I wonder how many readers actually read the Cronyism of Climate Change, Anthropogenic Global Warming, and the Eurozone part of my blog about how Europe lead by the German example is employing the Global Warming Hoax to snare the people in paying through the nose for electricity and forcing them to use it as their transportation fuel.
Some more links that are relevant:
“Welp, global warming’s a hoax…Nope! I’m done…”
This fifth-grader convinced Elon Musk to try her business idea—here's what happened
The car manufacturers in Germany were encouraged to break the laws in order to create a Hegelian dialectic crisis that could help to usher in this master plan against electricity consumers in Europe.
The underlying conditions are not stable and the core industry that supports Germany is the car industry. This witch-hunt going after diesel has the potential of seriously harming the Germany economy. If the attack on the auto industry continues, this will seriously impact the European economy as a whole.
Americans tend to ignore this because diesel cars are rare in the States. In Britain, about 50% of new car sales have been diesel and government encouraged people to buy diesel because they believed the fake research that diesel was cleaner than gasoline. The whole diesel scandal is very big in Europe and this has the risk of undermining the core of the German economy. The rumor is that Audi is having trouble. Audi must recall 24,000 cars due to a new instance of software manipulation resulting in excess pollution.
Volkswagen & the Risk Behind the Euro
German Diesel Summit Moved for Security Reasons
Diesel Cars in Europe Received Tax Breaks to Compete Against Japan
The Overlooked Cost of Electric Cars by EU Gov’t