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RE: My Submissions for Feb 2023 Hearing in Crypto Class Action - Part 1/ 3

Your work on this has been epic. Seriously. In less than 7 days you produced a blockbuster reply to two of the biggest law firms in Australia (which are actually both international firms as well).

Not only that, the full response (which I thoroughly recommend anyone to read) is a work of art and it was actually fun at times to read through drafts of this as it was written.

If you don't look at anything else, look at the conclusion:

The Respondents have utterly failed to provide any factual or legal
basis for their interlocutory applications to stay or declass an
important public interest class action affecting the welfare of
millions of Australians, purportedly "in the interests
of justice" on the basis of alleged conflicts of interest and/or
alleged prohibited contingency fees arising from the litigation
funding arrangements.
The Respondents' interlocutory applications must be dismissed.

The Applicant requests the Court to consider appropriate measures
to discourage the Respondents from making further unmeritorious
interlocutory applications for improper purposes, given that the
usual threat of adverse costs is not applicable to the Respondents
both because the Applicant is self represented and because of the
immense wealth of the Respondents.