Note the paragraph added at the end of this section about the collapse of rule of law in the West, China vying to be the future sovereign bond market, and my opinion that instead cryptocurrencies will displace sovereign bonds:
~~~ embed:57711d6b36117167b4195ad186a9955d#foolish-pride-of-useful-idiot-socialistprogressive-ideologues gist metadata:c2hlbGJ5My81NzcxMWQ2YjM2MTE3MTY3YjQxOTVhZDE4NmE5OTU1ZCNmb29saXNoLXByaWRlLW9mLXVzZWZ1bC1pZGlvdC1zb2NpYWxpc3Rwcm9ncmVzc2l2ZS1pZGVvbG9ndWVz ~~~
I do not have spare time to polish the linked document into a blog at this time, so I am sharing in this way interim. Thanks for understanding. Very busy trying to fix technological problems so we the people can win.
Make sure you click all the links and read all the sources in depth. This is not for the intellectually unsophisticated, tl;dr soundbite Twitter generation.
Merkel, the Red footsoldier
Former POTUS Bill Clinton admits that he is proudest of the bubble (and other short-term effects which did not sustain) and amazingly he also admits that it is “impossible to abolish inequality in a market based economy”.
@anonymous wrote:
I like to have fun, but this has to a minority of the time, else society collapses. And especially when the females are included, such that they delay and avoid childbirth such that the birthrate/demographics collapses or in the case of the baby-loving filipinas they raise kids fatherless with absolutely 0 discipline and thus society is clusterfucked either way.
The destruction of the strict family where the father prevented his daughters from going out until they were married and we did not have socialism rewarding the unproductive, is essentially why the Western (white) culture is clusterfucked and is going to collapse back to Third World status. The Third World countries such as the Philippines have always this inferior culture of singing and drinking as much as possible, because they are hunter-gatherers and then rice farmers. The whites were the ones who were capable of higher discipline and the Industrial Revolution, but the Enlightenment destroyed it all:
(see the reason for the collapse of England’s fertility in 1801)
(ditto for Japan)
(the incentives that destroy women)
And the general outcome of socialism is always genocide:
“Jews, like kulaks, were murdered because people broke the tenth commandment, the commandment against coveting that which belongs to someone else. If Jews spent one percent as much energy on the tenth commandment as they spend on the prohibition against eating a goat boiled in its mother’s milk, it would be a fairly healthy and sane religion. But instead Jews seem stubbornly suicidal, as for example in their firm support for the Islamization of Europe even as Muslims run them out of Europe, and in their hostility to the crusades, then and now.”
Foolishness of Useful Idiot Socialist/Progressive Ideologues indeed:
Animal Rights Activists Yell About “Insulting” to Cows
Reveal spoiler
Goldberg posted it on his facebook page and called on everyone to complain. The advertisement was taken down.
It would be nice if such organization could be mustered to actually clean up government. That just might prevent war. I don’t think the cows have been taught to read just yet.
I wonder how many readers actually read the Cronyism of Climate Change, Anthropogenic Global Warming, and the Eurozone part of my blog about how Europe lead by the German example is employing the Global Warming Hoax to snare the people in paying through the nose for electricity and forcing them to use it as their transportation fuel.
Some more links that are relevant:
“Welp, global warming’s a hoax…Nope! I’m done…”
This fifth-grader convinced Elon Musk to try her business idea—here's what happened
The car manufacturers in Germany were encouraged to break the laws in order to create a Hegelian dialectic crisis that could help to usher in this master plan against electricity consumers in Europe.
Our European Tour
Volkswagen & the Risk Behind the Euro
German Diesel Summit Moved for Security Reasons
The Electric Crisis in Europe
Diesel Cars in Europe Received Tax Breaks to Compete Against Japan
The Overlooked Cost of Electric Cars by EU Gov’t
The magnificent socialist states of Sweden and the UK refuse to allow you to home school your own kids, because they want to indoctrinate your kids with leftist indoctrination.