DAO Attacker Has Drained ETC DAO (Classic)

in #crypto-news8 years ago (edited)

Here is The DarkDAO address on the Ethereum Classic chain. It occurred earlier today. The Ethereum Classic blockchain explorer only goes back 256 blocks, but you can see that the Classic DarkDAO is now drained. No one knows where the new child DarkDAO is but per the current price of ETC, her 3.6 million ETC would be worth $2.3 million USD if she were to sell them today, magically without moving the market at all. She can't withdraw for a few more weeks yet though. Still a huge haul for a few hours of her time and effort. Yes, she. Women can be DAO attackers, too.


Did the Robin Hood Group figure that ETC was not going to be worth saving for Classic TheDAO token holders ? Or could they not actually stop/stall the attack?


It would be awesome to see this guy dumping every damned ETC.

It would and it wouldn't. It would crush ETC price but it would hurt all the people who have sincerely believe in ETC. Some of them are very earnest. But even if she doesn't sell, it will be a tough technical overhang over the trading of ETC and make it difficult for it to rise -- she will sell into any rise.. And the worst part is that people won't really ever know if she has sold or not. It's not like she will make an announcement.

The DAO hacker(s) likely wants to see Ethereum in any form fall into decay.

I think it's more likely he(or she) wants to make as much money as they can off of this.

First, a $2million short right before crash....that's pretty decent money.

Now, the ability to pump and dump etc until he(or she) has all the the value they can get out if it.

Today was traded 100 milion ETC so 3 millions is nothing.

HE made new DAO child so 30 next days he cant touch them.

Thought it was 22 days. 3 million is not nothing -- that 100 million counts the same ETC traded back and forth. 3 million sold in one direction would crush the price.

Can you possibly describe more accurately what you are talking about?

I wish I had heard this news before I bought a bunch on a whim today

That was probably a bad decision. unless you bought when it was at .0006 vs now at .0028

I hope you didn't sell your ETC 15 hours ago after you made your post. :p Nothing wrong with ETC by the way I have bought a few myself yesterday because I support immutability and am against bail outs. :)

The difference between a bailout and what actually happened with the hf is that with a bailout you take money from the people and bail out a company. In this case the money was taken from the attacker and given back to the people. Not really a bailout at all if you actually have an educated perspective of the situation.

I sold 10000etc at .00399999btc vs. the 33 cents that they were bought for..., so im not exactly upset about the hf giving me extra etc to cash in on, lol.

ETC are suckers!!!!!

They are doing their best. I have compassion for that.

Doing their best in an uneducated fashion, with a system that is destined to fail. There is nowhere for etc to go. All of the developers and future projects will be continuing on the hf eth, so investing in etc(or buying any at all) is, more or less, irresponsible management of finances.

Granted, you can make a good bit of cash of the ups and downs going on right now. But at somepoint, etc will die and be worth nothing. It's just kind of interesting that the buy volume is so high in a useless crypto.

Just hope that you get out before it crashes to 0 if you're trying to hold out for top.

Well, I know you are wrong in your opinions, lol
(at the least eth is worth ~10x as much as etc, and I made $20k today off etc, but if I had sold the same amount of eth would be closer to $80000, sop there is a little difference there). I think that makes a very large difference. As vitalik has stated that all the founding developers focus will be on eth, and NOT etc, ETC is sure to fail at somepoint. The fact that people have been tricked into having false hope in a system that is sure to fail is a very large problem.

Not for me, because I am making money off you, but the fact that etc is messing with eth value based on idiots helping that dao attacker cash out on his stolen eth is pretty silly imo.

I am already up about 20k for nothing as far as eth vs etc is concerned. I just feel bad for the people thinking this is actually a solid investment.

@ktmgen "As vitalik has stated that all the founding developers focus will be on eth, and NOT etc"

Not true.

