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RE: Does anyone here actually believe anti-covid conspiracy theories?

in #covid5 years ago

I was skeptical the moment the government started with their conspiracy theories on Covid myself. After seeing years ago how much they lie to us to fatten various pockets among other things, I started questioning the theories they would push on us as science and fact. Their Covid conspiracy theories have been over the top though, with their contradictory reporting on deaths, their tests that don't work yet are used for data collection, their pushback against known immune boosters such as vitamins and such. So many more facets they reveal they are talking out their ass.

I do believe there is a bad ass sickness going around, believe I had it in January. I don't get sick often, and haven't been that sick since I went septic about seven years ago. Couldn't sleep laying down for a month. But at no time did I think I was going to die, nor go to one of the pharmaceutical pimps currently called doctors.

Sadly, they lie so much to us they encourage rational minds to question the truthfulness of their assertions. For years now my first question is who is going to get richer from their proclamation. They really don't even try to hide it much that they believe they own us (government and their true constituents who pad their bank accounts). With Covid, there are so many voices from the medical community trying to say things aren't what they say, and use the governments own conflicting science data to prove it. But those voices are quickly the subject of ridicule by the monied experts, their messages pulled from media and in areas where downvoting is allowed, downvoted.

I say all of this as someone who warns a lot about disinformation being spread in what is known as the truther community. I sometimes wonder if some of the more outlandish claims are started by the upper echelons to discredit the truthful dissemination that occurs. I recently did a post against the whole Waywair trafficking claim. I know trafficking happens, know that powerful people are involved. But this was so easy to see was not so here, and was being pushed to discredit all the attention that is being placed on pedo networks with the whole Maxwell story.

Isn't it questionable that using vitamins and minerals to boost your immune system is not being pushed at us with the same intensity that masks are (which has many studies showing they aren't that effective), yet all we here non stop is about some hastily rushed vaccine? Might be nothing, but when I saw Trump say he would have us a vaccine by the end of the year and deploy the military to help administer them, the hair on my neck stood up. Not sure why the military would be needed, unless it was going to be forced. Now that is a conspiracy theory, unlike some of the other things I mentioned that don't add up. A smart one that demands an answer to put to rest.

At the end of the day, if they (government and their experts claiming science) want us to stop questioning them, they need to take that first step and stop lying to us, and when caught trying to cover their shit up claiming bullshit like National Security. Protecting the fleecing of average people isn't National Security, it is protecting insider schemes that often is highly illegal. The lies with picking winners and losers by a group who demand transparency from us while they demand operating in shadows creates all of this.


For years now my first question is who is going to get richer from their proclamation.

This is a rational thought, tbh. I've had that one myself, if there's no world war they'll figure out another way - which is also why I don't instantly deny people saying covid was manufactured and not an accident. You're right to mistrust the government and no one should blindly believe them. I'm merely saying that doubling down on being all "nope, covid is not real, pretend like it doesn't exist because I think this and that" is not better and will just cause unnecessary harm if those people happen to be wrong. Even if it isn't as serious for some and even if it's just as common as a cold, I wouldn't want someone to infect me with a common cold either if they could cough into their shoulder or wear a mask when they have to be near others.

Again, as I mentioned in another comment, what's so bad about the mask. What could it do to you except for (maybe) protect you and others around you? Also Trump is a moron who often does and says whatever he thinks helps him get re-elected or make him some money possibly.

Also there is a pretty easy way to give governments and the state less and less power over time, we are currently writing on a platform that revolves around that technology and new currency that they can't take away from you unless they try and torture you for information. Or whatever it was that the Pentagon had planned on how to deal with Bitcoin, unfortunately for them it is too late and just a matter of time now.

Again, as I mentioned in another comment, what's so bad about the mask. What could it do to you except for (maybe) protect you and others around you?

The "problem" is that this is a classic PASCAL'S MUGGING,