Another reason you should be using Steemit as your social media home.
If you didn't get a chance to read my previous post about this topic, you should definitely check out, I Just Paid for Two Plane Tickets...By Blogging on Steemit! It literally pays to be active on this platform!
Just as I did in the previous post, I paid for a new camera with some of the earnings that I have accumulated since I joined last August. I transferred my earnings through Blocktrades and loaded up my Bitpay card. This time, it cost me around 800 SBD to purchase a brand new Canon EOS 6D camera with a lens, an extra battery pack, a 32 GB SDHC card, and a nifty little carrying case.
Have I ever been able to do this by using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Reddit?
Nope. are the goods as I unpacked them.
Once I charged up the batteries, I took my camera out for a quick test of the 24-105mm lens. It was rainy outside, so I found the nearest model for a few quick pictures: my wife's cat. These shots are basically straight out of the box with very few on-camera adjustments. I did make some minor touch-ups to the lighting in Lightroom.
In the evening, after the rain stopped, we took the camera out for a test around the neighborhood. I used a Sigma APO DG 70-300mm lens for the next series of photos. These aren't as crisp as the other photos and I think it may have been the lens, but I can't be certain about that. I'll need to test it again tomorrow with better lighting conditions and some different camera settings. I think I could have had some really great shots tonight, but they all appear to be out of focus or not at full resolution.
Here are a few from the walk tonight.
This is my first full-frame censor camera, so if anyone has any tips/tricks to tell me, please do so. I plan on using this camera a lot and will be sure to share plenty of photos with you over the next few months. I'll be taking three different trips to three different geographic locations with distinct scenery, so I should have a good variety of scenes to shoot.
One last thing...
If you happen to be reading this and you and your friends and family aren't using Steemit for your social media, I have to ask you again...why not?
Congrats David! always good to see you in discord and glad you are crushing it with your new camera as well.
Well done!
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Wow man, you're close to being able to by ANOTHER one just on this post! :D
Congrats with the new camera! Love your wife's cat. Such a beautiful creature! I hope steem may give me the Fujifilm X-Pro2 soon!
Amazing <3. I'm using a highly low budget Milton :(.
One of my ideas was to buy a good camera for say 300 400 $ but at the moment being that's way ahead in the future, due to lack of 💵 :D
Anyway.. Congrats on the new camera, hope you use it with joy and love.
Wow. Your pictures are great. @ats–david how much did the camera alone cost you
Very nice photography. I bought a Canon EOS Rebel T5 Digital SLR a couple of years ago. I am pleased with it, but had not taken much time to learn it. I am now getting a handle on it. Looks like you have a quicker learning curve than me. :0) Like how you paid for it!
That is awesome!!! Congratulations. I hope to some day achieve your steemit influence and status. Until then, I will enjoy posting, replying and participating in as part of the community.
Your account is inspirational since i love photography and have no camera of my own yet. Will be blogging hard enough to get a camera by December if all things turn out right. Will qoute this reply in December
Wow Dude, Awesomeness All Around. Love Your Story, Love the Pics...Love that it Paid for itself. I share attitude and outlook.
Steem On,
The Dream is Indeed Live,
We got Golden Tickets
A vicious cycle.
Now you'll be earning even more money from all the photos you take!
Nice cat.
hahaha ya true, for only this post he can buy a better second camera :D
Ps. eat that Facebook
I am still a newbie here, but progressing and hopefuly one day I will get there too! I've invited my gf on this platform and she loves it!
Great camera man, glad that Steemit gave you this opportunity ;) wish you a great day
Lovely photos & great story. I don't have much voting power so I decided to summon randowhale. - Hopefully, you'll get something out of it. :) - Keep up the good work!
I love my 6D, it is one of the best cameras for milky way photography around at that price point.
very nice camera. so cool that you were able to buy this with Steemit profits. Congrats!
Thank you!
Congrats and cheers!
so it's you!
I saw this tweeted by @thecryptofiend this morning and I wonder who on earth did :)
I am guilty.
Congrats on the camera buddy!
Congratulations! I need to retire my old 5D. A year of blogging... sounds like I need to step up the game.
