask has any use in protecting myself from the virus. As long as all the info regarding COVID-19 comes from mainstream media, Bill Gates and other non credited folks to talk about it, and as long as the measures to protect us from a damn virus are brutal, such conspiracy theories posts are more than welcomed on my feed. I get your point though. Sometimes it's annoying to see same users over and over again, talking about the same subject almost every day. There are plenty others that are on trending daily, not talking Corona, with posts that in my opinion wouldn't deserve to be on trending every damn day, and all this happens thanks to auto votes from whales. As much as I appreciate Hive there's still plenty to work on it, but some things will probably never be fixed because some influential ones don't want that. In regards of the trending page I would definitely change the way posts get there, criteria that defines trending. And I would definitely ditch auto votes for good.
The world really does need more transparency.
The number of people in comments defending conspiracy theories is quite concerning.
I'm glad you wrote this. I think the continuing glut of conspiracy posts in trending paints hive in a really bad light to regular folk who might happen across this platform. The covid ones in particular. I don't mind so much the good old fashioned aliens/lizards/hollow earth/flat earth/space is fake ones for a giggle but the covid ones are dangerous.
I have a buddy whose girlfriend got Covid after months of proudly refusing to wear a mask and telling me I’m a paranoid sheep. She finally took it seriously while she had a fever. Thankfully she recovered, but immediately went back to saying this is all a conspiracy. Neither of them will get the vaccine when it comes out because they don’t want the government putting chips in them. They also get the bulk of their news from the Epoch Times. Don’t get me started on that dumpster fire.
It's sad times we're living in, no wonder shit like steem witnesses and justin sun get away with literal theft when there's so much other shit going on. I feel like the world is having a hard time catching up and everything is just going to shit at an accelerating rate.
A good many COVID deniers say, I don't know anyone with COVID. My eldest sister's daughter and husband both had COVID and were very ill. So, yes I do have family members that have met CORONA up close and personal.
My eldest sister, her husband, and kids are definitely not left-wing. Actually they are very staunch in their conservative republican views and are ardent President Trump supporters. Yet? They wear masks in public and observe social distancing even when visiting with their children!
It has been said before and I will reiterate, Corona Virus does not care about one's politics! Looking at the accounts politicizing this topic, I am not surprised. Do I believe that some people in power will and have used this pandemic to consolidate their positions and as a political tool? Of course! That does not mean that the COVID-19 pandemic is a hoax.
The spreading of disinformation by anti-vaxxers is very dangerous. It not only threatens the lives of others but the lives of their own children.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions and Free Speech is very important. That does not give them the right to holler fire in a crowded theater, nor do people have the right to endanger the lives of others by spreading disinformation concerning a worldwide health crisis!
I'm so glad to see this post did really well rewards-wise to get it into Trending. I really struggle with a lot of the conspiracy theories that get absolutely huge rewards on this platform... it adds legitimacy to information that is clearly fiction.
Freedom of Speech is always going to be a hard one... it can be used to highlight stories that have been completely suppressed, but traditional social media (particularly YouTube and Twitter) tends to also bubble up the most extreme theories to the top since they illicit the most reactions out of people.
I think we're now at the point that there is so much information out on the internet that it's really crazy hard for really anyone to figure out what is true and what is made up purely for clicks. I really like shows like John Oliver, Phillip DeFranco and Hasan Minaj since they seem pretty unbiased and have clearly done their research. In regards to the point above about John Oliver mocking crypto... he totally made fun of a lot of things, but also clearly explained what it was all about. Lots of his audience would have had a much better understanding about blockchain after that episode and I'm glad he brought it, including the sillier aspects, to light.
I agree there at the end and just posted a similar comment. There's been many using his jokes as a way to discredit what he says but they do a lot of research and often rely on facts over fiction while ending the episode on a more serious note.
Love this
The vaccine itself. They cause teh autisms, don't you know?
I remember the flatearthers and anti-vaccine people quite well from early Steem days. Sucks to see them get second wind with covid. Oh well, early days of this platform I guess, at least it's not just conspiracy stuff getting rewarded now as it was back in the day when one of the founders was infatuated with it.
ah well... anti-vaxer is something else. I've been vaccinated god knows how many times, still not an autist :D
But now you are controlled by bill gates xD
I love this kind of shit haha
and now that !
