Which Doctor? Anyone can, and many do simply write this sort of post on mainstream media and everyone comments 'yeah' and upvotes or 'likes' it....I will tell you the first thing I thought when I read your comment. No mention of deaths that are attributed to diarrhoea which kills over 2000 kids every day (google the actuality of that, there are many, many sites will confirm, and its commission from your list suggests that the list is a manufactured list.
The problem with Covid is that its a virus, a huge proportion of death causes on your list have huge environmental factors which are already being controlled to a certain extent! Covid has environmental factors but much more difficult to control, that's why we need to get a grip on it now or it could simply spiral out of control and become an 'end of humanity' event. Virus' mutate and adapt and we can't allow this to happen and for it to become more dangerous and infectious.
Going back to Diarrhea, the deaths are mainly in impoverished third world countries and no one in the wealthy west actually give enough of a fuck to fix the problem. The 'conspiracy' behind the current Covid-19 pandemic is that its killing people in wealthy 1st world countries, hence the motivation to throw everything they have to fix the issue.
I'm neither saying that the list is accurate... it could be manufactured too, nor am I saying that covid-19 is fake. What I'm trying to convey is there could be a hidden motive behind hyping up a disease that has very low mortality rate compared to so many other diseases that are already killing people by the millions. What's been happening seems so unreal. Looking at the recovery rate, end of humanity seems very far.
I think the issue is that it has the potential to kill millions if left unchecked is the main issue.
There may be hidden motives for hyping it up, but people dying by the thousands in 1st world countries isn't exactly a vote winner!
Thanks for replying and stay safe and sane mate :-)
Very interesting and thought provoking point.