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RE: LIVING IN WORLD OF MISINFORMATION AND DISTRUST - is it indeed our future? Please join discussion.

in #crypto7 years ago

Hi @crypto.piotr

Yes this is worrisome and I agree with you but one thing you must never forget is the fact that normal civilians has been duped since the start of TelLieVision (TV). We are being duped no more today than the start of the 70's when NASA collected billions from unsuspected citizens to fool a space program. And I get it, it is hard to comprehend but lets say that is true and they went to the moon and all those billions (still being collected today) was not for nothing. You can use today's military complex in the same context. Attacks are being staged to motivate these wars from which specific individuals profit immensely.

The sooner we realize that we cannot trust shit we see on a screen the better. People should wake up because like you point out in this post, it is not as easy to spot the fakes anymore, but we should learn from history. Profit comes from lies and it will never stop.

One upside from this technology however is if you want to expose corrupt individuals you can do so anonymously and it's getting easier and easier.

This comment sounds extreme I know but one thing you must never forget, and it is something I think more important than what you show here, is how easily a human can be programmed. It is unbelievable easy as seen in the video below.

And the system we live in is self correcting. We demand discipline and rebellion against the system is not tolerated.

Yes the videos seems stupid if you have not done the research or ever thought about why so many people crucify you when you go against main stream narrative.

You don't need AI techniques to fool the masses. You only need to control what they see although I agree it will be a lot easier with this technology.

We live in a insane world my friend and the war of information is far grater than anyone may think.

Like your post, especially your formatting. If you are interested in the latest AI also check out Two Minute Papers. Some of his videos are great!


Didn't hear from you in a while @dpl. Thx for this amaying comment. I appreciate a lot.

I see we're pretty much on the same page. Fascinated and worried about this tech.

The problem is that in the past we were lied by goverments and it resulted with lack of trust towards goverment. Now we can be lied from every diffection. We may end up living in world of full-time distrust.

Can you imagine that right now AI could already create 'fake' video of your favourite influencer in which he would make some fake statements, which could affect your financial decisions

Some people mentioned that we need to develop solutions that will allow us to distinguish fake audio/video from real one.
That's a great business opportunity for those who can provide such a solutions. Dont you think?

One upside from this technology however is if you want to expose corrupt individuals you can do so anonymously and it's getting easier and easier.

wow. that's a good one. Never thought about it :)

Big thx for taking the time to reply. And for those videos. Interesting stuff.