"P.S. it’s nice to see that the guys behind https://ethereumclassic.github.io/ stand behind keeping the old chain alive, but let’s make it clear that we (the Ethereum developers) have never abandoned it. We never forked the chain. We have implemented a switch in our client to give users a choice to fork if they want to and that’s all."


I think your wrong on that one. There is no difference between the two. Any contract you run on one can be ran on the other. If the attacker starts rewarding miners then it is game over.

Here you go @sandwich , Vitalik on where the focus will be. If you had read down a few more posts you would have found it yourself.


Well, i have to say that i would never expect @eeks to write an article like that haha :)
Getting back to topic,i was doing some trading with ETC and i have to say this looks strange.
350% in few hours basically.
I'm pretty sure that hackers own a lot of this coin, and if we will see dumping they may step in too. And basically make etc worth very little.

Im staying away, but if you want to risk then ETC is great :D

Kraken and Poloniex seem to have a degree of belief in ETC

It's funny because 16 hours ago kraken stated they wouldnt be supporting etc...

I guess a 300% gain is too much for anyone to ignore...

The only thing they believe in is more fees. This gives them more opportunities to collect fees. They are not long ETH or ETC. They are middlemen.

Int the offical Ethereum classic it is written "If we want to continue to move forward and guarantee survival of the original Ethereum vision, we must fork Ethereum." This mean they need to procced with fork. ETC is nothing more fast prepared scam. Yes many exchangers are going to support it because everyone wants your money. As I see Kraken is not supported this scam yet and have no intense to do it. Enter early and leave fast if you want profit. Real World Computer is ETH. Have a nice day and trade friends!

Kraken is working on supporting it.

No one looks at a 300% gain in 24 hours and doesn't want to get in on it. It's a huge part of the problem.


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im not rly sure whats stoping him, he surely will use it to his advantage

I'm pro hack (all hacks) and pro fork ( all forks) until a network can't be hacked or forked any longer. The code will allow what the code will allow until it's impossible for the code to allow it. Seriously, this all seems like something we all should have leaned about in an episode of Futurama.

You're just pro-pro. ;)


Pro-Hemian rhapsody

Well played and so purely absurd.

Now it would be interesting to see how and when the attacker chooses to cash out since it would be quite complicated. https://steemit.com/crypto-news/@juicyg/ethereum-classic-is-currently-worth-less-than-the-value-of-the-eth-tokens-taken-by-the-dao-attacker

Most likely the etc will be mixed and pushed out in the pump and dumps over the next week(s). Depends on how long it takes to get it all out while still staying low key.

The attacker is probably trying to get out of ETC before Chandler Guo's 51% attack.

That was a bad idea and I believe he abandoned it. ETC has an uphill economic battle to continue to exist. We'll see.

I outline the challenges ETC faces in this comment.

There's a lot of good discussion/analysis right now of the short term for ETC.

In the long term, what do you think about the ETC hard fork as remedy for replay attacks issue I discussed at the end of this post: https://steemit.com/ethereum/@jack1/if-the-dao-attacker-shorts-eth-buys-etc-and-then-refunds-the-dao-hack-victims-on-the-etc-chain

It is destined to fail, all of the developers have stated they will be working on the eth fork, not etc. So anyone investing in etc, is essentially investing in a useless crypto that no one has noticed is useless yet.

ETC has the battle to face that it is useless, and will continue to be useless. As the founding developers of eth has stated openly that they will focus on eth and NOT etc, the best etc can do is ride on the coattails of eth by copying developmental advancements directly from the eth code. And, as most developers have stated they will support eth and NOT etc, the effort is null.

ETC will fail, 100% at somepoint. There is literally no use that will ever put it into practice. ETH still has hope, but is way overvalued in the sense that right now it is worth a lot for being completely useless.

