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RE: Does anyone here actually believe anti-covid conspiracy theories?

in #covid5 years ago

Depends on which theories exactly you mean. Some of this conspiracy stuff is utter nonsense but some others are at least partially true. It's always dangerous to generalize in such a way. And you always have to keep in mind that there are and were indeed real conspiracies. At least it has been proven numerous times that officials lie to us big time. Best example for me is the Nayirah testimony. So.... In my opinion you should always listen to those theories. Luckily most people are quite capable of distinguishing the bullshit from the true problems like corruption and stuff.... Oh and I recommend you the book Propaganda by Edward Bernays. He is known to be the "father of modern PR".


Yeah I guess I should've been more clear, didn't mean to generalize. From the title maybe you can understand I mean those saying covid doesn't exist, wearing a mask is dumb, etc. A few years ago there were some decent posts about the pedophile rings, etc, which I myself was pretty sure were true and now few years later shit is unfolding with Epstein while they're doing the best they can to kill anyone who may speak out on who else is/was involved.

I realize some may have taken offense that I'm anti-conspiracy in general and of course downvotes are kind of rage-inducing on their own but I am not. I'm just trying to tell people to be careful about what they may readon on MSM and here as we're still in the early phases and the wisdom of the crowd may not mean that's what's currently trending. Clearly since some of my gaming content ends up there as well due to autovotes.

Well, regarding the masks... I can't tell if it's dump or not but I can definitely understand the confusion. In Germany our minister of health said in the early phase that masks don't help and will therefore not be forced upon us. Few weeks later his opinion changed. They also said that it's not dangerous and nothing more than a flu and now they are discriminating everyone who still believes this. Quite unfair imho. In general... Communication between government and the people is very unsatisfying.

Starting to sound like Steemit there.

Maybe we should decentralize the government. :P

And it must be mentioned that there are still a lot of very reputable experts in the field of epidemics who have a very different opinion. So.... yeah... lot of confusion.

Do you know this list of facts/claims/idk about corona?

We actually have at least two different investigation committees lead by lawyers and scientists. Including Wolfang Wodarg, who successfully and officially debunked the swine-flu pandemic as fraud. He revealed very clearly how the pharma industrie forced contries into contracts to buy vaccines and how the WHO suddenly changed the criteria for pandemics and so on and so on.

Of course that doesn't mean that you can simply conclude that corona is also a fraud. But I can definitely understand all the conspiracy theorists going crazy. :D

Oh yeah I remember the swine-flu slightly, and yes I also understand that many are against vaccines cause I remember more died from the vaccine than the actual flu back then. My best guess would be they realized it would be too difficult to try and fake it again so they created a real one which may not be as fatal but still very real.

Now thaaat is a conspiracy theory! But a legit one... :P