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RE: Where’s the best place for ideas?

in #creativity7 years ago

Do you believe we create ideas or we just receive them? (or a bit of both?)

I know that I'll usually build off of the ideas I receive so there's kind of this collaborative process going on but ultimately, all of my best ideas were in one way or another, given to me. I think I'm just here to receive and do something with them!

My favorite place for thoughts is my designated morning talk and walk. I'll usually have my audio recorder on and I'll just start by talking about things I'm grateful for, then things on my mind, and then the things I want to do with my day. But basically that usually leads to some great thoughts and ideas. Ultimately just talking things out tends to be my go to thought process lately :)

I loved this post! Great concept @victoria-kelly!


That's an extremely astute question and probably gets at the root of what I was wondering about. Do we create the ideas ourselves or are they sent to us at the optimal time? This relates to some of my personal theory about the illusion of free will that I'll probably post about at some point. ;)
I definitely think that half the battle is being open to the ideas and recognising them as such when they arrive. And I think that's a whole lot easier to do if you consciously practise mindfulness. Your morning walks and taking the time to be grateful for what you have sounds like a wonderful way to start the day and guarantee that you're in the right frame of mind for what follows. No wonder you always seem so positive!