The Devil in Sheep's Clothing
It seems there is a certain subset of the population who is trying to make pedophilia part of the LGBQT Community. And call it a "chosen" lifestyle that should not be persecuted or criticized.
Well, to me that is just plain demented and sick. We are talking about young, innocent children. And adults who are attracted towards them and carrying on sexual relations with them are trying to say it is a lifestyle similar to being Gay or Transgender.
Me ??
I don't buy this bullshit.
These people are monsters pure and simple as that.
And I hope our Country here in the US remains very tough on these slime-balls who openly admit to being sexually attracted towards innocent children. I say throw away the key or give them the death penalty if they ever actually physical prey on a child in any way, shape, or form :(
How about you guys ? Your thoughts ?? Should we accept pedophilia as a lifestyle choice like being Gay or Transgender ??
I'm torn on this issue, because there's a definite protective instinct in me. Anyone who engages in sexual activity with a minor definitely needs the full extent of the law thrown at them. If I were to find a grown man banging my child, I'd do what this guy did:
And I don't think anyone would blame me for it. They sure as hell didn't press any charges against this guy. Hell, even the sheriff more or less understood the man.
At the same time, for those who have the wisdom to not act on their interests, I feel like we don't have proper treatment options out there. For the otherwise decent people who do have an attraction to the things they shouldn't, I feel like we should find SOME way to help suppress or redirect their desires into something more legal. And we really don't have that kind of support out there. We have too much stick, not enough carrot, if that analogy makes sense.
being gay or transgender doesnt harm anyone, being a pedophile obviously harms people, they aren't comparable. also being gay or transgender isnt a lifestyle choice, and pedophilia are most common among people that are straight or pretending to be straight:
"As an expert panel of researchers convened by the National Academy of Sciences noted in a 1993 report: "The distinction between homosexual and heterosexual child molesters relies on the premise that male molesters of male victims are homosexual in orientation. Most molesters of boys do not report sexual interest in adult men, however" (National Research Council, 1993, p. 143, citation omitted)."
This is an interesting topic and has deep roots in lgbqt history actually, as far back as lgbqt history goes, society has combed pedophiles under the same comb, especially gay men. Gay men have always been thought to be pedophiles, but i agree with you, whether the pedophike is gay or straight, if they act on their urges they should be punished as criminals. If people want to say that being a pedophile is a lifestyle choice, its as good as saying murder, theft, corruption are all lifestyle choices. Hioe this makes sense.