Why does this sound so familiar?
Remember when John Oliver was ridiculing... Bitcoiners and blockchain in 2018?
The key software to create a coin is open source meaning that just about anyone can create one, so they have done that. There are now over 1500 crytocurrencies that you can buy with names like:
titcoin, trumpcoin, jesuscoin, insanecoin, electroneum, waxx, particle, deep onion, snovio, pluton, newbits and clams!
A list so insane that you can't tell which ones are real and which ones are made up - because they're all real I didn't make any up. I tried to come up with a dumber name than deep onion and it just can't be done.
... sometimes those coins are meant as tokens to be used for services that the start up might eventually provide... kind of like the tokens at Chucky Cheese - only virtual and not redeemable at a rat based food emporium.
This segment is pretty hilarious and I think crypto enthusiasts can appreciate the humor in it. The same goes for conspiracy theorists, there's a long list of conspiracies that are ridiculous. Similar to the crypto space with it's countless shitcoins, the conspiracy market is also flooded with bullshit theories (purposefully in some instances to lead people astray and people going far beyond reality in other instances).
I hope you can appreciate the comparison here. As I know you've been in the crypto space probably longer than I have you know that there's a ton of FUD thrown at things, misleading promotions about the next great coin and just straight up scams. That's exactly what the conspiracy space is like. There's a ton of conspiracies that flood the market in order to muddy the waters in order to paint researchers with a wide brush and dismiss their arguments as unworthy of debate. Just as you must know how to navigate the waters of the crypto space you must be able to navigate the even more treacherous waters of the conspiracy universe.
Exactly, that's what I'm saying, maybe not in the post directly but in the comments as the post was pretty short and I was merely bringing up those "freedom" lovers that encourage people to disobey protecting yourself just in case covid is as dangerous as you know, the whole world seems to think. I've been a subscriber to r/conspiracy on reddit for a long time too and check up on it every now and then, I have nothing against people sharing their opinions and being rewarded for them and the time they've put into researching it but at the same time many just take whatever someone else said, change it up a bit and make their whole internet persona about it because that's what gives you attention nowadays since everything is becoming more and more unknown with the truth being harder and harder to find. Just because someone isn't considered to be of the mainstream media, though, doesn't mean that person may always have the best intentions for their readers. Similar to on Hive where authors have to be consistent the same goes for youtube and other platforms where they constantly need to come up with new content or risk losing the interest of their readers and growth.
I also realize that some downvotes here may be cast as a general opinion without having read the posts but you also know how reckless autovotes are or can be at the same time.
and while it's great that we have censorship resistance here and at the same time can be rewarded for doing research and sharing things that on other platforms would get instantly removed for who knows what reasons we can't go overboard on it and neglect other genre's and fill trending up with "conspiracy" completely. Surely people must understand why that's important for a social media platform.
I didn't see it as him ridiculing crypto in that episode, really. Of course to people like him and at the time it was shot the space was very immature, with vaporware EOS, pump and dump groups, bitconnect, etc. It has matured a lot over the bear market and if I remember correctly he never said that it's all a joke but admitted that it could develop into something bigger but just warned people to be careful which is something I almost never read on any anti-covid posts, tbh. (for people to just be careful)
Giving this a downvote due to @ctime's biased voting, I'm sure you don't mind.
lol, what kind of voting isn't biased? weak
Are you really asking that question as a curator?
it's rhetorical