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RE: Fear of the Mask

in #covid4 years ago

Sweden is more ”European” than Finland, especially Stockholm, and the people moving there are not the typical Finns probably 😅 Obviously these are just stereotypes.

I think it’s gonna take a lot before we can live a normal life again. Well, I’m not normal to begin with so doesn’t effect me as much.


"not normal" - well, I can say the same - and others have said that about me as well. As far as Swedes are concerned, they are different in different places as well. I found they were a lot friendlier anywhere else but Stockholm. People from Lapland cross over into Finland, and I did find them very nice also. Leena was very much Finnish, she also spoke several languages fluently. When she mentioned she was looking at a job with Finnair, I encouraged her to pursue this (better than changing bedpans, lol). Later I emigrated to Canada, but we corresponded for a while after, and she was happy in her new job.
btw, I worked as side job at a nightclub on the waterfront, and there were many Finns that went there. So I learned some swearwords from them, so together with Hungarian ones I have a repertoire to use when I am pissed off.