Hey man, Just curious, why do you keep referring to the Dao attacker as a girl? Is there more information out? I'd love to read more about it, as I have been deeply fascinated with this subject but can't find anything more than the Original Hao Hacker letter and the stuff from MP. Thanks! :)

Girls are hackers too. So I could use: he, she, or a gender neutral pronoun. I've opted for she. If she IS a woman, the story becomes even better. And probably brings more women into crypto and coding alike.

Win-Win. ;)

Got cha, I was just curious if you had any new info that's all, it was news to me :) Thanks!

I loved your point. Now that I think of it, she tends to be a gal :P

Because the poster is a woman(I'm assuming) and why not take credit if no one knows, lol.

its a group of pepole who attaced the dao not only one person , they say its a girle to get more curiosity to the subject , im just afraid if pepole are going to do that in this platforme so they get rewarded for over adding informations .

We actually don't know anything yet. But a "she" is a possibility.

How do you know that?


Let it drain on me .

The attacker can now safely liquidate his holdings using Shapeshift without revealing his identity https://steemit.com/crypto-news/@juicyg/shapeshift-adds-etc

Shapeshift is not as anonymous as people think. She will have to be smart about it.

Bitcoin has a male inventor - DAO has an female hacker :D Awsome.

You must be sexist ;)

Why would anyone keep mining on the old chain?
Unless, maybe you know the hacker and are getting something out of it...

The difficulty is much lower than on the regular eth chain, and the price with the pump and dumps is so all over the place, that there actually is money to be made. There also aren't any pools setup on the etc fork(as far as i know) So as a solo miner, the difficulty is low enough to actually make a bit of profit that way as well.

ok, poloniex is also probably cashing in a lot of transacion fees from that...

It most definitely is. They aren't upset about the doubled transaction rate created by the fork.

could this have something to do with the price spike of etc today? or its just a weird coincidence ?

You never know...

but probably not.

Of course it could be a she, but do actually any indications exist that the hacker is a she?.. just asking out of curiousity..
Btw, the ETC price on poloniex fell like 50% yesterday, maybe it was due to the hacker selling some of his/her ETC.. (it's back up, so no need for a panic ;) )

It is the lack of faith in both etc and eth that is being cause by the etc bs right now that is causing the eth price to be as volatile as it is. And the truth of the fact is, there is no crypto you could have made more money off of today than etc. So thats what people are doing, until it crashes and a few get out, but more are screwed and stuck with thousands of worthless etc.

There IS a way out of ETH/ETC. Its called XEM and its been travelling under the radar.
Feel free to ask me any questions :)

I know nothing about it. Why differentiates it? Is it just a currency?

Its way more than just a currency, it can do what ETH can without smart contracts, it has a very powerful API

lol, what is the buy volume on that?

So, rounding a bit up:

  • powtopos FUD?, did he lie in collusion with "that" or "some" exchange or companies looking forward to dump nicely?
  • DAO "attacker" profitting? or should I call "her" serial-withdrawer?
  • Replay attack ambush?
  • Some people tripled BTCs, will some rush to cash out ETC take the BTC on an unlike upward? what about ETH? or why not STEEM :P

Wouldnt it be "cheap" in yesterdays ETC network be a market maker, sparking a rush?
Oh I feel so n00b, I love it.
I wish I had placed my SMD to STEEM conversion request just a day earlier LOL.

This has a lot of great insight/info, but is worded in a way that most people won't understand or hold interest. Sentence structure and grammar are important if you want to be taken seriously.

You should look for a way to communicate the same info in a more interesting way, than more people will probably understand were you are coming from.

You're very helpful to people, it's great.

I like it when people have correct info. It makes it easier for me to hypothesize regarding prices in crypto if everyone is on the same page.

When no one knows whats going on, sometimes you benefit based on the fact that it causes uncertainty and volatility in price(so bigger gains), but it also makes it almost impossible to predict what's going to happen.

she was selling ETH ?

Thanks, I appreciate it!

I like your perspective, you seem on point compared to most people.


I dumped that ETC magical nonsense coin the moment I realized I had some. This is looking really scammy for ETH.

