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RE: Knowing Your Rights And Changing With The Times!

in #covid195 years ago

I'm sorry you feel the need for such cruelty and viciousness, and that you weren't aware of this writer's kindness and care for the earth and everyone around her, or the circumstances of her life which makes this comment particularly hurtful. I know that COVID has made a lot of people very frightened and irrational, and I extend compassion towards you in these troubling times. I never use downvotes ever, but this is what they're for, in my opinion. We're up for freedom of speech here, but hateful comments like this take away the freedom of others to feel safe.


Thank you xxxxx

You are welcome. You are brave, outspoken and loving - I know you'd never speak to someone so unkindly if you disagreed with them, even though you might want to. xx