I resteemd this and im so glad someone finally said something about it. I did see mr sotko post a video about Trevon shilling this a while back
Im sorry but P3D didnt sound like a good idea from the getgo, even Trevon said he doesnt know how long the site will be up for. I can't understand why people are falling for these things?
I went to the site it didnt even show a single face of any of the team members same with BCC, Davor and Falcon coins site. The warning signs are simple but they are there! Stay away
Hey, I appreciate the re-Steem, and the people who created the site actually tell you that it's a scam, so I'm guessing once they have about 10 million dollars worth of Ethereum, they will exit and live happily ever after on some island in the Pacific... people are fucking stupid.