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RE: The truth behind Decentralized Exchanges and the ongoing fight against Mass Surveillance

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

The problem of privacy in a digital age can rightly be considered as one of the main issue of our time.

Bonus/Malus system for each citizen

Recently I heard of a program that China is planning which really shows what awaits us around the corner. There are 200 millions surveillance camera in China and a very powerful face recognition software is able to identify every citizen of this huge country within seconds.

In the near future, China is planing a system that will give points to the people. If they behave well they win points, if they behave badly they loose points. What is well and what is bad remains difficult to grasp.

This fully automatic system will then influence whether people get credits from banks for example. If people have a very bad rating however they might loose the right to take a plane for example...

Where this might lead us is indeed very scary. The biggest challenge in such a system is to define what is right and what is wrong...


Dear @achim03

I always enjoy reading your comments my old good friend. Seriously it always put a smile on my face.

Recently I heard of a program that China is planning which really shows what awaits us around the corner.
In the near future, China is planing a system that will give points to the people.

Are you talking about their Social Credit system? It already exist since 2015.

Funny thing is that it looks like a scam. If you do something wrong then your SC will go down and you are going to have trouble purchasing plane/train tickets or staying in nice hotels etc.

But in order to recover your SC you need to do "good deeds". And donating money to goverment is one of those ways. So that is exactly what people are doing out there. Crazy, isnt it?

It is scary as hell, but I guess those who have enough money will always do just fine. Only poor will suffer even more.