Fantastic! Next up it's time to pay that down-mortgage (or just outright buy a house) with crypto baby ;)
don't really know much about cameras but nice cat!
I just thought the same. That could be a bengal cat crossbreed with persian. lovely!
Thanks! She's not bad, huh?
Same here never saw a dime from Facebook only annoying pop-ups on my phone XD
and I want to say HAIL to the beardy tree, and that camera you got there :D
Awesome Camera. Now your pics will be even that even a word? I paid rent last month from blogging on Steemit
Did you blog about paying rent by blogging on Steemit?
I hope to blog about paying off all my debt.
Not yet. It was hindered by me accidetally sending my steem directly to open ledger and employeed the help of some fellow steemians get it back. That nightmre still isn't over because someone sitting on my mfing steem. To answer your question, i havent blogged about it yet.
Wow! That's amazing. Congratulations on your new acquisition man! :D
I have started blogging recently on Steemit and hoping to be able to afford a GoPro Hero 5 soon. I'd love to make better quality content for steemit. This community is amazing! Glad I'm here.:D @ats-david
Hi ats-david, congratulations on your purchase. To get the most out of your full frame camera be sure to experiment with different exposure modes. I'd recommend starting off with aperture/shutter priority and then moving on to manual mode once you're familiar with the camera.
If you're already used to using manual exposure modes, then be sure to take advantage of the increased low light capabilities that full frame sensors offer. You'll be able to drastically increase the ISO with minimal image degradation, this will allow you to use a faster shutter speed for action or wildlife shots, resulting in sharper images.
There are many more tips that I don't have the space to include here, but I may well write a blog concerning "getting the most out of your camera" in the near future, be sure to look out for it. I hope you enjoy your purchase.
Congrats! You've got yourself an awesome toy to play with :-) Have fun
Yeah! steem on my friend!, kick ass photos!... I also got a new guitar just by blogging here in my 2nd week! this is crazy! :D ... congrats!
Earlier today I was just thinking that a camera will be my first purchase with my gains. This is so awesome. I'm glad you explained how you converted your gains into a sweet camera.
Nice purchase David! Just wonder if there were any reason you went for the kit with the 24-105 STM lens and not the 24-105L USM one, other than the price difference? I have been looking at this camera as well, and I will probably buy one when I go to Japan in a few weeks. But haven't decided which kit lens to choose.
As for flash, I have the 580 EX II. Can highly recommend that one.

With my old Canon camera, having the flash turned on, but without actually using flash, had a create impact on the auto focus. Maybe for a better camera like the 6D it might be less noticeable.
Hi David, loving the nature photos.
These new Canon cameras takes truly amazing photos.
This is why steemit is great, it's not so much about getting rich, but it's nice to have some spare spending money to treat yourself every then and when.
Enjoy ur mew camera, can't wait to see some more great photos.
Awesome man. Looking forward to doing some of this myself, sooner than later. Have a great time with the new camera!!!
Thanks, buddy!
Amazing bro. all it takes is to be active. nice
Jeez man! That camera takes picture perfect pictures! Enjoy it :)
There are only 2 brands of cameras that you can use really well! You chose the one brand and I use the other brand. :-) What has moved you to buy a Canon? And I give you right, Steemit can beridgan dreams and wishes to fulfill!
Well, I already have a lot of Canon products (I have two HD video cameras and a Rebel Xti), plus I use Adobe Creative Cloud. So, everything that I already have is compatible with Canon and that's the brand I'm familiar with. I knew a guy that had a ton of Nikons and I like those two, but this was just the easier choice for me.
I can understand that, it is similar to me. I have many Nikon cameras which my wife and I use and many lenses. But I am now looking to change to full format at Nikon. Thanks Steemit this should work anyway. I wish you a nice day.
Thanks! Good day to you as well!
thx ....
are those your pics?? I was impressed. Picture perfect the cat looks so clear.
Yeah, the cat looks pretty good. That was the lens that came with the camera. I've had the other lens for a while and I'm not so sure that it works well with this camera. More testing is needed.
