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RE: Pedophile : Monster , Serious Disturbed Individual , or just a Lifestyle Choice ??

in #crime6 years ago

I'm torn on this issue, because there's a definite protective instinct in me. Anyone who engages in sexual activity with a minor definitely needs the full extent of the law thrown at them. If I were to find a grown man banging my child, I'd do what this guy did:

And I don't think anyone would blame me for it. They sure as hell didn't press any charges against this guy. Hell, even the sheriff more or less understood the man.

At the same time, for those who have the wisdom to not act on their interests, I feel like we don't have proper treatment options out there. For the otherwise decent people who do have an attraction to the things they shouldn't, I feel like we should find SOME way to help suppress or redirect their desires into something more legal. And we really don't have that kind of support out there. We have too much stick, not enough carrot, if that analogy makes sense.