I don't even use windows and microsoft :D am I an exception? vaccinated and well, not a windows and/ microsoft user.
You know I've heard a lot of crazy theories that makes absolutely no sense logically as well.
What's even crazier is that a lot of people believe them as some of them come from really influential persons who have a large number of ardent followers. It's just sad truly.
I agree on the conspiracy theory mongering. I'm not into that crap myself at all.
What is so difficult about maintaining a couple of meter's distance and having good manual hygiene? Is it really so extreme to avoid large crowds?
Yeah, I tend to ignore most of these posts. I focus my time on @vimm and making content that matters to me.
People believe what they want to believe, they are like sheep. Most just follow what others say without sitting down and thinking for a second.
And it seems that education was something very scarce, education and manners, why is it so difficult to stay away from someone or have good hygiene?
Bruh, they install 5G so they can vaccinate you wirelessly. Open your eyes bruh 😳
Posted using Dapplr
If they find a way to feed me wirelessly it would save me so much time!
They already feed us a lot of bullshit wirelessly, is that ok? 😂😂😂
Posted using Dapplr
Lmao 😂
Personally, I find Covid-deniers obscene and dangerous, given the science & that people are dying.
But, coming from Egypt, I understand the soul needed for conspiracy theories to grow: government corruption, biased media, and lack of transparency.
I agree, it's a crazy world out there and there definitely is a need for conspiracy theories. Seems weird they seem to take that wording as an offense, but you know, I guess if someone were to call Hive a scam I'd get offended too.
Well, yeah, 'conspiracy' by definition de legitimizes their theories ;)
Safe to say there is no smoke without a fire...
I think that most of those who spread these theories have no ethics around it. So some of them will not even bother losing their sleep. As harsh as it sounds, many people who commited evil acts against humanity had no remorse. For them it is all about the profits. Human nature at its worst. There will always be manipulation, it is the consumer's responsibility to nurture their minds with good stuff.
Death by meme! I’d probably look for comorbidity before that diagnoses...
I have the feeling that someone was shitting my head!)
self-voted this cause ctime is a butthurt dickhead.
It's simple for me. If the hypothesis (theory) is in trend and within reach of everyone, it is an indication that you may doubt what you are proposing. It doesn't matter if you consider it conspiratorial or not.
I don't think it's good to make general discards of a particular label.
should've posted this in #DeepDives ;)
Lol was just watching this before I popped over to Peakd
I'm relating to what I heard about some pharma don't really want to find cure for some disease because they continue to make money from the long time medication the disease are prescribing
You set yourself up for a futile exercise in the comments here =D
I could easily make 'em all look foolish but... I've done it enough, I'm getting old. I am on vacation though so maybe
FYI, Hive is, as far as I'm aware, majority conspiracy theorists/anti vaxx/that kinda ilk, cuz where else can they thrive?
Yeah and I have nothing against it, it's just the rest of the genre's need to pick up the pace.
It's good there are people who raise awareness for unproven theories.
i have a curiosity:
100s of thousands dead around the world not to mention both my niece and her husband damn near death.
Anyone that would believe this is a world-wide conspiracy by some type of Illuminati group and that the virus is a hoax? I believe they should see a mental-health professional. They have the right to be either crazy, stupid, or both but not in this instance. Not when it threatens the health and life of other people.
Last year we didn't wear masks even though 100s of thousands people died.
What's different this year?
I don't. Most of them are nonsensical.
Here you have a 93-page report compiled by top German experts, for the German federal government, entitled KM4 Analyse des Krisenmanagements It says that more people will die because of state-imposed Corona-measures than they are being killed by the virus. It further says that the measures will leave grave consequences that will last for years to come. It also says that during the Corona crisis the State has proved itself as one of the biggest producers of Fake News… Here are the key takeaways for those who don’t know German or don’t have the time to read full report…
So, your question goes both ways, @acidyo: How will you be able to sleep at night knowing that your content supporting fake pandemic narrative have killed more people than ‘deadly virus’ itself?
For a good deal of people around the world – it actually is. I have two autoimune diseases and very weak lungs, so I can’t wear a mask. Idiot who commanded face masks didn’t read the warning on the box (it clearly says it does not protect you from viruses including Covid-19) nor was thinking of those who has bronchitis, asthma or any other severe lung disease.
