I came across this today on Crypto Weekly, they made a pretty nice list recognizing the top guys working to make this industry grow and I really appreciate the time and effort they put in to make the list.
The list started off with of course the young and genius Vitalik Buterin of Etheruem and followed by some really great people in this industry like Charlie Lee founder of litecoin, the controversial Roger Ver and many others. I was glad when I saw STEEMIT INC CEO @ned featured on the list too.
The only person missing that deserve a top spot in the influential list is Dan Larimer, who has contributed a lot to the advancement of blockchain technology and has led 3 of the top crypto projects listed on CoinMarketCap STEEM, Bitshares and EOS.
Could it be a mistake that @dan name is missing on the list or Crypto Weekly fails to recognize his wonderful contributions to the growth of crypto-spheres?
I'm strongly of the opinion that Dan Larimer deserves more recognition for his numerous contributions to this industry and influential list like this should be one way to recognize is work and effort.
Agree completely, @dan should be on that list but I'd bet most on that list were people that worked on bitcoin or ethereum. There seems to be a bias against dpos amongst the crypto crowd.
If that is the case, people like Brock Pierce, Ned Scott shouldn't make the list and they shouldn't have called it influential people in crypto.
I smell sentiment too in that list. Dpos will grow because it's here to stay
Not to underestimate Larimer but frankly there are too many great guys to fit them all in top 100. Frankly it's not even fair.
Another thing is that these kinds of lists are made for advertising and people who are in the sandbox know not make too much of fluff
Yeah, you've a good point there.
But there are people you miss to recognize and that will cause other people to question the integrity and level of your research.
I get that man, I really do. I think it is guys like us that need to direct the attention of masses to the real people. In the end calling out one magazine or a list would do little in the way of getting theses guys recognition. A more solid approach would be do it directly on social media and stuff.
Frankly I doubt guy of caliber like Larimer even needs that help
That is why we are told never to believe everything we read.
Hahaha, I will hold unto that for life
sure they all deserve a pat in the back
they have all done a great job plus others who are coming along in the space
Absolutely man
I am with you, because here we can share experiences and stories
dan larimer truly understands the importance of blockchain and he really understands the importance to scale up with his dpos. Bitshares and Steem are probably the best performing blockchains. They just havent got the recognition they deserve . EOS has human-readable source code. so for tech dummys like me it a much better option if i wanted to create a somethink The future of crypto depends on the end user and intelligence of the crowd. As of now there to much power with centralized exchanges and bitcoin has too much market cap on only 1mb blocks. Just proves nothink driving this market accept hype over promotion clueless youtubers and people not understaning the tech
I agree with you man 100%. Crypto needs to mature fast
It’s an outrage that Dan isn’t on the list! 100x more influential than Ned.
Same thing I was thinking boss
Yep I pretty much agree with the previous replies. Dan is obviously very important in the space, lists such as this serve a PR / Ad purpose more than anything else, and indeed there are far to many people who have made invaluable contributions to the development of the blockchain ecosystem to list and to whom we, and many others, will owe a deep debt of gratitude. I have not scanned the list but I would argue that there are probably others out there with their noses slightly out of joint as their champions were also left off the list. Cheers J - P.S. I doubt if Dan really cares :)
Hahaha, @Dan don't need to care, his quality and indispensable works care, his loving friends do.
Wonderful contribution though
Well, Dan and company are working on EOS. I wonder what their criteria were for people to make the list?
No matter the criteria, most of the people on that list haven't done half of what Dan did already to help this industry mature
Not much of a list.... I'd like to see this list in a year.
Same here