I mean come on... the market dynamics of this are simple, this is some kind of parallel universe where the DAO attacker won. Whats he or she? going to do... dump their magical coins to oblivion.

What an absolute joke Ethereum has become.

This is looking really scammy for ETH.

Please define what scammy means. It's quite upsetting to observe how people are misusing the word.

This is how @dan has nailed it perfectly:

Intentionally misrepresenting and slandering other platforms while spreading FUD is the biggest scam being perpetrated by in the cryptocurrency industry.
It is perfectly reasonable to speculate that the price will go up or down in the future. It is also reasonable to question the economic game theory and stability behind a platform. What is not reasonable is to speculate on the intentions of others or to imply that there is something dishonest or fraudulent when everything is open and transparent.

Very true.

ETC or ETH is a joke?


Do you have any support for your comment?

wait when they release their counterpart for social network.

Will it be like their reddit sub?

I'm out of both, no idea whats going on, scammy was the wrong word to use. Maybe uncertainty and a complete lack of understanding mixed in with some market manipulation would have been better :o

You mean ETC (Etcetera coin), right? :p

Stupid question. Where is argur, digixDAO, MakerDAO, Elephant, String and co now running? On ETH? On ETC? On Both?

Holy shit!

Wait for augur, it is going to blow your mind!!!

Maker is a good investment as well...

This Hacker will still become a legend, if he gets these ETC and working to help market it can destroy the ETH, if he wants revenge he will work on the ETC to devalue the ETH, if he wants to profit it will dump ETC.

Not super likely. The best option for the attacker is to keep pumping and dumping his etc in small amounts every day over the next few weeks. We'll see if this keeps going the way it is. ETC is a useless chain, and anyone that know what they are doing that is still investing in it is only trying to make money off of idiots. Which is fairly easy to do at a 300% 24 hour gain.

I am rereading this post, and kind of more certain that you have no idea what you are talking about, lol. Also the fact that there is no blockchain tracker on etc almost guaranteed that the hacker will use etc and not eth, alos, the hacker did not have any of the eth that was stolen prior to the attack, meaning the hf cause him to only have etc in the amount that was stolen. The attacker is probably the only person that will have his eth in only one place, and have to mix/convert it to make it of any use to him.

DAO is born-not paid

Unfortunately it looks like DAO was born DOA.

Does this mean there will be another fork to 3 ETHs?

There are already multiples and were before hand. Look up Expanse from last year.

Here's vitalik on the hard fork and clones/takeoffs of eth


Thanks for the link @ktmgen !

I agree. This has been a disaster. Hard fork should never have happened. Its the equivalent of a bailout for The DAO. A smart contract that was coded with flaws. It never was an ethereal issue.

Bailouts are taking from the many to support the few with the idea that it is good for the many. In this case, the HF undid a theft effectively. But it's even more benign than that -- at the consensus level, basically everyone on the old chain agreed to move to the new chain and leave behind the attack and the attacker. Currencies and blockchains have no value without the people involved and they can always leave go in a different direction.

You obviosly don't understand what a bailout is. You should probably look it up and know the differences between it and this situation so you have an educated perspective to push on the subject when you choose to voice your opinion.

I agree I was just starting to get into ETH but a hardfork because they suck at coding? Kinda kills the crypto vibe.

The coding you are talking about was not an ETH bug, you must be a complete dumbass. It was a bug created by the DAO code team. Get your shit straight before running off on comment threads.

No need to be rude. Be respectful. Thanks!

What I really meant was I don't like that ETH forked because the DAO was poorly coded. It's basically a government bail out, sorta what we're trying to avoid here in the crypto space. I'm glad your first post was calling me a dumbass. I am honored!

It wasn't poorly coded, it worked exactly as it was supposed to. The intention was what was fucked. If people can steal form you anonymously, they will. That's as much as there is to it.