The "reality" of the situation is much more fundamental.
A FEUDAL HIERARCHY will always use FEAR to tighten its collective stranglehold on citizens.
A FEUDAL HIERARCHY will always use FEAR in order to con citizens into "voluntarily" giving up their constitutional rights.
The lockdown may or may not be based on "nothing".
But that's actually purely incidental (moot, red-herring).
Even (IFF) the "deadly" SARS-2 is "really real" (THEN) the government STILL has ZERO authority to force people to stay in their homes and or deny them the right to free assembly and or force them to wear protective clothing and or wash their hands.
There is ZERO authority for any of these "emergency" "measures".
This would be TRUE even if we were in the middle of a full blown ZOMBIE OUTBREAK.
Even the most "trusted" "truth-teller" on mainstream media (billionaire backed broadcaster) who usually brings weekly incisive analysis EXPLICITLY SUGGESTED PEOPLE STOP CONSIDERING "CONSPIRACY THEORIES" BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT "SUPPORTED BY EXPERTS" AND "TRUSTED SOURCES".
They further suggested that there's no way the government could possibly keep important (self-serving) secrets from the public for any significant period of time.
When the most "trusted" "truth-teller" on mainstream media bemoans "CONSPIRACY THEORIES" and tells people to calm down and LISTEN TO THE EXPERTS, they display (EITHER) a shocking naivete (OR) a shocking cynicism about the sheeple watching their show that's frankly, personally insulting.
You sound like Mark Zuckerberg saying facebook posts are making people sick.
Leave hive if you don't like certain posts you fucking commie.
It's so lame to downvote something that isn't even breaking any rules. You are just voting something you disagree with politically and calling it "crazy." Really YOU act and sound like an extreme leftist. What's next? You are going to downvote anyone saying antifa is connected to BLM? Will you downvote people who are pro 2nd amendment? Will you downvote #pizzagate posts?
It's called freedom of speech. Besides if you believe everything the World health organization or some Loser best friend to Epstein Bill gates you are basically a moron. Anthony Fauci should be in jail for insider trading and Bill gates should be under questioning as part of the Ghislaine maxwell trial.
Everything here is a logical fallacy ad hominem attack. If you question anything about world events you are a tinfoil wearing criminal desperate for money.
News flash: Bill gates vaccine testing is going horribly. Doctors are declaring people dying from heart attacks and gun shot wounds as covid 19 deaths. Bill gates ran event 201 drill right before the covid outbreak and the drill included a "corona virus." Look at Anthony Fauci's involvement with the Wuhan lab.
It's not some tinfoil conspiracy like bigfoot but a huge criminal operation to inside trade, rig the stock market and sell vaccines that you own the patent for the virus of. He's Martin Shkreli on crack.
Freedom of speech is a given on this platform, dipshit. Doesn't mean we need to incentivize people from coming up with anything and pretending they believe it just cause fiction doesn't get rewarded just as much and get as much attention. Go fuck yourself with your attitude.
Really @ctime? You wanna upvote someone calling me a commie? How about fuck off you worthless piece of shit that asked for the opinion of HBI, then unvoted our witness and has done nothing but throw random downvotes all over the place cause you're butthurt.
Well I guess we know who doesn’t trust the CDC
Seems you just posted this for rewards and also you are a cunt.
(I'm very sorry, I think this is an unacceptable way to conduct myself on the platform, but it seems that popular opinion is this is cool!
Have a great day
I'd be an idiot to waste my breath on whatsup the retarded golddigger who defended Sun and remains on the centralized shitchain.
Powered down on both. :)
Seems like you got a little triggered though. :(
Yeah I don't like assholes showing up and giving out their opinions.
Please go fuck yourself and don't wear a mask.
Thanks for proving the point.
People tend to get angry and have a bad reaction when nasty things get said.
I am sorry though, I was just trying to show, it creates unpleasantness. I have never really had any hard feeling about you.
Seems you just posted this for rewards and also you are a cunt.
(I'm very sorry, I think this is an unacceptable way to conduct myself on the platform, but it seems that popular opinion is this is cool!
Have a great day