@kevinwong as a user
We have a winner guys!
Amazing food-for-thought. It's only natural that the current "bubble" is in fact a paradigm-shift in the way people come together and create value. Companies formed back in the days because physical proximity is the only way for interactions to happen in real-time.
But with the advent of high speed internet. We can be on different parts of the planet and still communicate as well as if we're side by side. And so,
it opens totally new (and better) way for people create value together.
I really believe in Steemit because it really is the best of all worlds. There are many things one can learn from the "old" cryptocurrency (pre-ethereum and graphene) and I recognize that Steem incorporates almost all of it.
It's why i jump ship to here. Steeming on the way to go!
Yes, the world is quite a different place today. Btw, jumped ship from where? Facebook?