You obviously don't understand code. The code itself was perfect, and executed itself perfectly. Someone just exploited something in it that wasn't intended in the design.

i will expect all to be patient andwatchful

@eeks but ethereum classic increase 100% in value and 6th most traded on coinmarketcap.
Its a wise decision to buy some etc and hold or not?

I'll write something on ETC today.

ok i am wait your analysis today, thanks in advance

Just posted it. Thanks for the prompting.

No. There is no future in etc. It will be pump and dumps until death.(how else is the doa attacker going to get their etc out)


There is a non-zero chance that ETC wins. More likely today than yesterday.

Can you elaborate? None of the eth founders/developers will be focussing any efforts on etc. Therefore, it will fail at somepoint, or will be constantly trying to ride on the coattails of eth, and at somepoint the eth team/developers will be so far ahead of etc with new implementations that it won't be backwards compatible, which will cause etc to utterly fail as it won't be worth anything and no one will be developing for it.

By mining Eth Classic, one supports a hacker/thief getting their moneys!

People investing don't look at it that way. They see the ~250% rise in the past 24 hours next to all other cryptos that are down, and see money to be made.

ETC could even be to catch the hacker and afterwards, when exchanges recognize or identify hacker, ETC might just disappear few month from now.

etc will die a few weeks from now...

Of course attackers can be women to. Hackers that reach the peak are women olso but in not here to praise the hack or hacker... I ...like a normal person would just want a ether wallet that works ...that is all ...just put funds and take them out... "intelligent people" like to overthink and put to much optins like contracts or smart contracts....I am sick and tyred of this so called "smart" contracts....that people own because of that this attack happen .... the system was and still is weak ....and (lets call it "error" not attack ) error happend an "error" of milions of dollars... people ..and now im revering to designers and creators and admins just create something easy but with a strong foundation and don't try to put the word "SMART" in everything STUPID that you do . That being said I will test this classic version and see what is there to do...

WTF are you even doing then? If you follow ETH, the DAO and the attacks, but dont like smart contracts? Are you a simpleton?

These are the people investing in etc/helping the attacker push the funds out in the pump and dumps. He needs them for that, and there are enough uneducated/out of the loop people, to make it work.

you should use myetherwallet.com. it works exactly as you described,

So if you held ETH coins prior to the fork, you now own both right?

how the hell do you know it is her and not him?

Man's intuition.

This whole ETH/ETC bullshit needs to end!


Yet another reason im glad i traded my eth back into bitcoin awhile ago. It was easy. If you have the jaxx wallet for android you can shift between your bitcoin, Eth and DAO within the wallet itself.

lol wasnt that to be expected?

what DAO means?

Decentralized autonomous organization

good information


what is your argument that she ! is a woman ? the attack wasnt done by an individual ! it was a group of pepole

why does your question hold any relevance at all?

Granted, I agree that is was stupid to say the attacker is a she...

We don't know for sure yet anything so anything is possible.

Upvoted! Here you can read an article about the new two blockchains of Ethereum: https://steemit.com/ethereum/@future24/after-the-hardfork-ethereum-s-two-ethereums-explained Im happy about your visit & upvote too!

I knew this Ethereum Classic was a scam. Area 51 is for real and is not a scam.


I knew this Ethereum Classic was a scam.

Please define what your definition of a scam is. If you have any proof of dishonest intentions of people behind ETC, this is a perfect occasion to supply it.

Thanks for flagging this. Good work.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

Maybe maybe not. More likely not. By a lot. And I am very bullish on Steemit's future. :)

She would be buying hovercraft and a new PC and maybe a mining farm. Shoes seems much less likely.

She would be bragging until her lungs gave out, no woman(not a whole lot of men) can take not getting the credit for something like this. It's too big of a success for that. Not only did they make a 2million dollar short just before the crash, but because of all the idiots buying etc, dude(or chick) is making off with an additional $28million.

How do you like them apples?