Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this particular subject @certain
Government is one step ahead of our thinking and ideas
Absolutely agree with you on that. And Im not planning to fight with it. My goal is to bring more awareness into our community.
I only wish to understand why so many people seemed to believe that blockchain will give us people "freedom we deserve".
When I joined cryptospace several months ago I've heard number of bloggers and youtubers talking about blockchain as if it would be our ticket to overthrowing goverments. And very few of them have seen it as a potential tool that may actually increase control over society.
I guess the best think we can to is not to get paranoid and learn to live with the fact, that there is very little privicy in current world.
all business will be done by digital money, so the government needs to discuss it and think about recognizing them.
Yeah, cashless societies are a scary thing.
Thank you for your feedback buddy.