The power of steem, thanks for sharing. You inspire us all to do better! And I hope it brings some new people aboard!
Congratulations! The next thing should be a car.
It's funny that you mention that...
This is actually our plan for the next few months.
I'm sure you'll achieve that too. Success favors those that put in an effort to fulfill their goals. You're already doing that.
After clearing my debt, the first thing I'm doing is getting myself a beautiful car.
I'm going to try for one of these...maybe the black one...
Awesome car! You go try for that beautiful black Lexus. I'm happy with that delicious crab cake for now.
Very cool action and beautiful first photos. Thanks for sharing and a crytstal clear resteem :-)
Exactly what I hope to do, but I must admit I've had limited success this far. Congratulations on the 6d. Full frame is a nice jump. You will notice better, cleaner images at higher ISO settings and that your lenses seem shorter :)
That os truly awesome man! Even by writing this post you earn enough for the camera! This is really a better platform than all those other social media. Enjoy the cam!
What the hell am I looking at?
A tree's reflection in water, with the image turned upside-down.
Mind. Fudged.
Nice!!! I'm looking at changing my camera rig as well. 6D is a good choice! Although 6D mark 2 is coming out soon! I'm excited about it!
I really wanted to get the Mark II, but it won't be released until August and I'm taking a few trips over the next two months. Maybe I'll get that when the STEEM price hits $5.00!
Congrats for your new paid by steemit item!! Those cat photos are really interesting!!
Very nice! What tripod have you got? As that would be my advice, invest in a nice heavy tripod, and some lens filters, a UV is a must, then experiment with some daylight flash and some long exposures.
I have a couple of heavy-duty tripods from my video cameras. And I have a UV filter for the Sigma lens but need to get one for the 24-105mm. I'll also need to get a flash, since the camera doesn't have one built-in.
I plan on taking it out tomorrow to do some mid-day testing. We'll see how it goes.
Cool; what video lights do you have, if any? Also I'd advise getting a Lastolite with a gold and silver side. Oh and get a nice mini ring light/flash, to go around your lens, you'll get some lovely results with that.
I don't recall what the light is. It's in my hard case in the closet at the moment. I'll have to look into my lighting options though. I have a few in mind and I'll look into the ones you've suggested.
Yeah, just go for something lightweight and portable, unless you are planning on doing a lot of studio work.
Oh and look into getting a mini softbox as well; shouldn't be too expensive....
Deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole you go :-)
That's awesome, congratulations on all the success so far! Keep it up and many more great things will come your way.
ats, if I were gay, which I'm most certainly not, I'm like the least gay guy on the planet, but, IF I were gay, I'd probably dream about you penetrating all of my orifices, multiple times and in multiple positions!
If I were the only man alive who was capable of having babies, I'd only have your babies! Again, only if I was gay and I'm not, like, at all!
How's that for a compliment, eh?
Makes me think that, perhaps, you just might be slightly gay, or at least maybe a little bit gay-curious? Not that there's anything wrong with that!
Even if you're not at all gay, like, not even in the slightest, it's still a wonderful compliment. So, thank you!
In hindsight, I should have opted against this angle.
Let me put it a different way, if you were a cabbage sprouting out of the ground, I'd be honored to be a carrot growing right next to you. And if I were a carrot that somehow grew a mouth, I'd happily eat you if you asked me to. That's all I'm really trying to say, I just don't always have the best way with words.
Sorry for the confusion, earlier.
Cabbage and carrots go great with corned beef!
Holy shit, you're right!
nice camera! Originally I would like to buy it two month ago, but lastly I bought canon 80D. the cat's photo is really beautiful!
Cute cat!
Haha, that camera is ready for EOS.
It is EOS compatible. Says so right on the frame.
I'm ready for anything @dan can throw at us!
Dang! The 6D! That is a nice setup... Congrats!
Awesome i'm hoping to do the same thing!! That 5Div is looking pretty sweet!!
Yeah, I looked at that one. With a price tag of $3400 just for the body, I figured I can wait a little while and practice with this one.
Next time!
Goals! Can't wait to see some more clean, sharp nature photos! Congrats on the steem powered camera, @ats-david! 📸