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RE: Does anyone here actually believe anti-covid conspiracy theories?

in #covid5 years ago

Imagine some time later when a vaccine is finally created that gets rid of this virus once and forever, what will be their next target?

The vaccine itself. They cause teh autisms, don't you know?


I remember the flatearthers and anti-vaccine people quite well from early Steem days. Sucks to see them get second wind with covid. Oh well, early days of this platform I guess, at least it's not just conspiracy stuff getting rewarded now as it was back in the day when one of the founders was infatuated with it.

ah well... anti-vaxer is something else. I've been vaccinated god knows how many times, still not an autist :D

But now you are controlled by bill gates xD
I love this kind of shit haha

and now that !

I don't even use windows and microsoft :D am I an exception? vaccinated and well, not a windows and/ microsoft user.