Transport29 subscribersActivity Log • 0 active🇷🇸 Prevoz dobara, život u stalnom pokretu. 🇺🇸 Transportation of goods, life in constant motionSubscribePostTransportCommunityAll postsTrending CommunitiesVibesWorldmappinHIVE CN 中文社区LeoFinanceSplinterlandsPhotography LoversActifitOlio di BalenaLifestyleHive LearnersSpendHBDHive GamingExplore Communities...TransportTrendingHotNewPayoutsMutedrebekica cross-posted @rebekica/mozda-ustvari-i-zavolim-nesto-u-cemu-se-ne-pronalazimmaybe-i-actually-like-something-that-i-dont-find-myself-inrebekica (59)2 years agoMožda ustvari i zavolim nešto u čemu se ne pronalazim😁.~Maybe I actually like something that I don't find myself in.😁Zdravo Hiver-i😊 Kada god bi me pitali zašto još uvek nemam položeno za auto rekla bih zato što me auto nikada nije zanimao.🥱Iskrena da budem, mene zaista auto nikada nije…obsesija (71)2 years agoParna lokomotiva, muzejski primer 🚂💨💨 💨 Steam locomotive, museum exampleVoz, koji je zaslužio mnogo bolje mesto. 🚂💨💨 💨 The train, which deserved a much better seat.vragolana cross-posted @vragolana/ne-plasite-se-zivota-tu-ste-s-razlogom-dont-be-afraid-of-life-you-are-here-for-a-reasonvragolana (73)3 years agoNe plašite se života, tu ste s razlogom! Don't be afraid of life, you are here for a reason!“Odbaciti – javi se glas iz mnoštva – zar i zakon jata? Jedini je pravi zakon onaj što vodi do slobode – odgovori mu Jonathan. – Nema drugog zakona! Nema granica Jonathane? –…ujka-vs cross-posted @ujka-vs/auto-show-vrsac-2022-auto-show-vrsac-2022ujka-vs (60)3 years agoAuto show Vrsac 2022. -Auto show Vrsac 2022.Pozdrav setaci i moji prijatelji. Svaki put kada setam vodim i vas na neko drugo mesto i to da uvek bude nesto drugačije i zanimljivo. Greetings to you and my friends. Every…obsesija cross-posted @obsesija/an-unusual-sublime-and-beautiful-sunday-with-a-car-showobsesija (71)3 years agoAn unusual sublime and beautiful Sunday with a car showSunday is another summer day ahead of us, so everyone wants to use it in the best possible way. Every week we dedicate ourselves to an event, especially since it's a holiday and…obsesija cross-posted @obsesija/pocetak-kraja-drzavne-valute-bitcoin-the-beginning-of-the-end-of-the-state-currencyobsesija (71)3 years agoPočetak kraja državne valute 💸🚜₿ The beginning of the end of the state currencyNevjerovatna nedjelja s demonstracijama - ljudi koji još uvek nisu shvatili šta je kripto An incredibly Sunday with demonstrations - people who still haven't figured out what…mrki-car cross-posted @mrki-car/turbine-at-the-carmrki-car (51)3 years agoturbine at the carNowadays, it is practically inconceivable that a new car has a diesel engine without a turbine, and more and more often they have petrol engines, regardless of their working…kenobywan (25)3 years agoComo encontrar transporte de motos baratoNos preguntamos si existe alguna modalidad de transportar nuestra moto mas economico desde el sitio que compramso hasta nuestra casa.Todo este proceso nos llevara una bastante…obsesija cross-posted @obsesija/interesting-facts-in-the-world-of-carsobsesija (71)3 years agoInteresting facts in the world of carsIs a car a luxury? I think that in this modern time, where life flows in a fast sense, it is not, after all, today we cannot imagine the day ahead without a car. For some, it is…mrki-car cross-posted @mrki-car/diesel-engine-nozzlesmrki-car (51)3 years agoDiesel engine nozzles - Mlaznice dizel motora🇺🇸 : Fuel injection in modern cars is performed using electromagnetic injection nozzles whose task is to disperse the mixture of fuel and air in the form of a fine jet. The…mrki-car cross-posted @mrki-car/ugradnja-ambijentalnog-osvetlenja-u-automobil-installation-of-ambient-lighting-in-the-carmrki-car (51)3 years agoUgradnja ambijentalnog osvetlenja u automobil-Installation of ambient lighting in the carKao i sto sam naslov ovog posta kaze odlucio sam da ulepsam enterijer u svom automobilu i da ugradim ambijent osvetlenje. Na ideju sam dosao tako sto sam se vozio u jednom…bojan-bee cross-posted @bojan-bee/auto-kao-eksponat-car-as-an-exhibitbojan-bee (45)3 years agoAuto kao eksponat - Car as an exhibitEvo sta se sve moze videti kod nas u Srbiji. Automobil Trabant nekom je posluzio da ga ukrasi a meni je privukao paznju i divljenje slobodnog umetnika. Here is what can be…mrmantgx1980 (50)LKW Voza Driver3 years agoPranje kamiona 🇷🇸 - Truck wash 🇬🇧Ulazi prljav,a izlazi čist ko suza,Čik pogodi šta je to? -It comes in dirty,and go out clean as a tear.Guess what it is?daniel-vs cross-posted @daniel-vs/ovogodosnja-sezona-u-poljoprivredidaniel-vs (60)Traktorist Tractor Driver3 years agoOvogodošnja sezona u poljoprivrediOvogodišnja dešavanja u poljoprivredi Pozdrav posle dužeg vremena evo me opet sa zanimljiv dogodoštinama i fotografijama koje sam imao tokom sezone u poljoprivredi. Sve je…mrmantgx1980 (50)LKW Voza Driver3 years agoPogled na prirodu i turizam iz aspekta mog posla 🇷🇸 - A view of nature and tourism from the aspect of my work 🇬🇧Prelaz preko Bosforskog moreuza feribotom,razgledanje okoline 🇷🇸 - Crossing the Bosphorus by ferry, sightseeing 🇬🇧mrmantgx1980 cross-posted @mrmantgx1980/zivot-na-tockovima-5--life-on-wheels-5mrmantgx1980 (50)LKW Voza Driver3 years agoŽivot na točkovima 5 🇷🇸 ~ Life on wheels 5 🇬🇧Obilazak grada Edirne u Turskoj 🇷🇸 A tour of the city of Edirne in Turkey 🇬🇧 Pozdrav, Hiveri!Evo me sa novim postom, koji je ujedno peti po redu, nastavak moje teme.…mrmantgx1980 cross-posted @mrmantgx1980/zivot-na-tockovima-3-life-on-wheels-3mrmantgx1980 (50)LKW Voza Driver3 years agoZivot na točkovima 3 ~ Life on wheels 3Uvod 🇷🇸 Introduction 🇬🇧 Pozdrav,dobri moji Hiveri! Evo me sa novim izveštajem sa terena.Bogami,lepo se noćas odmorilo,baš onako kako treba.Jutro sam danas dočekao pun…mrmantgx1980 cross-posted @mrmantgx1980/moj-zivot-na-tockovima-2-my-life-of-wheels-2mrmantgx1980 (50)LKW Voza Driver3 years agoZivot na tockovima 2 - Life on wheels 2🇷🇸 Nastavak avanture 🇬🇧 Continuation of the adventure Hello Hiveri! Eto mene sa novim postom. Prethodnog dana se nisam oglasavao jer sam bio prezauzet, ali sta je tu…mrmantgx1980 cross-posted @mrmantgx1980/primerak-za-postmrmantgx1980 (50)LKW Voza Driver3 years agoZivot na tockovima 1 - Life on wheels 1🇷🇸 Novi krug, novo putovanje 🇬🇧 New circle, a new journey Decembarsko jutro, kišno a bogami i hladno.Pijem prvu jutarnju kafu i pozdravljam se sa svojom…mrmantgx1980 cross-posted @mrmantgx1980/welcome-to-turkeymrmantgx1980 (50)LKW Voza Driver3 years agoŽivot na točkovima 4 🇷🇸 ~ Life on wheels 4 🇬🇧Ulazak u Tursku 🇷🇸 Entering Turkey 🇬🇧 Merhaba Hiveri!Evo nas u nastavku putešestvija. Dobro došli u moj novi post. Verovatno da možda nekoga ne zanima tema o kojoj…